Sapphire Concordat Claims Victory Against Dark Vikings

Following a war terms violation, the Sapphire Concordat declared victory against the Dark Vikings. While the tensions remain high between the two sides, the war has concluded with a force treaty for the Vikings. The question arises whether history will repeat itself in the future.

Force Treaty

The Sapphire Concordat originally consisted of the Special Weapons And Tactics and the People’s Imperial Confederation. The two armies declared war upon the Dark Vikings on May 22nd. Soon after this, the Napalm Corps, the Penguins of Madagascar and the Dark Pirates, also declared war on the Vikings. The three armies came together to join the Sapphire Concordat. A grand total of 12 battles were fought in the course of this war.

One of the battles between the alliance and the Vikings

On June 2nd, the Sapphire Concordat collectively enforced a treaty upon the Dark Vikings. Labelled the “Treaty of the Nordic Negligent Narcissists”, the treaty was a direct result of the Vikings violating war terms. The Confederates and SWAT released separate posts outlining the proof regarding the Dark Vikings’ violation of terms. In their posts, it becomes obvious that the Vikings engaged in inappropriate tactics and attempted to harass their opponents. One of the terms of the treaty forces the Dark Vikings to acknowledge their loss in all of the 12 battles that were fought.

Force Treaty

The terms of the force treaty

In the last battle of the war, the Dark Vikings repeatedly used inappropriate and transphobic tactics. Their actions not only violated the war terms imposed by the Sapphire Concordat, but also went against the morals upheld by the league. Club Penguin Armies administration made an official statement regarding the incident, penalizing the Dark Vikings with a points deduction. Moreover, the CPA Battleground staff banned the accounts of the Dark Vikings’ leaders from the game.

Administrative Statement

Right after their victory, SWAT, PIC and NC went on to declare war upon the Blue Sunset Alliance. They were joined by the Templars and the Army of Club Penguin, who became the newest members of the alliance. However, it seems that POM and the Dark Pirates have bid farewell to the alliance. Club Penguin Armies reached out to the leaders of the armies involved in this war for a statement. However, due to the ongoing World War, only a few leaders were able to respond.

Cabin, Napalm Corps Leader: A victory feels nice, but seeing DV mald over this feels even better.

Sidie9, People’s Imperial Confederation Leader: Krosive dug his own grave. The Sapphire Concordat would very likely still be at war with the Dark Vikings if they didn’t resort to transphobic tactics on numerous occasions. Krosive’s tactic at the final battle was the last straw. Though we are appalled with DV’s behaviour, the Sapphire Concordat remains content with our twelve victories and zero losses during the Bloodbath Barrage. I hope our victory serves as a message that we cannot be pushed around. Our focus is now on World War IX and will remain so for the foreseeable future.

With this, the Bloodbath Barrage war comes to an end after two weeks of rigorous battles between the two sides. While the war ended on a sour note, it managed to unite the Small/Medium armies of the community in a single alliance. Moreover, the Sapphire Concordat formed during the course of this war went on to participate in the ongoing World War IX.

The actions of the Dark Vikings during the course of this war were quite distasteful. As a community, we uphold a certain set of morals despite our differences. However, the Dark Vikings thoroughly violated the ethics of engaging in warfare, earning a heavy defeat for themselves. The Club Penguin Armies team wishes our best to the armies involved in this war for their future. How do you think this war impacted the army community?

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

4 Responses

  1. […] the Dark Vikings in the infamous Bloodbath Barrage war, in which the alliance claimed victory. Nonetheless, the army would also face some important internal changes: commanders Sweater and […]

  2. […] As a signatory of the Sapphire Concordat, the Dark Pirates waged war against the Dark Vikings, defeating them in the Bloodbath Barrage. They went on to participate in Legends Cup XIII, where they would […]

  3. […] Concordat. Therefore, were outnumbered and outplanned. Ultimately, the Concordat came out as the winner of the conflict after 12 battles. From here the Pirates started to break into the Top Tens, reaching as high as […]

  4. […] Concordat in the Bloodbath Barrage war against the Dark Vikings. The Sapphire Concordat emerged victorious. The army underwent several internal changes involving leadership. It was during this period that […]

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