Dark Pirates Wash Ashore… Again!

The Dark Pirates have returned with a tide that has satisfied many of its veterans. Looking for performance as fuel, they have many troops near the helm. What results will this army yield to the army community in the foreseeable future?

The Dark Pirates of Club Penguin (DPC) have officially returned following an eight-month hiatus. The army was founded on April 10th, 2023 by Ninja Leader and Tide. Their leaders were the same pair of individuals that had led the Baseball Team of Club Penguin, which were Ninja Leader and Tide. Throughout their first generation, they developed alliances with the People’s Imperial Confederation, the Special Weapons and Tactics, and the Elite Guardians. As a signatory of the Sapphire Concordat, the Dark Pirates waged war against the Dark Vikings, defeating them in the Bloodbath Barrage. They went on to participate in Legends Cup XIII, where they would lose to the Templars during the qualifier round.

Templars VS. Dark Pirates Legends Cup XIII Qualifiers

Though creating a strong identity, the army closed its doors on 15th August 2023, as they merged into SWAT. Surprisingly, they had declared war against the Penguins of Madagascar [POM] a few days before they closed. The reason behind the call of war was unclear until it was revealed to be because of the failed merger between the Baseball Team and POM in early 2023.

On March 16th, 2024, the Dark Pirates officially set sail once again. Before their opening, in February 2024, Ninja Leader declared the start of the Second Generation, which hinted the army of its return. They had been consistently postponing their opening event over the past few days. At the opening event, the army acquired a size of 10 troops.


The Dark Pirates at their opening event.

Club Penguin Armies reached out to Ninja Leader to learn more about his army’s return.

What inspired you to reopen the army?

It had always been my plan to reopen Dark Pirates, but I required more experience to lead. I went to the Army of Club Penguin to gain experience, and learned a lot.

Do you feel that the army will be able to sustain better after its reopening? Why do you think so?

Yes, I will try my best to keep this generation alive, and I will achieve this with the help of my High Command members, staff members, and our loyal pirates.

What have you planned for your army for its future?

I have planned to achieve great sizes, win tournaments, and have fun together.

Would you be interested in partaking in tournaments, battles, and conflicts, in its first few weeks?

Not in the first week, but soon we will be in an unfinished war that was left to compete in.

Do you have any message that you would like to present to the army community? If so, what is it?


It appears that a war will wage on soon, looking at Ninja Leader’s mere words. Nevertheless, it appears that the Dark Pirates are ready to set off on another journey. As generations iterate, the army will write pages of history. What unfinished war do you think will soon be experienced? What do you think the army will achieve in the foreseeable future?

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Hi! I am Fun X Time, formerly and popularly known as Krill 300, or simply Krill. I am currently serving as a Commander-in-Chief at the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) since November 2023. I have been in armies since February 2020. I am interested in computer science, programming, physics, chemistry, and biology. What about you?

One Response

  1. […] very quickly to stepping up and showing his willingness to cooperate with the editing team. His first post covered the return of the Dark Pirates, led by fellow March-hire Ninjaleader. On top of helping out […]

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