Memorable Moments with Link3000

Link3000 is a prominent figure in the Rebel Penguin Federation, recognized for exceptional dedication, stellar leadership, and steadfast support for the community. In this edition of Memorable Moments, Link3000 shares insights into his most significant experiences within the army.

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Origin Of Journey

Starting in June 2020, Link3000 joined the Rebel Penguin Federation. Shortly after becoming very interested in the server, Link stayed extremely active and fell in love with the army and its community. As a result, he attended many events and achieved the Troop of the Week title. Over time, Link’s dedication and hard work paid off, and he achieved the rank of moderator.

Link3000 being awarded TOTW.

RPF’s Troop of The Week Trophy.

In February 2021, his commitment and perseverance resulted in a significant milestone: he achieved a promotion to the distinguished HCOM position, an accomplishment that not many have attained. It was not easy for him, as RPF is a historic army with significant competition. Despite these challenges, Link continued to excel and, in May 2022, his dreams came true when he was awarded the prestigious position of Rebel Commander.


Link3000’s notable milestones included rising to the rank of second-in-command and playing a pivotal role in co-leading RPF to victory in the AUSIA Arena: Winter Edition of 2022. Furthermore, Link has successfully led multiple Olympic teams to victory. Additionally, they have received recognition in the Hall of Fame. They were honored with the RPF Rebel title in October 2021, marking a significant milestone in their journey. Subsequently, they attained the RPF Hero title in August 2022, showcasing their exceptional achievements and contributions, such as the Summer Sovereign War.

Defense of Alaska in Summer Sovereign War.

Invasion of Alexandria in Summer Sovereign War.

Ausia Arena 2022 Finals against Ice Warriors.

Induction of Link3000 as Rebel Commander in May of 2022.

Club Penguin Armies contacted Link3000 to engage in a discussion about his most memorable moments.

What is your most vivid memory from your time leading the Rebel Penguin Federation?

My most vivid memory from leading RPF has to be World War IX. It was intense and gruelling but memorable for sure. Other high notes would include the Summer Sovereign War, anniversaries and RPF Olympics.

 If any, what was the most challenging situation you encountered while leading the RPF, and how did you handle it?

The most challenging situation would probably have to be about last year when our server activity had decreased and our attendance took a hit, we were close to going s/m as well. We pretty much had to be all hands on deck, brainstormed a lot of ways to not only get new people in but keep the ones that were joining, made sure recruiting was constant etc.

What was one of the most rewarding experiences you had while leading the RPF?

It’s very difficult to choose because there’s been so many. Every time I got to lead an Olympic team was incredible, the troops love it, the synergy is amazing and everyone just comes together. I would say that, tied with winning March Madness VII after a very disappointing couple years. It was RPF’s “cursed tournament” until that point.

What do you consider to be the biggest achievement or milestone during your time with the RPF?

It probably has to be getting Rebel Commander. I mean there’s so many milestones ans achievements that I have been privileged and lucky to have reached. But Rebel Commander was something I never thought I would want, let alone think I could achieve so it’s definitely up there. Winning the Summer Sovereign War is also pretty close since it was my first war as RC.

Link3000 is undoubtedly one of the most brilliant leaders, inspiring not only RPF members but also individuals outside the army, and exemplifying true loyalty. What do you think of his noble achievements? What more do you think Link will achieve?

MtJordan II

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