Ready, aim, fire! Special Weapons and Tactics have inducted two leaders—Fwapo and Zooy. As a result, the leadership is now a trio. Let us explore more about the Agents’ future aspirations under this change.

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On July 10, the Special Weapons and Tactics inducted Zooy and Fwapo into the leadership subsequently after a training event. They have now joined forces with Fun X Time, who had been solo leading since December 2023. Moreover, these inductions took place at their first event after their 15th Anniversary, titled Continued Success. The newly inducted pair is eager to assist their army climb higher and achieving its desired goals. Additionally, the last time SWAT saw inductions to the leadership was in November 2023, when Legoman left the army in the hands of Fun X Time, Bull Hour, and Fwapo. Interestingly, the trio consists of leaders from diverse time zones, charging the army at all corners.
The Inductions of Fwapo and Zooy
Joining SWAT in December 2022, Fwapo has sufficient wisdom to enter the leadership. He had recently left the People’s Imperial Confederation to rejoin SWAT. Furthermore, SWAT Founder Ganger90 emphasizes that he is “determined to help his army.” Fwapo’s determination to make the army “more alive” resumes after having left SWAT in June. Notably, Fwapo has previously led SWAT during his induction in November last year.

Ganger90 inducting Fwapo to SWAT’s leadership

Ganger90 inducting Zooy to SWAT’s leadership
On the other hand, Zooy has been a member of the Special Weapons since 2020. He had been on a three-year hiatus since SWAT merged into the Doritos of Club Penguin. It was not until February 2023 that he rediscovered the Special Weapons and defined it as his new home. Today, others describe him as a beacon of hope and an outstanding troop, noting his loyalty and dependability. Upon his induction, he hosted an animation contest to further rejuvenate the army.
An exclusive interview was obtained by Club Penguin Armies with Fwapo and Zooy to look at their perspective on their newfound leadership. We also approached Fun X Time to learn more.
How did you react upon hearing about your induction?
Fwapo: I knew it was happening, so i can’t say I had a reaction, but the day after, I started planning. I am taking my position so seriously now.
Zooy: I was pretty stunned. I was in the middle of setting up an event, so I was NOT paying attention to the annoucments. After I got over the initial shock though, I was ecstatic.
What are you looking forward to leadership-wise?
Fwapo: This year is the most important year for current leadership in SWAT. We are willing to do anything for SWAT to max above 15 and are looking towards a lot in the future! In summary, we hope SWAT will get the platinum age it deserves.
Zooy: Bolstering SWAT morale and sizes, and getting some war/tournament victories. We have been down lately, but I am sure with enough push me and the other HCOM can bring SWAT up to an army of great heights. In specific though, building alliences and strengthing our reputation as a respectable army is one of my main goals. I want SWAT to be an army held in high regard.
Do you have anything you would like to say to the members of your army?
Fwapo: For everyone reading this from SWAT, You are our purpose. Nothing we have achieved could have been possible without you. I want to thank every troop and staff member who welcomed me back and got me back up on my feet again. <3
Zooy: Don’t ever give up and always fight for your aspirations no matter the obstacles. I know this sounds cliche, but never give up. You WILL get there. SWAT4LIFE ain’t a joke or motto. It is the truth.
What are you looking forward to now that Fwapo and Zooy are co-leading?
Fun X Time: The inductions of Fwapo and Zooy have really made me proud. The two individuals have proactively been participating in most administrative duties, showing their best in these tasks. It appears that SWAT is going to rise now, as we have also seen a great sudden surge in our sizes. It is time to prove our enemies wrong and turn the tables!
What are your goals for your army, now that you have two more people by your side?
Fun X Time: Under the updated leadership, I firmly believe that SWAT will continue to age and make big improvements that will leave hallmarks on its fascinating history! Additionally, our day-to-day tasks become easier, too.
But, do you have any specific goals that you want your army to meet, such as engagement, sizes, and recruiting?
Fun X Time: We should be able to increase engagement in our community. Zooy has already started hosting contests to engage the troops of our army. Our sizes will surge as we are now increasingly recruiting and enlisting.
Now under updated leadership, things are looking good for SWAT. Morale is high among staff and it is evident that SWAT’s new leaders have important things planned for their army and troops. A new era is on the horizon for this army, and we at Club Penguin Armies are thrilled to be here to see its beginnings. Do you believe that new leadership is just what SWAT needs to achieve Major Army classification? Will Fwapo and Zooy help SWAT reach its goals for this year?