Guardians and Confederates Sign Non-Aggression Pact

In a quite unexpected move, the tension between two rivals eased after the signing of a non-aggression pact. The Elite Guardians and the People’s Imperial Confederation established a formal agreement for peace. What does this make of the future of these two armies?

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Ever since the Elite Guardians returned in May 2023, their relations with the People’s Imperial Confederation have not been pleasant. Both armies have engaged in conflict against one another countless times since then. It all began in World War IX, with the Guardians assembling the Blue Sunset Alliance against the Sapphire Concordat, an alliance originally formed by the Confederates. After the conflict ended, several attempts to reestablish an alliance between the two proved to be in vain. Later in the year, the Confederation waged a war against the Elite Guardians during the Christmas Crusade. The war would last an entire month, with a formal peace treaty between the United Front Alliance and the Guardians only being signed in February of this year.


Christmas Crusade Last Battle

Since the end of the Crusade, both armies could never find a moment of friendship and bonding with one another. In fact, the relationship between the two only deteriorated further. This was showcased by the controversy surrounding an inappropriate tactic led by Elite Guardians’ leader Fitsuki against PIC Commander-in-Chief Shallissa during their March Madness IX battle. To top it all, some bad blood between EGCP leader and Army Legend SavageCobra, and the former regarding past doxxing allegations also increased tension.

However, a shift in this scenario seemed to take place, as both armies started to display respect towards one another and ease animosity. Thus, after almost a year of conflict and bad relationships, the Confederates and the Guardians officially signed a Non-Aggression Pact, dubbed the Accord of Amity. As stated in it, the purpose of this pact is to seek a period of peace and partnership between both.

Non-Aggression Pact Signed by EGCP and PIC

Club Penguin Armies approached the leadership of the involved armies to learn more about the circumstances that led to this accord.

What motivated the proposal and signing of this pact?

SavageCobra, EGCP Leader: The NAP was proposed by Shalissa in particular, but was motivated by recent easing of tensions between both of the armies. Since the Christmas Crusade, PIC and EGCP were no longer butting heads as much, and started to just have casual competition following the March Madness controversy (as evidenced by the World Cup). In addition, Sha and I had a conversation regarding past issues we had between each other (namely a doxxing controversy), and after a mature discussion, we eased any hostilities, resentment, and misnomers by achieving common ground and taking accountability. I’d say since that moment in particular is when tensions decreased, and since EGCP has no interests in attacking PIC or any S/M armies for that matter, it was a no brainer to try to encourage peaceful relations between both of armies after almost a full year of hostilities.

Shallissa, PIC Leader: Time and time again PIC and EGCP have found themselves on opposing sides of the battlefield, much due to circumstances completely out of PIC’s control. Over the course of those conflicts, despite efforts to repair diplomacy between our armies, it just didn’t work out. From PIC’s perspective anyways, we just felt as if a level of respect would need to be rebuilt between us and EGCP before any progress could be made. Then finally there was a breakthrough. I had a really nice conversation with EGCP leader Cobra about our rocky past and progress was seemingly made. Then our ATWC battle happened where PIC was able to closely match EGCP in size and win a room. Seeing EGCP take that battle seriously despite our S/M status and even congratulate us on our success meant a lot to all of us in PIC. From that point on it seemed only right to take control of our diplomatic relationship in a way that no external factors could influence, so we can have a fair opportunity at a proper relationship.

How do you believe this may affect your army and geopolitics in general?

SavageCobra, EGCP Leader: I can see the NAP opening the door for a proper alliance between both armies, but of course it’s early to make any assumptions. Geopolitically, EGCP has always been in a bad spot and we’ve done some work to adapt and acknowledge past wrong doings. That being said, the NAP is able to open up fun activities between both armies, which is a net positive to increase friendly healthy activity in both armies. But in the overall geopolitical scene it just puts us in a spot that is open to more cooperation among other armies and better understanding.

Shallissa, PIC Leader: We are well aware that PIC’s close allies TCP and ACP historically have not viewed EGCP fondly. We have aided ACP in conflicts against EGCP and other armies in the past, and openly supported TCP in their recent war against EGCP. We have immense respect for our allies, however we needed to put ourselves first. PIC gains nothing by feuding with EGCP, and in a potential conflict with them, or another army, at the end of the day we can only count on ourselves. I do not regret aiding our allies in times of need, however it’s time for PIC to begin looking at the bigger picture. By the looks of our current CPAB sizes we are on our way to becoming a Major army, and that is our ultimate goal. We are past the days of S/M conflict, and it is time for us to begin navigating our way through the Major army scene. I don’t want to do that with existing bad blood in the picture. We want to leave all of that in the past and focus on a bright future for PIC and our diplomacy.

Are you positive that the NAP may improve both armies’ relations in the near future?

SavageCobra, EGCP Leader: I’m fairly confident, although the NAP cannot be the sole reason – both sides must put in genuine work to continue friendly relations. Where it stands right now I don’t see any reason for us to be on each others backs over anything, and per the NAP we must hold some cooperative events, which will only strengthen relations further if they go well. So, it is early to say and it is not solely reliant on the NAP, but I do think good relations are definitely a prospect to look forward to.

Shallissa, PIC Leader: At the end of the day nothing in armies is for certain, so I’m not “positive” about anything. What I can say though is that PIC is serious about maintaining good relationships with armies and people who view us with respect. We would not have presented EGCP with our NAP if we didn’t intend for our relationship to improve through it. Especially with our term regarding hosting events together, our ultimate goal is to get to know EGCP and develop friendships with their leaders and members. If both of us are putting in the work and are upfront and vocal about anything we’re feeling, I can see this turning into a really strong friendship long term.

It is reasonable to conclude that both are confident the pact represents a gateway to a friendly and peaceful future. However, only the future will tell whether the Guardians and the Confederates will end up confronting each other or not. This is yet another example of the trend of Non-Aggression Pacts that arose in the community. Do you believe NAPs are useful in some way? Or do you believe signing NAPs only hinders warfare?

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Army Legend. Former Water Ninjas leader. Founder and Former Leader of the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin. Currently serving as Executive Producer in Club Penguin Armies.

One Response

  1. […] recent days, many armies have been making non-aggression pacts with one another. Another was reportedly in the works between the Confederation and Secret Service. […]

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