Elite Guardians and Templars Sign Armistice

The Elite Guardians and Templars sign an armistice after nine battles in their mapless war. Controversies surrounding the victor have been resolved, paving the way for a peaceful future between the two.

Designed by Edu

The grace period for wars on the new map ended on May 10th. Just one day later, the Elite Guardians declared war on the Templars. Due to complications preventing admins from editing the map, the war changed to a mapless war. Despite this, the armies continued their war, with nine battles taking place.

Templars and Elite Guardians Battling

This was not the first time the two had been at war with each other. In 2023, they fought against each other in World War IX and the Holiday Crusade war. They also had a rivalry during the private server era, so conflict between them is not new.

The Elite Guardians dubbed the war Operation Saladin, whereas the Templars preferred the name War of Unholy Heretics. By the end of the war, the Guardians managed to win eight battles, with just a single battle ending in a tie.

Tied Battle Between EGCP and TCP

Since it was a mapless war, a force treaty could not be imposed by either side. The Elite Guardians argued that they won the war due to their one-sided victories and the fact that TCP missed three battles, which counts as a forfeit under term 8 of the war terms. The Templars disagreed, accusing the Guardians of raiding TCP’s server with bots of inappropriate names, which would break terms 4 and 11 if true. For over a month, there was no conclusive victor to the war.

On June 9th, the map was unfrozen, and many armies rushed to declare war. The Elite Guardians attempted to declare war on the Templars yet again, this time with a map and land at stake. They were too slow, as the Templars had already declared a solo war against Special Weapons and Tactics.

Over a month since their last battle, the Templars and Elite Guardians signed an Armistice on June 23rd.

Armistice Between EGCP and TCP

Being a mapless war, no force treaty could be imposed. The treaty was instead willingly signed, with the aim of peace for the duration of the treaty and to alleviate Templars’ leadership’s hectic exam schedules.

Previous debates over the victor of the war are resolved, and both armies recognise EGCP’s victory. The Templars also retracted statements accusing the Guardians of being responsible for various Discord raids. Most of the controversies surrounding the war have been resolved by this armistice.

Club Penguin Armies interviewed the leaders of TCP and EGCP to gain insight into how they came to an agreement.

Why did it take a long time for a treaty to be signed?

Jemma: We had originally offered a treaty to the Elite Guardians towards the end of our war recently, which they did not sign. There weren’t any plans to sign a formal agreement after that. After speaking with Edu and clarifying our position, we both agreed to do a non-aggression pact. The treaty would’ve been arranged about a week earlier, but I’ve been busy with work so I couldn’t find time to write the terms.

Cobra: There was an original treaty proposed by the Templars towards the end of the war, but we refused to sign it because we felt the terms were attempting to undermine our success in the war. This led to a very toxic ending with the both sides claiming victory and Templars throwing some allegations at us, as well as various other things. We attempted to declare war against Templars when the map re-opened, but they were able to declare on SWAT before we could, but ultimately Sidie reached out to Edu regarding the tensions between us. Taking into consideration a talk I had with Sha, as well as acknowledging their wrong doing in some circumstances, the Templars proposed a NAP that would retract allegations, acknowledge our victory, and set a foundation for future good relations. It took a while and took a bit of toxicity from both sides, but ultimately we pulled through.

What were the main points of contention when discussing the terms of the treaty?

Jemma: Elite Guardians were clear about what they wanted. It wasn’t difficult to agree to give EGCP the win in the last war, we agreed to do that in our previously proposed treaty. They also wanted any allegations towards EGCP or Cobra to be retracted, which we were okay to do as Cobra had made amends with Shallissa for past actions. There weren’t any disagreements about the terms of the armistice.

Cobra: The entire point of the attempted second war was to address their lack of acknowledging our victory, as well as their usage of “expose” tactics present in all of our past wars. These were really the main points that led to the development of the treaty terms. So, acknowledging our victory and retracting the “allegations” were the main points.

Is there any animosity between you or has that been resolved?

Jemma: As I explained to Edu and the EGCP leaders, neither myself or the TCP Grand Priors have any issues with their army. Our armies have had a historical rivalry, yet as CPPS armies created in the same era we have a lot in common as well. Personally, I would like for the peace between the Elite Guardians and Templars to be long lasting, but I don’t know if that is a feeling reciprocated by them. I guess we’ll see.

Cobra: Cooperation was very good, and there hasn’t been any bad blood since. Of course, there’s a chance each side has some troops that might have a little resentment towards either side, but with time we can hopefully move towards complete peace between each army. So, to answer your question, not really any animosity present.


The conflict and controversies that arose during it seem to be resolved. The Templars and Elite Guardians are historically rivals, but there will be peace between them for the near future. Will TCP and EGCP go to war again once the treaty expires? Will their rivalry continue, or has the war ended it?


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