Fun X Time Resigns From Leadership; SWAT Faces Mass Reforms

On December 21, Special Weapons and Tactics leader, Fun X Time resigned from the army. Alongside his resignation, several Leadership and High Command members also departed from the army.

Designed by Master DS

Who is Fun X Time?

Fun X Time has been in the army community since February 28, 2020. He enlisted in Aliens after leader Bestpenguin recruited him. Following the closure of Club Penguin Online, Fun X Time stepped back from the community and began working on his own Club Penguin Private Server. During this period, Fun X Time also founded his own army, The Penguin Federation Army. After shortly rebranding to Heroes of Club Penguin, he registered within Club Penguin Army Hub. However, following multiple defacements, the army would unfortunately close its doors.

Fun X Time then joined Special Weapons and Tactics, after being recruited by Army Legend and then-army leader Ganger90. He quickly rose through the ranks and met many important figures within the army scene. At last, on November 15, 2023, Fun X Time, Bull Hour, and Fwapo were promoted to the rank of leader, by LEGOMAN. After a war against the Elite Guardians, Fun found himself solo leading. Since then, Fwapo returned to his leadership post, alongside Zooy.

Legoman’s retirement post, announcing Fun X Time as leader. Click to enlarge

Why DID FUN X TIME resign NOW?

These past months have not been kind to SWAT. Earlier this year, in November, they faced off against the Water Vikings in the third Eagre Foray war. This war ended shortly after it began, following three SWAT no-shows in a row. In addition, earlier this year in June, the Templars declared war on the agents. This war was caused due to suspicions that SWAT wanted to attack the Dark Pirates, who were one of TCP’s allies. Again during this war, the Agents rarely showed up. Out of nine battles, SWAT attended four. The war ended, with a score of 9-0-0 [W-T-L] for the Crusaders.

Some notable diplomatic events for SWAT included the Rebel Alliance Commando merging into the army, following their victory in the War of Spectral Siege. Another key event was the formation of a brother alliance with the Aliens and Secret Service in September. This followed the formation of the Aliens-SWAT alliance on August 17. SWAT had been allied with the now-defunct SS since the closure of the International United Armies.

SWAT announced SS and Aliens as their brother allies. Click to enlarge

In his retirement post, Krill claimed that it was now humiliating to lead SWAT, and also called out the army’s advisors. Notably, he mentioned LEGOMAN and Aisha. He stated that as a leader, he had received harsh treatment, yet was expected to act in a friendly manner to others. Furthermore, he claims that LEGO and Aisha wanted SWAT to close down, and potentially wanted him to join the Doritos. Continuing further, Krill stated that the advisors are not creative enough to think of any other solution rather than to close the army.

Fun further says that many other SWAT advisors wanted Aisha and 32op to have their advisor role stripped, due to having too many DCP-affiliated advisors. He then states that LEGOMAN’s presence prevented any changes from being made. Fun X Time also mentions how he is possibly the only leader to ever publicly speak out against LEGOMAN, yet claims many other past leaders feel the same way as himself. At the end of his retirement post, Fun clearly states he does not hate SWAT, actually loving many members. He only dislikes the behaviour of Lego and Aisha.

In total, six Special Weapons and Tactics members resigned. This includes leaders Fun X Time, Fwapo, and Zooy, Chief of Staff and Second-in-Command, WilliamW2010, Leader-in-Training, Shazam, and finally, Staff-in-Training eternityx. On December 23, SWAT announced a completely new Leadership and High Command. This includes Shazam, Kyle104, and Maguro as Leaders, with Crazyflame23 as a Leader-in-Training. Members of the HCOM include Clade, WilliamW2010, who returned, Csani, Tide, Bilxo, Bkilla, Stoggs101, Jdawg, Mr Coconut, whja and Pain of War. It is unknown if this list will change as of yet, as this is a volatile situation.

Fun X Time’s retirement post message on Discord. Click to enlarge

Following recent events, Club Penguin Armies reached out to LEGOMAN, 32op, and Aisha for a statement.

What do you see in the future for SWAT? Do you agree that the mass exodus is the advisors’ fault?

32op, SWAT advisor: I don’t know what the future is for SWAT. Personally, I think a temporary shutdown was a good idea. However, I wasn’t too involved in any decision making but I believe the active advisors could’ve been better in supporting SWAT and the leaders.

Aisha, former SWAT advisor: Krill is a kid who became leader when i wasn’t around, along with Fwapo and Zooy. All three cared for SWAT hugely, but yes they lacked the guidance. If I was around at the time, I would never have agreed to the three being leaders so soon, they themselves are aware of their lack of training for that position. As soon as I found out over a year ago, I did tell Lego that the SWAT closure may aswell happen because I could already see that they were set for failure. It’s unfortunate things happened the way they did, while also unfortunate this child blamed the advisory for the outcome of the past year of SWAT.
However, i do understand it from his point of view , but it seems he fails to see it from the advisory POV. I asked Krill many times, “why should SWAT stay open if there isn’t a team that knows what they’re doing?” His response was we give up too easily and that we are impatient, although we waited over a year. If I had more time to guide SWAT I still wouldn’t have enlisted because I wouldn’t want to lead alongside children.

