Memorable Moments With Sidie9

Sidie9 is well known throughout the army community for pioneering the first-ever AUSIA divisions, in addition to occupying several notable leadership positions. In this week’s Memorable Moments column, we reached out to Sidie9 to hear some of her favorite memories from her time in CPA.

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Sidie9‘s first introduction into the army community was through the Special Weapons and Tactics in 2010, participating in her first-ever event as a rogue. Not knowing what armies were, she was formally recruited into the Ice Warriors next year in 2011. She quickly realized that there weren’t events that accommodated her Australian timezone. Her solution? Create her own army alongside her best friends from school. She founded the Army of Darkness, establishing the first AUSIA division in army history. She went on to create many other AUSIA-based armies, AUSIA-based armies, such as the Army Union and Heroes.

Army of Darkness event

Following the revival of the Hot Sauce Army in 2013, Sidie was brought onto the team as their AUSIA Commander. She moved to colonize the Heroes under the HSA, building their AUSIA sizes up to 10-20 troops. Her AUSIA division was significant in triumphs against the Doritos and Light Troops. Her extensive contributions to the Small/Medium community led to her induction as S/M Legend in 2012. Moving to Major territory, Sidie joined the Golden Troops’ in 2014, growing their AUSIA division to 20+ sizes. Soon after, she climbed the Army of Club Penguin ranks, earning herself the title of AUSIA Commander and Commander-in-Chief. During her Clover reign, she brawled with various armies such as the Rebel Penguin Federation and Special Weapons and Tactics, before concluding her time in the community.

ACP AUSIA event under Sidie

Hearing that her home army ACP would be returning for a CPPS generation, Sidie rejoined the community as Clover 2ic. Her time there was brief; however, as she soon broke away to create a new project, the People’s Imperial Confederation. Founded alongside close friend Proditor, the Club Penguin Rewritten born army has faced a fair share of ups and downs over the years. However, it still stands today, having earned its place as a staple Small/Medium army of the CPPS era. Within the realm of media, Sidie opted to join the Club Penguin Army Headquarters as administrator, becoming Director-in-Chief alongside DMT. Today in media, she holds the rank of Associate Editor within the Club Penguin Armies organization. Choosing to find success elsewhere, Sidie recently joined the Templars as Grand Prior.

PIC during Beach Brawl 3

You’ve been in the army community for quite some time now. What period of your career are you most fond of?

Having made so many memories during my time in armies, it’s honestly difficult for me to pick. Since I’m being forced to write this at gunpoint, I’d have to say I’m most fond of the first years of my career. Discovering armies through a SWAT battle with ACP on Mammoth, founding a bunch of small/medium armies with my friends from school, and being a proud member of the Black Alliance were all big formative experiences for me. Armies integrated role-play a lot more, I felt like a soldier protecting REAL servers that users actually played in, and that’s what really got me hooked on this strange game we play.

After leading numerous major armies, what prompted you to dedicate several years in the small/medium army community?

I’d led small/medium armies before when I was much younger, there wasn’t anything quite like making an army with its own culture and fighting to survive. Having led the Army of Club Penguin before, I didn’t hesitate on coming back when Mchappy told me that ACP was returning. By October of 2019 I felt as though it’d be worth making my own army with Proditor, the People’s Imperial Confederation, as a side project. For numerous reasons I began to feel like the ACP I once cherished was gone, and so I committed to PIC. I did re-join the Clovers on a few occasions after that. I almost moved on and PIC could have become a distant memory. However, after ACP turned its back on me repeatedly, I came to the conclusion that PIC was the only one place that was going to look out for me. Every second spent with PIC was worth it.

What moments in your career have been the most memorable?

There’s way too many for me to name. The founding of the People’s Imperial Confederation will always be a huge one for me, those months are the only thing that has come close to the same feeling the same way I did when I first joined armies. Winning Beach Brawl III will always be up there, it’s hard to describe the pure excitement and adrenaline. I cherish becoming ACP leader and my entire reign, despite how hard it was to survive in a community smaller than it is now. My time as an administrator of Club Penguin Army Headquarters is also something I cherish. Those are a few highlights for me.

Do you think your most treasured moments are behind you, or do you believe there is more to come?

I think there’s still more moments to come, or I’d have never joined Templars. I want to see how it’ll be to lead a major army one last time, to accomplish what I can before it is time to say goodbye, and I think there’ll be more fond memories to make along that journey.

After being in the army community for over a decade, Sidie’s many memorable moments should come as no surprise. Her contributions to the AUSIA and Small/Medium community are memorable within themselves, and she continues to showcase her experience wherever she goes. Though she has moved to the Templars, it is clear that her creation of the People’s Imperial Confederation has been a significant part of her life. Thank you Sidie for sharing some highlights of your time within the community! We wish you the best of luck as you hopefully create even more memories!


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