Behind The Scenes: Aisha

Welcome back to Behind The Scenes, the column where we look into the day-to-day life of a community member. This time, we will look into the life of Aisha who currently serves as a Moderator in Club Penguin Armies.

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Aisha, or known as AishaJabz to some, joined the army community in the mid of August of 2017, being recruited into the Rebel Penguin Federation through Club Penguin Rewritten. Up to the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018, Aisha held the highest rank in as a Colonel before taking a temporary leave from armies and retiring after a doxing situation in March of 2018.

Aisha later rejoined the Rebels in November of 2018 after her leave from Discord. A few months into April of 2019, she was promoted to moderator and continued to rise the ranks up to Lieutenant General at the time, towards mid-June of 2019.

Battle with ETA in August 2018

Sometime later in 2020, Aisha found herself joining the Dark Bandits as she was no longer enjoying the Rebels, stuck at a low moderation rank. Only within a month of joining the Bandits, those in higher ranked positions become unhappy with Carlos‘ leadership, going on to be the Red Ravagers. Aisha did not join the Red Ravagers; however, instead moving on to the Doritos in the next month.

In June of 2020, Aisha shortened her name from AishaJabz to the name we know her as today. Because of Aisha’s constant activity in the Doritos chat, and one of their top recruiters, she eventually was promoted to Third in Command. However, in September of 2020, she would leave for a short time due to getting an opportunity to join the leadership of Romans after they announced their revival.

In mid-October 2020, the Romans would eventually shut down, leaving Aisha to rejoin the Doritos after their revival in November of 2020 before being promoted to Second in Command. During the mid of November, Aisha would once again leave the Doritos, moving to the Underground Mafias Army where she would assume the rank of Fourth in Command, eventually being promoted the Third in Command. Aisha eventually moved on to advising Special Weapons and Tactics, but as of recently, she is a moderator for Club Penguin Armies.

Doritos and Army of Club Penguin in November 2020

It is obvious that Aisha has been here for a few years now, and has some experiences to share, and even some of her hobbies that she partakes in that not too many people who haven’t approached her do not know of. In this case, Club Penguin Armies approached Aisha to find out more about her.

You have been in armies for a few years. What can you say about your experience, and do you have any advice for others?

Yeah, I’ve been in armies for, what, like nearly seven years in August. The experience is a mix really but, to be fair, I’ve made some good friends that I still talk to quite a bit.

In terms of advice, I’d say remember what your goals are in real life and if [armies] is affecting it, then you know what to do

Outside of armies, who is Aisha behind the scenes?

Outside of armies, I’m currently focusing on my studies (trying to do optometry) and making sure to stay on top of gym and meet goals. I’d say since COVID, my procrastination levels were questionable, but I have definitely improved while being retired.

Do you have any everyday hobbies you like to do?

Well truth be told, I haven’t had time for an everyday hobby recently, but I did try take up crocheting not long ago. It’s going alright! But, apart from that, I’ve been watching a few Netflix shows and movies

Any show or movie recommendations?

To be frank, people have always said great things about Gilmore Girls but I prefer Gossip Girl. I recently watched Griselda on Netflix and it was actually pretty good. My main recommendation from what I’ve watched recently would be Lupin.

What has been one of your favorite moments during your journey in the community?

For favorite moments: I think I’d say there was a load during the COVID era. There was just a lot more going on, and loads of people were active so it was hectic which, in my opinion, is what makes it more fun.

What made you want to become a Moderator?

Well I became moderator in Club Penguin Armies when I started being more active again while still being retired, and I just thought, why not.

If you had the time for it, would you be willing to rejoin any army in the future or even go to a new army that you haven’t joined yet?

If I had the time to join an army then, sure, I probably would. It is very satisfying to get high on the Top Ten [by having] a good max.

 Thank you for the interview, Aisha! It seems that with all the years of experience under Aisha’s belt, she still sticks around for the community itself to watch it grow, even when she needs to have time for a few other things to herself. What do you think Aisha will do next for the army community with her experiences? 

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