Right now, there is a new leadership within SWAT, along with many returns of former SWAT Staff and HCOM, which all previously left due to being frustrated with Krill and the way SWAT was ran. Ironically two of them are people in his retirement post, and one who had no idea he was even in the post and had no issues with advisors.

There are currently screenshots going around associated with members part of the new SWAT team, and a mention of troop-stealing. I myself didn’t partake in any of that, in-fact I was given a screenshot of one of them trying to troopsteal from Doritos, and as Doritos leader this was part of the reason I have chosen to step down from SWAT advisory. I was willing to help advise till this troop-stealing became evident to me. I do have some hope in this new SWAT generation, I just hope they all work together, remember their goals and deal with issues professionally.

LEGOMAN, SWAT advisor and Godfather: SWAT will bring the boom. The Advisors are goated and have led armies to #1 instead of maxing 5 and acting incredibly immature. If you look at SWATs history there are many incredible feats and individuals that have brought glory to SWAT. Advisory brought up a hiatus and a shutdown due to SWATs performance for over an entire year.
This current era of SWAT got involved in no conflicts, maxed around 8 (with AFKs), neglected advice for a year, and recently lost a chunk of important members. Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
Fun X Time was so mad at the suggestion of a shutdown that he/she/they/zie tried to eliminate communication with advisory. I, being the messiah that I am, made a separate group chat to discuss further. Somehow that resulted in me arguing with Foreign Relations God Toxic Storm (he’s a nonce).
I’d like to attach a rap made by my good pal JoelFreak:
SWAT is crumbling underneath our feet
All the leaders and hcom are feeling beat
they need a saviour, a legoman
to show these dudes how stuff is ran
The leaders been arguing since g90s gone
the french would say this isnt so bon
maybe its best to give SWAT a break
and let legoman show us his CAKE
I mean the websites down, the computer has virus
you need a saviour, like tf2s pyrus
but until that day comes, let this place be still
till maybe yellowtypers old enough to pay a bill

Club Penguin Armies also reached out to Fun X Time for an interview.

What do you see for the future of SWAT?

Remember, I have no resentment towards SWAT. I just had the same feelings many veterans have had experienced—conflicts with Lego. I already knew for months such a day will come due to his autocracy. With the resignation of all leaders and many High Command members, I feel that SWAT will have to take a break. Right now, it is speculated that Clade will become the next leader as per some screenshots I have received. I personally feel that the atmosphere in SWAT will be much more toxic now that an ensemble of careless members will flourish in the army

Are the advisors the sole cause of your, and other members’ resignation?

Certainly. The advisors are definitely the sole ones at fault. I am super loyal to SWAT as an army. I am not loyal to the advisors, except I was forced to be. Right now, SWAT is showing some heart pulses because individuals loyal to Lego are taking over. No one liked Lego’s and Aisha’s autocratic decision to shut down. Even worse, they decided to cancel the shutdown. They did not choose to hear the opinion of the staff on this either. Speaking of this reminds me, Lego tried to induct Krosive last month, which resulted in so many mishaps.

What will happen next to SWAT?

The advisors are planning to shut SWAT down on February 1, 2025, if they feel that SWAT continues to remain a wasteland, which I do not find possible with the coming leadership. It is quite interesting Lego did not consult the leaders to decide successors.

Any other comments?

My final message is that never be loyal to an individual, but rather the army itself. Additionally, if your army has advisors who exercise more power than you, they are not an advisor—they are an autocrat. Lego never truly loved SWAT, because he has done the same to other figures, including one SWAT Legend and one SWAT veteran. I never wished to work with Lego who has a controversial past, and who has also made the army controversial. He might be cool, but he is careless, hasty in making decisions, and acts like he owns the army. Kyle, Mark, Clade work for him because he gave them power wherever they went. Interestingly, hardly any of them managed to get at least 1 recruit when they were in SWAT in some time of November. Additionally, I have sent a Christmas gift to SWAT staff members—a beautiful, interactive Guidebook, which is a webpage—to help them make SWAT more successful (Since the advisors are not going to help them). Lastly, I can’t believe advisors forced me to do something against Ganger90’s advice, which stated that: You don’t need to join another army to prove your work. You can work on it in SWAT.

In conclusion, it is clear to see that Fun X Time has had a large impact on the SWAT community, and his alongside his fellow member’s departure will heavily impact the army. But what do you think? What does the future hold for SWAT? Will we be seeing them shut down, or will they rise to greatness again? We here at Club Penguin Armies are just as curious as you are, but only time will tell. It is absolutely certain that the events to follow will be massive.


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One Response

  1. […] December 25, 2024, Fun X Time resigned from SWAT’s leadership. Shortly afterwards, their co-leaders also stepped down. This […]

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