Wars are a fundamental part of armies, and when the stakes and intensity grow deep in the action, the consequences leave armies stranded in the end. In this editorial, we will go over multiple wars that have left most armies involved in a fragile state, as well as the reasons behind it.

Designed by Master DS.
Each year we witness massive wars that bring excitement and shape today’s community. While some wars had a positive impact, the same cannot be said for the ones mentioned below. Judging whether a war was positive for an army isn’t based on whether the army won the war if they gained several new lands, or if they managed to end it sooner or later. It is whether the army knows how to gain a win and make it something that’ll push the army forward, and take it as an opportunity to learn and boost its strength and strategic knowledge.
The list below includes wars that either lasted an inordinate amount of time, involved armies shutting down or had a series of severe effects on the whole community.
World War IV – The Great Alliance vs. ACP
This war is what appeared as one of the first major uprisings against the Army of Club Penguin, in a series of heated battles and internal conflicts for the legendary server Mammoth. Armies like the Nachos, Ice Warriors, Underground Mafia Army, Black Jackets, Watex Warriors, and more, posed a serious threat to ACP at the time for the control of Mammoth. An agreement signed by the mentioned armies agreed that Mammoth would act as a neutral server, allowing any army to use it making all raids and battles that occurred there useless. As the server introduced regulations, army activity decreased, marking the very beginning of Club Penguin Armies’ decline.
Relations between the big 5 were very shaky prompting the massive battle of Mukluk, in which ACP declared victory against the Nachos, IW, and UMA. ACP shortly after broke the agreement and declared an invasion on Mammoth under Shaboomboom with the encouragement of Oagalthorp. The community was opposed to this decision and ACP became the biggest public enemy. The war saw 7 major battles, in which all of them ACP was defeated. Some battles lasted upward to 4 hours, making it insanely time-consuming and difficult for most armies. This loss led to a lot of internal conflict in ACP and brought a lot of disconnection between the community and its leader.

A battle showcasing intensity during the peak of WWIV.
After this war, Mammoth remained neutral, and major armies had occasional cleanups to stop the small armies from claiming it. World War IV not only marked the death of Mammoth but also led armies to withdraw from classic battles in the Dojo, shifting their focus to the Snowforts instead.
Tundra Wars
The Tundra Wars were a series of battles between the Rebel Penguin Federation, Black Bandits, Fort Ghost Recon, and Watex Warriors. They occurred randomly on the server Tundra, hence the name. This massive war was sparked by disagreements among the armies over the legitimacy of who owned the server. Many historians regarded this war as ridiculous, as these armies spent up to 10 hours each day throwing snowballs at each other. It was essentially a massive free-for-all as the war started spreading like wildfire, which saw armies like ACP and Nachos trying to stake their claims as well. The chaos prompted the originally involved armies to make an alliance and split the server equally. Disagreements only grew larger between the involved armies and it ended up just becoming a silent agreement that all of the armies are allowed on the server, thus ending the war.
This war became interesting due to the insane number of dedicated hours each army spent on this server. Battles would start simply by troops recruiting for an army clashing with each other and a few minutes later voila a several-hour battle, as this would happen about 1 to 4 times a day. The armies involved were on a downward slope, and the result of the war didn’t quite seem worth the trouble for the amount of hours wasted.
Black Ice Alliance vs. Doritos
The rivalry between the Doritos and the Ice Warriors was nothing new at the time, as it had traces since 2010. Their continued clash led to a massive declaration post from IW, alongside the Rebel Penguin Federation and Dark Warriors, against the Doritos. This conflict became their last battle with each other. The Club Penguin Private Server community experienced a golden age during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, with the Black Ice Alliance formed by RPF, IW, and DW—dominating the army scene. Tensions escalated in late 2020 after DW accused the Water Vikings of doxxing and disrespect, which sparked the Black Seas War.
RPF joined the fight, claiming that WV had celebrated a BIA loss and had questioned alliances; IW did not formally declare war, but instead supported their allies by scheduling invasions; WV successfully defended Jackhammer but came under increasing pressure, bringing in veterans like WackyJacky, Fedd, Zamb, and Koloway to fortify their ranks.

A battle taking place between WV and Doritos.
The war declaration stemmed from one of DCP’s HCOMs engaging in trash talk and spreading negativity about their troops. This war did not last long, as DCP’s closest allies, ACP, as well as the Elites and Army of Orient Seas, left the New Dawn Alliance. The reason for the mass departure was the acknowledgment of Doritos’ misconduct, which left a lasting stain on DCP’s legacy and public image. This led to Doritos withdrawing from the community and later shutting down in late 2020.
World War IX – Blue Sunset Alliance vs. Sapphire Concordat
This massive conflict, also regarded by a few as Operation Domination, was initially fought by the Blue Sunset Alliance against the Army of Club Penguin. The alliance consisted of the Elite Guardians, Water Vikings, and the Rebel Penguin Federation, hoping to bring down the imperial ambitions of the ACP’s leader, Calgo. Multiple armies, such as the Help Force, Templars, and People’s Imperial Confederation, supported the ACP directly by declaring war on the attacking alliance under the Sapphire Concordat.

WWIX war battle between ACP and EGCP
The war lasted for about two weeks, consisting of more than 30 battles in which the Sapphire Concordat lost each of them. What seemed like a clean win for the Blue Sunset Alliance ended with a peace treaty to prevent the war from dragging on. The treaty restored most land to its original holders and established peace between all involved armies.

Treaty of WWIX.
While the war ended in a peace treaty and the war concluded before things got crazy, most if not all armies drained and broke down due to the amount of battles it took. Armies like the Water Vikings had to take hiatuses and essentially leave the army map later. The most memorable moment of the world war was the RPF breaking the peace treaty. This resulted in the complete subjugation of their nation towards ACP, putting more fuel to the imperial plans the whole war was essentially about.
Although wars are essential, armies simply cannot predict how much it would cost in the end. Most wars now end in treaties due to the low resources at hand to sustain a long conflict. Today’s wars have become a battle of endurance, where the side that tires first loses, rather than the one that suffers defeat outright. This reality explains why most wars now take place outside the map, avoiding the tougher consequences that come with fighting within it. Which war do you think broke an army the most?
Senior Reporter