People’s Imperial Confederation Adds Members To Its Hall of Fame

With the Legends Cup in action, the People’s Imperial Confederation recently awarded its members for their hard work. These inductions have been reported to create historical hallmarks on the army. Therefore, let us learn more about these recent honors!

People's imperial Confederation

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The History

The People’s Imperial Confederation was founded in 2019 by Sidie9, who is currently leading the Templars, with the assistance of Sirproditor. As a result, Sirproditor entered the army’s Hall of Fame, being its first member after Sidie9. The army faced several hardships to start itself, however. Following a defeat against the Army of Club Penguin, the army had shut down. In 2020, they reformed marking their return. However, the list of members in their Hall of Fame was yet to be expanded.

People’s Imperial Confederation in a battle against the Special Weapons and Tactics during the Weeping Weapons War.

Similar to other armies, the Confederation, has numerous medals and awards awaiting those who deserve them. The army’s competition in the Legends Cup XIV helped decide fresh inductions for their Hall of Fame. The Hall is now decorated with 22 new inductions to the Awards of Comrade and Camaraderie and the Medals of Vitality. Moreover, these inductions include repetitive additions. Accordingly, rejuvenation has been seen within the army. Also, this incentivized system has fueled other members of the army community to their satisfaction.

The Medal of Camaraderie

New Inductions

The Award of Comrade is one of the highest honors a member of the Confederation may receive. Granted to the most helpful and influential figures of the army, it permanently grants the recipients a position in the Hall. However, this award is not as valuable as the prestigious titles of the Legend, the Paragon, and the Revolutionary awards. Correspondingly, not many have been able to win the Award of Comrade. The Medal of Vitality is conferred upon individuals who have brought significant contributions, laying the army’s milestone. The Medal of Camaraderie is granted to those who incredibly contributed to the joyous atmosphere of the army and helped it become sustainable.

Shallissa, the leader of the Confederation, announced multiple inductions to the Hall of Fame of the Army.

On July 7, 2024, multiple inductions to the Confederation’s Hall of Fame took place. Among the inductions include Leaders Jojo Teri and Saber, Leader-in-Training Kobi, and Second-in-Command Spin to the Award of Comrade. Third-in-Command Kyra and Fourth-in-Command Jean managed to claim their Medals of Camaraderie. The Medals of Vitality were given to 16 other individuals who are said to have brought influential changes within the army. These achievers are noted for putting efforts into the Around The World Cup tournament and torch-bearing PIC’s second upgrade to major status.

Club Penguin Armies reached out to the winners of the Award of Comrade to learn more about their feelings about their achievements.

How do you feel now that your army has recognized your hard work and put you in the Hall of Fame?

Jojo Teri: I’m glad that my efforts are being recognised and I managed to achieve an important feat. I dont need a hall of fame rank to know that my army appreciates me tho, I was already aware of that, but still Im thankful to get it since it was one of my goals.

Kobi: It feels awesome to be recognized in the hall of fame and be part of PIC’s long standing history! What I feel about this is that, I need to keep working hard to get other HOF titles and help PIC to strive on important goals, these awards are also meant for my fellow comrades who were with me during my time in the army.

Spin: I am honestly glad that all my contributions to PIC; and efforts in successfully guiding PIC back to Major army status and winning the Around the World Cup were recognized, resulting in my induction into the Hall of Fame.

How do you feel about your performance in the army during the preparations for the Legends Cup?

Jojo Teri: My performance in LC wasn’t the best considering for the largest part of it I had my uni exams that i was focusing on so i didnt do as many things as i wanted to do. Nonetheless, I feel my overall performance and the one in ATW tourney is very good and has helped PIC achieve many goals.

Kobi: I think my performance during LCXIV was great. It was very late when these battles happened and I was on mobile on both battles so it was kinda difficult to get in forms or do tactics since the emotes were limited on mobile, I managed to master mobile and do very well on the tournament. Even though we lost on both battles, we are still happy that we managed to participate in the tournament and tried our best to atleast get a victory.

Spin: Reflecting on my performance during the preparations for the Legends Cup, I acknowledge that a busy schedule prevented me from giving my best to the army. However, I am proud that I was able to contribute whatever I could to the army, and I am pleased that we faced formidable opponents in the tournament with complete determination.

Is there any other medal or title you strive for?

Jojo Teri: Of course I will do my best to get more medals/titles and complete my goals, while trying to keep PIC as a major force.

Spin: As for future ambitions, I don’t chase any specific titles. My mindset is focused on the present, and I wish to give my all to the army to bring about continuous improvements.

On behalf of the Club Penguin Armies reporting team, we would like to congratulate the newest recipients of the awards. In conclusion, it appears that incentives are one of many ideal sources to create hype in an army, contributing to engagement. Who do you think will come next in their inductions? Do you find yourself being inducted into your army’s Hall of Fame sometime in the future?

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