Burnt Out! Fire Vikings merge into Dark Pirates

On December 20, 2024, Fire Vikings leader Yellow Typer announced the army would cease operations and merge into Dark Pirates. This followed a series of events leading to the end of an era in the Fire Vikings.

Designed by Master DS

Flame extinguished

The Fire Vikings registered with Club Penguin Armies on November 16, under the command of Yellow Typer. The army was founded by many former members of the Secret Service hoping to carry on the army’s legacy. Their first event was rather successful, with 11 penguins attending. They also gained a 12th place position on the weekly Top Ten, continuing to further push to the 9th spot in the following weeks.

During their time as an army, the Vikings had few diplomatic relationships. However, they had an alliance with the Templars. Another notable event for the army was their participation in Christmas Chaos XIV. FV were involved in the first battle of this year’s Christmas Chaos, fighting against the People’s Imperial Confederation. This battle resulted in a 3-0-0 [W-T-L] victory for PIC. It was noted that Fire Vikings were slow entering rooms and sending tactics, and that their sizes were noticeably smaller, with maxes being 11 for PIC, and 8 for the Vikings.

Results of the Christmas Chaos Qualifiers. Click to enlarge

Pirates in the Past

The Dark Pirates of Club Penguin were formed on April 10, 2023, under the command of Ninja Leader and DefenderTide. The pair had previously founded the Baseball Team, another Small Medium army that merged into the Penguins of Madagascar. The army officially opened on May 6, with a training event maxing 12 penguins. Following this event, the army was registered within Club Penguin Armies. DPC leader Tide left the army for PIC, following World War IX. The army had a brief war against PoM, however after PoM refused to acknowledge the war, the Pirates merged into Special Weapons and Tactics.

A second generation of the pirates emerged in March 2024, under the command of Ninja Leader. The army held its opening event, and maxed 10, allowing their army to register within CPA. Continuing on, DPC announced alliances with Templars and SWAT. Unfortunately, the alliance with the agents did not last long, as on May 3, Shrekkks, Dark Pirates leader announced the alliances end. This was due to the ongoing war between the agents, and PIC, who were established allies of the Pirates. On a happier note, the army celebrated its first anniversary on May 6, 2024. However, all good things must come to an end, and due to an ongoing war with the Winged Hussars, the Dark Pirates set sail for new shores, and closed their doors, merging into the Secret Service.

Dark Pirates’ opening event, with a max of 12

Due to recent news, Club Penguin Armies reached out to Yellow Typer, former FV leader and Second-in-Command of the new Dark Pirates for an exclusive interview.

What has led you to shut down FV?

It didn’t live up to my expectations after we hit #9 on top 10 armies. My staff members got inactive and the recruitment was not too good either we had like only 2 recruiters, then Ninja leader reached out to me and now we’re merged.

Why did you choose to merge into Dark Pirates?

This was an great decision to merge with the dark pirates because with my potential and tide’s leadership, and mighty skill, we can all make Dark Pirates a major army once again.

What do you see for this new generation of DPC?

What I see for this new gen in dark pirates is my plans and what I plan to do to bring Dark Pirates to success is to keep my recruiting up, making sure people attend our events, and in order to bring Secret Service back, make Dark Pirates a major army once again.

Could another FV generation be possible?

Indeed. I most definitely plan to bring back FV and if it’s not me that bring it back, then ik it will be someone else that has potential just like me, and FV will lead up to expectations in gen 2, believe it.

To conclude, it is clear to see that there are high expectations for this new DPC generation. Also, the Vikings will be sorely missed within the army community. But what do you think? Will this new Dark Pirates generation rise to major status, or fizzle out and shut its doors not too soon from now?



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