Time Capsule: Project Conquest 2021

Just this week, Club Penguin Armies disclosed the second edition of Project Conquest. Luckily, this sets the perfect opportunity for us to return to the original Project Conquest in time.

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Club Penguin Armies recently announced Project Conquest: Blood Bowl, scheduled to begin early next month. Those not around in early 2021 may ask, “What exactly is Project Conquest?” Additionally, others may wonder who the victors of the last Project Conquest were.

On May 21, 2021, the Club Penguin Army HQ announced the first Project Conquest. At the time, this project aimed to serve as a “test run” for a potential army map. Furthermore, it strove to implement a strategic factor into the army map, promoting greater engagement within the post-flash army community. Set to start on June 2nd, 2021 the freshness of this concept led to great anticipation from the army community.

List of armies that partook in Project Conquest.

Unlike the modern version of this tournament, the organizers divided the 2021 edition into three stages: drafting, battle, and consolidation.

The drafting stage allowed each of the ten armies to pick five of 50 servers. The battle stage, being the most important of all three stages, was also divided. During the first half, armies submitted their moves for the week every Sunday. The rest of the battle stage took place throughout the week, in which we saw the actual fighting happen. The final stage, consolidation, was only there to resolve any ties between armies.

The first stage kicked off on June 4th, also coming to an end that same day. Each of the participating armies (listed below) took turns claiming land one by one in a series of five rounds. This went on until no free land remained, and each army controlled ten percent of the map.

Server map following the initial draft stage.

The next stage is where the real fun began, as on June 6th the first planning segment took place. This stage, however, saw a large amount of speedbumps. These hiccups ranged between armies pulling out, shutting down, or being suspended.

Week One

The debut week featured a plethora of exciting battles, many of which reignited old rivalries. One intense battle was between the long-time enemies, the Red Ravagers and the Silver Empire. Another key battle took place over Aaron’s Base(d)ment, where we saw the Army of CP face off against the Doritos. These two major armies have clashed in numerous wars over the years. Another notable event of this week was the Special Weapons and Tactics withdrawing from the competition to focus on the upcoming Legends Cup. It should be noted that this withdrawal coincidentally took place while the army was under investigation for breaching the rules of the competition. Consequently, the Sidie’s Rangers took their place. A full summary of the first week can be found here.

Server map after the first week of battles.
ACP: 7 servers
WV, DCP, TCP, SE: 6 servers
PIC: 5 servers
RR, SR: 4 servers
MC, GT: 3 servers

Week Two

Yet another week of interesting battles took place this week. Additionally, one of the biggest scandals of the competition occurred.  The most notable battles of the week were between the Templars and ACP. As well as ACP and the Silver Empire. Moreover, the competition faced its second-speed bump when the CP Army HQ suspended the Templars. This suspension took place after a breach of competition rules. That same week, the Water Vikings also announced their closure. The full summary of this week can be found here.

Server map after the second week of battles.
DCP, SE, WV: 8 servers
ACP, TCP: 7 servers
PIC: 5 servers
GT, SR, RR: 2 servers
MC: 1 server

Weeks Three and Four

These weeks did not have any official summaries. However, the most intense battles of these two weeks took place between SE and ACP

The third stage of the competition did not go through as no armies had equal amounts of servers by the end of the month.

Final Standings

On July 3rd, after a long month filled with controversy and intense battles, CPAHQ released the final standings. The first-place winner was the ACP, followed by the underdogs of the competition – the Silver Empire. Additionally, we saw the Doritos take third place. The bottom part of the podium held the Magma Clan in last place, with SWAT and Templars preceding them, respectively.

Project: Conquest trophy


Overall, the first Project Conquest faced several challenges, but the remaining armies had a good time, and the competition ended well. Furthermore, it is worth noting that this event became known as one of the most exhausting competitions of its kind. Looking ahead, we’re left wondering how the armies in the upcoming Project Conquest will perform; wondering if they will fare well throughout the whole month. What do you think? Will all the invited armies make it to the end of the tournament? Will they encounter any difficulties, or will they thrive?


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