Army of Club Penguin Signs Multiple Treaties

In a shocking turn of events, Army of Club Penguin has concluded their war with People’s Imperial Confederation, which was started to strengthen their relations. Both of them have signed a treaty restricting the signatories from invading each other for a month.

Designed by Dino

On the other side, Army of Club Penguin (ACP) has also signed a Non-Aggression Pact (NAP) with their archrivals Elite Guardians. Aimed to foster peaceful relations, it restricts the signatories from invading each other as well. It appears that the Clovers are preparing for an era of peace, or leading up to their next move.

one war concludes

People’s Imperial Confederation declared war against the Army Of Club Penguin on April 20, 2024. Named the “Green Out War,” it was supposed to be a fun war between the two armies. The first battle of this war took place on April 24, 2024. Clovers dominated in this battle, thus claiming a victory. Another invasion was scheduled to occur, however, to everyone’s shock, both armies signed a treaty named the Treaty of Puff Puff Pass which concludes the war between the two armies. Consequently, the scheduled invasion was cancelled. Supposed to last a month, it prohibits either army from invading each other.

The only battle of the war

bitter rivals agree to peace

Since the Elite Guardians‘s reopening, both armies have had a disturbed relationship. The armies have fought against each other in numerous wars, and have experienced some close tournament battles. Despite it barely being a year since the Guardian’s reopening, both armies have fought each other in wars on three different occasions.

Their relation was first harmed by the declaration from Blue Sunset Alliance (consisting of Elite Guardians, Rebel Penguin Federation, and Water Vikings) on the Army of Club Penguin, which caused the World War IX. It ultimately ended in a draw, with the war score being voided. The two armies soon met again in a war as the Clovers declared on the Guardians. The Clovers emerged victorious from this war following the Guardians violating the war terms set by the Clovers. They last met in the Holiday Crusade where the United Front Alliance declared on the Elite Guardians. This war concluded after the participating armies signed a treaty named Treaty of Mammoth-Zero Grau.

The two armies signed a Non-Aggression Pact named the Fiesta-Shamrock Pact on April 24 which prohibits either army from invading the other. Moreover, it also prohibits either army from invading the other’s brother ally. It is set to be in place until June 24, which can be ended early/extended by mutual agreement. The complete pact is attached below.

List of full treaty terms

Club Penguin Armies reached out to Ugly, Army of Club Penguin Commander in Chief for an exclusive interview.

 What led ACP to sign a pact with the Elite Guardians?

I believe it serves both our interests and affairs for us and for our brother allies.

 Do you think that we can expect a new alliance to be created in the future?

 Anything is possible. I can’t really predict anything right now but NAPs most of the time lead to a good path between the two armies.

 What were the circumstances leading to the treaty after a single battle being fought?

I don’t think we had any intentions of stretching the war for long, it was just a fun idea we thought about and said why not.

 How do you think this war went for ACP?

For a one battle war, it was pretty funny and entertaining. The four minute joke bomb was the cherry on top.

Do you feel that the end of the war signals a change within the army?

No, not at all.

In the end, one would think that the Clovers were settling down for an era of peace. However, we now know that it’s quite the opposite as the army is now at war with the Water Vikings. Meanwhile, could this be the end of the iconic rivalry between Army of Club Penguin and Elite Guardians?



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  1. […] speechcraft and charisma, she quickly made a mark in the community. One of her few doings would be signing the Fiesta-Shamrock Pact with the Army of Club Penguin and becoming an active and competent judge in […]

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