KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters – The first week of Project: Conquest is over! It was an intense week where a total of fifteen battles took place, making the first changes in the map. Who won last week’s battles and which servers were successfully invaded?
Templars of Club Penguin vs Water Vikings – Invasion of Northern Lights
The first battle of Project: Conquest was the Invasion of Northern Lights, by the Templars. The Water Vikings have been Templars’ nemesis for a long time, with already two wars fought in 2021. This battle resulted in a TCP win for 2-1. The Vikings won the first room and successfully covered Templars, but started to lose size in the other rooms. Templars took advantage of the size difference and dominated the rest of the battle. The invasion of Northern Lights was successful and the server was later renamed Carthage.

Battle of Northern Lights
Doritos of Club Penguin vs Magma Clan – Invasion of Santorini
The Doritos entered Project: Conquest with this battle, where their size was imperative and gave them a win for 3-0. Thus, the Invasion of Santorini was successful and the server was renamed Mythic’s Powertools Cemetery.

Battle of Santorini
Special Weapons And Tactics vs Red Ravagers – Invasion of Beverage Overkill
The Red Ravagers did not show up to this battle, resulting in a SWAT victory for 1-0, and a successful land invasion. However, as a result of SWAT dropping out of the competition and the revelation of their use of allies in P:C battles, both of their battles this week have been voided. Therefore, Beverage Overkill remains in RR control.

Battle of Beverage Overkill
Army of Club Penguin vs Magma Clan – Invasion of Methana
Magma Clan did not show up to this invasion, giving ACP a 1-0 win, meaning that ACP successfully invaded Methana.

Battle of Methana
Golden Troops vs Water Vikings – Invasion of Frostbite
The Vikings entered this battle with a big size advantage of around 10 to 12 penguins during the majority of the battle. Although the Golden Troops picked up the pace in the final moments of the battle, it was not enough. Therefore, this battle was a Water Vikings win for 3-0 and Frostbite remains in Water Viking control.

Battle of Frostbite
Red Ravagers vs Silver Empire – Invasion of Bubble Tea
In late April, the Red Ravagers declared war on the Silver Empire, but the Silver Empire did not participate in the war and has never battled them directly since then. Approximately one month after, this battle took place. The Silvers gave no chance to their enemies, presenting, in the opinion of the judges, “outstanding speed, form choice, and form cleanness”. That, and also a 15+ size difference deemed this battle as a SE victory for 3-0. Hence, Bubble Tea remains in SE control.

Battle of Bubble Tea
Silver Empire vs Special Weapons And Tactics – Invasion of Tuxedo
This battle proved that the Silver Empire arrived at Project: Conquest as a force to be reckoned with, contradicting initial predictions about the outcome of this invasion. Although both armies were able to maintain comparable sizes during the battle, the Silvers were better tactically and made better use of their size to dominate the battle. According to the judges, Silver Empire looked much larger due to their form choice and execution. This resulted in a 3-0 win for SE, meaning that they successfully invaded Tuxedo, later renamed Dragon Alley.

Battle of Tuxedo
Doritos of Club Penguin vs People’s Imperial Confederation – Invasion of Below Zero
This battle was marked by some technical issues, leading to a server change. Even though PIC effort was notorious especially during room one, DCP size difference was crucial and gave them a victory of 3-0. The invasion of Below Zero was successful, and the server was renamed Musta’s AFK Store.

Battle of Bellow Zero
Water Vikings vs Golden Troops – Invasion of Half Pipe
Once again the Vikings faced the Golden Troops. However, this time instead of defending they invaded. The outcome was another WV victory for 3-0, consequently, they successfully invaded Half Pipe, and renamed it as Klondike 2.0.

Battle of Half Pipe
People’s Imperial Confederation vs Red Ravagers – Invasion of Gamer Glaciers
The Confeds started this battle with a considerable size difference from the Ravvys. Nonetheless, during room two, RR stood up and successfully covered PIC several times resulting in a tie. PIC was still superior in the other two rooms which gave them the victory for 2-1-0. The invasion of Gamer Glaciers was successful, and the Confeds renamed it Ur Mom.

Battle of Gamer Glaciers
Red Ravagers vs Doritos of Club Penguin – Invasion of Freddy’s Dog House
Although the Doritos won this battle with a 3-0 score, in the opinion of the judges, it was a close battle. DCP maintained a considerable size advantage during the battle, but most of the time they were not able to take advantage of that, due to unorganized forms especially in the first two rooms. However, the Doritos were overall better and the Ravvys rarely covered them. For that reason, while RR put up a good fight, DCP came out victorious and Freddy’s Dog House remains in their control.

Battle of Freddy’s Dog House
Army of Club Penguin vs Doritos of Club Penguin – Invasion of Aaron’s Base(d)ment
In this AUSIA battle, size was a key factor and it gave ACP a victory for 3-0. So, ACP’s invasion of Aaron’s Base(d)ment was successful, and the server was renamed as CSY’s Shower.

Battle of Aaron’s Base(d)ment
Special Weapons And Tactics vs People’s Imperial Confederation – Invasion of Sled
This SWAT versus PIC battle was a close one, with both armies fighting hard. The final result was a SWAT victory for 1-2-0. According to the judges, the first room was a back and forth, while SWAT had the advantage in size, PIC had speed and fast tactics, deeming this room a tie. In the second room, SWAT size was decisive and gave them the win. The third room was the most compelling and ended up in a tie as well. However, this battle was also voided, for the same reason as the SWAT battle against RR. Therefore, Sled remains in PIC control.

Battle of Sled
Templars of Club Penguin vs Silver Empire – Invasion of Funny Bone
Both Templars and Silver Empire have been close in the top tens for weeks and a battle between the two would also be close. And, it was in fact a close battle where the first and third rooms were ties. The second room was the key to this battle, while TCP slowed down, the Silvers took advantage and their fast tactics and organized formations gave them the ultimate win. Therefore, this battle was a SE victory for 1-2-0 and Funny Bone remains in their control.

Battle of Funny Bone
Water Vikings vs Golden Troops – Invasion Jerry’s Funeral
For a third time last week, the Water Vikings battled the Golden Troops. This time the outcome was not different and due to their size difference and better organization the Vikings won this battle for 3-0. So, the Water Vikings successfully invaded Jerry’s Funeral and renamed it Bumland.

Battle of Jerry’s Funeral
After an exciting first week, so far the army with more servers is the Army of Club Penguin, with a total of 7. They are followed by the Doritos, Templars, Silver Empire, and Water Vikings that have 6 servers each. Then, People’s Imperial Confederation has 5, the Red Ravagers have 4 and lastly, both Magma Clan and Golden Troops still have 3 servers. Following SWAT’s departure from Project: Conquest, the Sidie’s Rangers took their place and currently own 4 servers.
What do YOU think about last week’s battles and their outcomes? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
CP Army Headquarters Reporter