MAMMOTH, Special Weapons and Tactics Empire – Just a while back, Special Weapons and Tactics have announced that Camotes would be joining the Leadership of the Army. What can we expect from their newest leader and what do they have in store for the army community? Read more to find out.
On the 19th of November, Camotes was inducted as the newest leader of Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT). Mare, one of the current leaders of the army made an official announcement on their discord server congratulating him.

Mare inducts Camotes as the newest leader.
Special Weapons and Tactics were created by Ganger90, in 2009. Since then, they have held countless events which include: Practice Battles, Wars, etc. The year of 202o saw the army being revived, and being led by Zuke, Sweater, Darklink, and S Cargo 2. Ever since then, Special Weapons and Tactics have seen leaders come and go, but have maintained their strength and tenacity throughout it all.

A recent SWAT event
Camotes started his army career in January 2019. Like many others, he has been in a lot of armies. He soon found Special Weapons and Tactics and made it their family home. He started off as staff in SWAT, and got promoted to Third-in-Command, after his promotion to Fourth-in-Command. Soon after, he decided to retire for a few months. Camotes then came across the Elites and was able to quickly climb up the ranks there to attain staff, until the army had to shut down. After Elites closed, Camotes found his way back to Special Weapons and Tactics and got to learn a lot more from them including Ganger himself. As history often repeats itself, Camotes once again got Staff in SWAT, after having climbed up all the ranks. He got the position of Leader In Training, one year later, before being inducted as a Leader of the army, which happened just a while back.
Club Penguin Army Headquarters was able to reach out to Camotes on his thoughts on becoming Special Weapons and Tactics’ newest leader.