Behind The Scenes: Alucard

Welcome back to Behind The Scenes, the column where we delve into the day-to-day life of a community member. In this edition, we will explore the life of Alucard, who currently works as Community Committee at Club Penguin Armies.

Designed by Gabgeirl

Alucard is a well-known member of the army community. His journey began in 2019 when the Templars recruited him on Club Penguin Online. After staying in the army for three months, he decided to join the Ice Warriors. Alucard’s hard work paid off, as he reached the rank of high staff within the army. Eventually, his time in IW came to an end as he decided to create his first army, known as the Saber Squid. Unfortunately, the army only survived for a few weeks, leading him to rejoin his former army, IW.

In August 2021, Alucard left IW to rejoin the Templar’s High Command. After two months, he joined the Dark Viking Leadership, a tenure that lasted only three months. However, despite the shutdown of the first generation of the DV, Alucard once again rejoined IW for the third time, showcasing his unwavering commitment to the army. Within just six months, he rose to the rank of High Command in the army before opting to rejoin the DV leadership for a second generation. Despite this transition, Alucard’s dedication remained steadfast as he navigated his way back to DV.

In December 2022, he joined the Army of Club Penguin as an HCOM. However, his tenure in the army was interrupted by a coup, occurring after four months of service. In May 2023, he joined the People’s Imperial Confederation as a Third-in-Command. With Alucard’s dedication and hard work, he was quickly promoted to leader three weeks after World War IX.

Additionally, Alucard greatly helped the army by winning wars against armies such as Special Weapons and Tactics and Penguins of Madagascar.

PIC vs. SWAT Weeping Weapon’s War

With Alucard’s passion and motivation to lead his army to success, here ultimately contributed to winning the S/M Army New Year’s Bonanza Championship. Moreover, Alucard’s hard work began to garner attention from the entire army community, solidifying his reputation as one of the influential members within the community. Ultimately, this led to him receiving the Best S/M Army Leader award for the 2023 Winter Awards.

Alucard’s currently holds the position as a Community Committee member in Club Penguin Armies. His gaming selection and hosting skills have helped provide enjoyable entertainment for the entire community. In his free time, some of his favorite activities include watching new shows and listening to music. Furthermore, Alucard enjoys watching football and Formula 1 races. Regarding this year’s race, he hopes not to see Max Verstappen opening champagne on the podium.

Club Penguin Armies was able to sit down with Alucard to tell us more about himself and his future plans.

Can you tell us about your role as a community committee in CPA?

So usually, I will do a weekly game on Wednesday, it’ll usually be a really challenging or annoying game I’ve found to test the limits and see what scores ppl can get.

What do you like the most about the army community?

What I love most about the army community has to be leading PIC, all the stupid shit we do during events, yapping away in chats for hours without realizing the time and just interacting in general. I’m so thankful for all the opportunities I’ve had leading this amazing army, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

What are your favorite memories in CPA?

Some of my favorite memories have to be the late-night CPA VCs, no matter how wild or crazy they got.

Do you have any future plans your working on currently?

My future plans right now are to try and get all my stuff in place for my retirement in either August or January next year.

What advice would you give community members who join your games?

Just have fun and try your best :3

Undoubtedly, Alucard stands out as an influential figure within the community. Not only does he excel in his role as an army leader, but his impact also extends to his contributions as a Community Committee member. Moreover, his dedication and efforts in both areas have significantly shaped the community’s direction and success. With such dedication and contribution, we wish Alucard good luck in all his future plans. As for his next game hosting, will Alucard opt for a simpler game? Additionally, how many daily game challenges have you joined?

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