A Hussar Homecoming: Snork Returns to the Monarchy

A familiar face returns to the Winged Hussars’ Monarchy after years remaining dormant in the army scenario. What inspired Snork to suddenly return, and what do they plan to do next?

Snork WH Induction

Designed by Edu14463

On June 1, the Winged Hussars logged on for the Around The World Cup Grand Finals. Reaching sizes of 11, they were able to put up a fight against their opponents, the People’s Imperial Confederation. Unfortunately, Monarchs Shinzo and Nicoolas1 were unable to attend the battle. With these harsh circumstances, the leadership of the battle fell to Snork, an Advisor of the Monarchs. Despite the Hussar loss, Snork led their battle phenomenally.

Shinzo: Today we have wonderful news to tell you: We are welcoming a new-old (probably temporary) Monarch. Long has it been, but I am very happy to announce that Snork will once again rise to the throne and reclaim his spot as a Monarch. Lastly having carried the old generation of the Winged Hussars to many great victories, accompanying it all the way from formation to merger, Snorkhas decided to bless our proud army with great experience and leadership and have a seat on the top of the Commonwealth over this year’s summer!

As mentioned in the announcement, this is not Snork’s first rodeo with the Hussars. Snork is largely credited as one of the founders of the army. In 2019, Snork alongside multiple ex-Templars, including Shinzo, established the Hussars as a sort of rebellion. The army’s notable achievements include an alliance war against the Templars, in which they and their allies, the Elite Guardians, held their own. Additionally, the army placed first on an original Club Penguin Armies Top Ten in the same year.

WH reached Top 1 in CPA Top Ten, May 2019

However, activity in the army decreased throughout November of that year. Thus, Snork, one of the remaining leaders, announced the shutdown of the Winged Hussars holding their last event on November 22nd. Later, the Hussars would merge into the Pretzels, and Snork became a notable leader there. After Pretzels closed, many members then enlisted in the Pizza Federation, with Snork becoming a leader there as well.

Many say that the Hussar culture was heavily abundant inside of the army. This new culture fueled the Federation in the following year, 2020. In that year, PZF went on to win Beach Brawl and the Challengers Cup and maxed 32 in Christmas Chaos X. Because of his doings in the army, Snork was later inducted as a PZF Legend and, later on, a Small/Medium Army Legend. The Federation would close in 2021, with that notable figure departing from the community.

PZF vs SWAT, Christmas Chaos X

Now, Snork is back in the office, ready to continue his career in the newly-revived Winged Hussars, his first army. Therefore, Club Penguin Armies approached him to hold an exclusive interview.

What inspired your return to WH’s leadership?

Over the past few months I’ve been helping out where I can but the main barrier has been school and work being the priority. Now that school’s out, I really want to help WH capitalise on the fruitful summer period, and build up the foundations in the army necessary to sustain that growth.

In terms of warfare, Winged Hussars have been quiet since your conflict with PIC. Under your reign, do you plan to continue this neutrality with other armies or do you see your army going to war?

I’m not the type to run hastily into war when it’s not needed. I’m really excited by the new map, but my focus right now is building up an army strong enough to dominate in battle at any time if we need to fight.

You’ve spent some time as an Advisor to the Monarchs. Is there anything you’ve been unhappy with that you’d like to change?

I’m pretty pleased with everything, else I’d probably be doing a bad job advising. My biggest dissatisfaction is the lack of growth due to how busy we’ve all been lately, which is why I’d love to implement more recruitment in WH while I have the time to do so.

Shinzo mentioned that your leadership will likely be temporary. What do you hope to accomplish before you return to advisory/retirement?

Yes. Plan right now is to lead like crazy through summer, and step down when it’s time to focus on school again. In this time, I want to take advantage of the surge in summer activity while I’m here. A more solid goal… I’d like to see some big victories. Bring on the battles. I led PZF to multiple S/M tournament wins years ago and I’d love to feel the energy of that again through WH. Of course, we want to progress beyond S/M status, but small steps.

It is clear that Snork is as ambitious as before, aiming to achieve high positions within the community with his army. As a matter of fact, it is great to witness old and dear figures returning to keep up with their work. We, at CPA, wish him the very best of luck in his new journey! Do you think we will be able to witness some growth in Winged Hussars? Will Snork be able to accomplish his goals?

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