Dark Pirates Form Alliance With SWAT and Templars

Over the past week, Dark Pirates have been busy ensuring the future of their army. With that, they have made two new alliances with two well-known armies in the community.

Designed by Cassie

The Dark Pirates were created on April 10th, 2023 by Ninja Leader and Tide. Ninja Leader is a well-known figure within the army community often trying to build a successful army. His motivation is unmatched and his determination to succeed is strong. The Dark Pirates officially opened on May 6th, gathering 12 penguins in its opening event. This was a great achievement for them as they quickly registered for the army league.

Despite being a new army, they soon got into a war in May, dubbed as the Bloodbath Barrage against the Dark Vikings. The Vikings were up against multiple armies who were a part of the Sapphire Concordat. Therefore, were outnumbered and outplanned. Ultimately, the Concordat came out as the winner of the conflict after 12 battles. From here the Pirates started to break into the Top Tens, reaching as high as 7th. However, in August they merged into the Special Weapons And Tactics.

Just under a month ago, on March 16th, the Dark Pirates set sail once again, reopening their army. Thus far, the seas have been quiet for the Pirates. This has left many wondering what will happen to the army. Yet, on April 9th the Pirates announced two new-found alliances. One of their new alliances was with SWAT, their former ally. Their second was the Templars, who are currently engaged in a war with the Water Vikings. But what led to these new alliances being made?

Dark Pirates during an event

Club Penguin Armies reached out to Dawn, Templars Empress, and Krill, SWAT Leader, for a statement regarding their new alliances.

Krill: Recently, the Dark Pirates reopened their gates, and SWAT wanted to utilize this moment to build positive relationships with the army. The Dark Vikings had just shut down, leaving us with no allies. With the addition of the Pirates to our list of allies, we had faith that our alliance would yield great strength in combat. Yet, we have built positive relationships with the leader and other Pirates, which made us realize that this alliance would be a great resource for us. We would like to thank the Dark Pirates for allying and cooperating with us!

Dawn: The Templars forms this alliance and will be there to aid DP’s growth if needed and be create and carry out a positive relationship between the two armies.

Seemingly both of the armies wish to strengthen their relationships. Additionally, SWAT hopes to strengthen its skills on the battlefield. They hope that their newfound alliance will provide great strength for both armies. For Templars, they aim to aid DP’s growth and help them however needed. The alliance may be newly formed but holds a strong foundation. But what led Dark Pirates to look for new alliances?

To find out their reasons for creating new alliances and their plans for the future, Club Penguin Armies contacted Ninja Leader for an interview.

What led the Dark Pirates to ally with SWAT and Templars?

We wanted to strengthen our relationships with other armies, and Swat were our allies in the first generation as well.

Do you believe that these alliances will help you succeed? If so, why/how?

Yes, I believe that these armies will help us succeed. They will assist us with our events, wars, and other battles. We’ll also assist them when they need us!

How does the army and its relationships differ from the first generation?

First Generation went quite nicely. The second generation isn’t doing so well right now owing to real-life issues, but we’re working hard day and night, and if my staff members work hard, we’ll succeed soon. Our relationships will also help us succeed.

What are your plans for the future?

Work hard and be successful and win some wars and tournaments and be an fun army

Thank you for the interviews Ninja Leader, Dawn and Krill. Ninja has expressed his will to strengthen the relationship between DP and other armies. Furthermore, with the newfound alliances, he believes they have the tools for success. However, will this be enough for them to succeed? Will the army be able to make an impact in the community or the Top Tens? What will the army do next?

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