Conflict between Guardians and Vikings Ends With Agreement

The war between the Elite Guardians and Water Vikings has ended after less than one week of battles. An agreement has been signed by both armies, aiming to foster peaceful relations in the near future.

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The Elite Guardians and the Water Vikings formed an alliance in May 2023. Together, alongside the Rebel Penguin Federation, they declared war on the Army of Club Penguin, in what would become World War IX. After 32 battles across almost two weeks, the war ended with no winner.

Blue Sunset Alliance vs Sapphire Concordat

In December 2023, an alliance of ACP, Coup Crusaders, Peoples’ Imperial Confederation, and the Templars declared war on EGCP. The casus belli for this Holiday Crusade war was some controversial findings surrounding EGCP’s server. Unlike World War IX, the Vikings did not help their ally this time, putting out a statement stating this.

Tension between the two allies had been rising ever since World War IX. Alongside several other points of contention, the Water Vikings broke their alliance with the Elite Guardians and declared them an enemy.

Dino Declaring EGCP an Enemy

By the start of 2023, there was no map, so only mapless wars occurred. After several roadblocks, a new map was announced, with the grace period for wars ending on June 6th. Immediately after the end of the grace period, the Guardians attempted to declare war on the Templars; However, TCP had already declared a solo war against Special Weapons and Tactics, making EGCP’s declaration invalid.

The Elite Guardians went to Mchappy, who spun a wheel to decide who they should declare war on. The wheel landed on the Water Vikings, which is supposedly the reason EGCP declared war on their ex-ally. Throughout the next week, the two would go head to head in six battles, with the Guardians winning all but one of them. After less than a week of war, the two armies signed the Frostbite-Zero Grau Agreement, ending the conflict.

Peace Treaty Between WV and EGCP

The lands conquered by EGCP are to be returned to WV by August 31st, with no further invasions being permitted for the duration of the treaty. Both armies wish to maintain peaceful relations, with a non-aggression pact as one of the terms. Following the treaty, Viking Commander Claire transferred their capital, Frostbite, to RPF. Club Penguin Armies interviewed the leaders of both armies, to explore their thoughts on the war.

What is your view on the other army now that the war is over?

Fitsuki: Despite their performance in war, the Water Vikings are a good opponent and should not be underestimated.

Mei: Due to them being cool about treaty and everything I think now we see them in a better way than before. I know though that some people might think worse of them due to their war reason being quite stupid. It’s kind of 50/50

How did the war affect your army?

Fitsuki: This war affected us positively in some ways. Thanks to it, we were able to train our HCOM to lead battles, we strengthened our AUSIA and, of course, we expanded our Empire.

Mei: We are surely tired, even more than before. We experienced 3 wars + a tournament with not much of a break.

How long do you think this peace will last?

Fitsuki: We have no reason to declare war on WV, especially now that they have fled the map (once again). If this peace is broken, it will probably be due to their feelings of revenge.

Mei: We hope as long as possible due to us deciding to leave the map. Maybe we will come back, but not for now.

Although the war is over, there seems to be a small amount of tension between the two sides. Despite this, both armies have made it clear that they want peace, making another war in the near future unlikely. Do you think this peace will last? What is the next step for both armies?


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One Response

  1. […] Soon after their defeat, they were declared war upon by the Army of Club Penguin. This was the Forlosning War, lasting over two weeks and many intense battles, concluding with a Water Vikings victory. However, this was not the end of the army’s conflicts. On June 10th, the Elite Guardians declared war on the Vikings, this time as a “fun” war. The war lasted less than a week and ended with an Elite Guardians victory. […]

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