Ending three years of inactivity, the Coup Crusaders have returned to the army community. Witnessing a successful reopening event, the Crusaders have made their way back into the small/medium army circle.

Designed by Master DS
Olimad3, Catalyst, Toxic Storm, and Small-Medium Army Legend Earthing formed the Coup Crusaders on May 13, 2020. Due to a lack of pink armies, the Crusaders began as a joke within the Army of Club Penguin server. Soon, before the opening, present-day ACP Commander-in-Chief Coolguy made his way into the leadership. The Crusaders had a successful opening event, defeating the Pizza Federation in their first-ever practice battle. They moved to compete in the first Challengers Cup, in which they defeated the Angels and the Os Mascarados Army.

Coup Crusaders opening event
In May 2020, the Coup Crusaders were defaced by leader Toxic Storm, significantly decreasing their army size. In addition, the Lime Green Army and the Army of Club Penguin waged war against the Crusaders. While negotiations between CC and LGA helped ease tensions, though the Clovers moved to invade the Crusaders. Notably, the army kept its server after defeating ACP in a sled race. The Crusaders eventually colonized under the Ice Warriors, achieving their highest-ever maximum sizes.

Coup Crusaders following colonization under Ice Warriors
The Coup Crusaders moved on to compete in the Beach Brawl tournament but faced several limitations due to their status as an IW colony. Shortly after the tournament, scandal erupted when leader Toxic Storm attempted to form a coalition to take down the Ice Warriors. True to their name, the Crusaders removed Toxic Storm from leadership. A land dispute would also create a rift between the Ice Warriors and Coup Crusaders, leading to the ending their colonization. Amidst this separation, Coolguy announced the army’s rebrand into Crystal Cowboys, and colonized under the Doritos. This was largely due to a dispute regarding the rights to the army’s name, sparked by a supposed creator of the original meme. Many Crusaders’ leaders attempted to remake the army, however, the doors officially closed not long after.

CC rebranding into Crystal Cowboys
On the 14th of October, former CC leader Toxic Storm announced the army’s return. The Crusaders maxed a total of 11 penguins online during their reopening event, allowing their registration into the Club Penguin Armies league.

CC reopening event
To learn more about the Coup Crusaders’ plan for their new generation, Club Penguin Armies reached out to CC leader Toxic Storm.
What will be different from the last generation?
Toxic Storm: Last generation had us go in a lot of trouble, but we also got many wins. this generation won’t do the same mistakes it did in the last and we hope to grow into a great superpower. we are not the same CC that was in 2020. Just like a Greek god once said, “we must be better.” .
Why the name Coup Crusaders?
Toxic Storm: Well the army started out as a meme, the theme was to coup people. Couping people was a funny concept at the time, and it stuck. The ironic thing was that everyone who took part in the army in its first week of creation, whether it was the non-recognized or recognized and verified version we know today, everyone was couped or couped themselves
Tell us more about how the army was created.
Toxic Storm: The army started out as a meme army among members from ACP and Golden Guardians. after the army being deleted for a day or 2, me and three other members stepped up to make CC happen. We got the army verified, fought in the challenger’s Cup finals and the rest is golden or dark history, depends on who you ask.
How will the army function in this current army climate?
Toxic Storm: Well we don’t have CPR or CPO, nor is it any easier for members in the community to recruit. The restrictions implemented by Discord and the not-so-great state of S/M army community will be challenges we will have to overcome. For the purpose of not making this answer sound pessimistic, we will have less people to coup in order to reach world domination.
Coup Crusaders started as a meme army, are you planning on going back in that direction?
What ambitions do The Crusaders have for the future?
We will keep our friends close and our enemies closer. The future of CC will be great, we will be doing a lot of coups OfCourse. Lastly the most important thing is, White House awaits!
With such a turbulent history, it is clear that Toxic Storm wishes to do things differently than they had done in 2020. The Crusaders appear to be serious about their ambitions within the CPA community and have intense goals. Club Penguin Armies wishes the Coup Crusaders luck during their new generation! How will the Crusaders fare in 2023?
[…] army’s leadership. Da Best previously led the Crusaders in November 2023, spearheading its revival alongside Toxic Storm. However, in December, upon the army’s declaration of war, Da Best […]
[…] expressed his gratitude for the people and the armies that had made this generation possible. After returning to the army community in October of last year, the army has had its’ share of highs and lows, […]