As the new year dawns upon us, the Penguins of Madagascar turn a year old. Having been created this time last year, the army has seen several worthwhile moments, despite going through their own set of challenges.
On the 19th and 20th of January, the Penguins of Madagascar took a trip down memory lane to celebrate the army’s creation and ingress within the community a year back. Their “Road to a Year” featured two episodes in the form of events held on CPA Battleground. Both of these events saw an attendance of 10 penguins joining in the occasion to honor the army’s one-year existence.

Road to a Year
Apart from this, Pingo, one of the leaders of the army, also announced that the Penguins of Madagascar would be beginning to host two events related to their army every week, along with fun games like Gartic Phone, Roblox, and Cards Against Humanity, to recognize the army’s first anniversary.

POM’s announcement regarding First Anniversary celebration
While the army officially entered the community on February 11th, 2023, after holding their opening event on the same day, the Penguins of Madagascar was created in late January last year by Logical and Rye Bread. Since then they have had their fair share of ups and downs, some of their memorable times being during the AUSIA Arena: Summer Edition last year, where they managed to max around 20 against a battle with the Help Force, the Trick or Treat Trials tournament where they placed 3rd after a chaotic battle against the other armies and securing the fifth position on Top Ten Armies. Having been involved in wars since their very inception, the Penguins of Madagascar have been a vital part of the S/M armies and the army community at large.

Ausia Arena Summer Edition: Penguins of Madagascar vs. Help Force
UPDATE – On February 11th, on the occasion of their official first anniversary, the Penguins of Madagascar met on the CPA Battleground once again to commemorate their one-year journey within the army community.

Penguins of Madagascar celebrate their first anniversary
Club Penguin Armies had the opportunity to talk to Rye Bread and Pingo about the Penguins celebrating their one-year anniversary and the army’s future plans.
How does it feel to celebrate the army’s first anniversary?
Pingo: It feels great, especially given how nowadays POM is starting to pick up steam, It is always a good sign to see an army stick by for so long.
Rye: Honestly I never thought we’d make it this far lol. Leading up to POM’s anniversary [Feb. 11th], we are looking back on all that the penguins have done, hosting themed events on CPAB showcasing February Forte, war vs. SWAT, war vs. MC, Bloodbath Barage, Trick or Treat Trials, etc.
On the days when we aren’t hosting a CPAB event, we still play games like Jackbox, Minecraft, Gartic Phone, Last to leave VC, Putt Party, and much more. Each day we are also recruiting and keeping up with the grind.
What does this army mean to you?
Pingo: It means a community that I like being with, a group of people that, while not big, can still make memories.
Rye: In some ways I think of POM as my first child, it’s the first server I’ve made that hit the 500-member milestone, doesn’t seem like a lot but I’m proud of it. It’s a community that Logical and I created, and while it’s not as active as it once was there are always fun moments when visitors talk in there and engage with POM. I’m always gonna be rooting for POM and supporting the army when I can.
Which accomplishment(s) of the army are you proud of over this past year?
Pingo: February Fort, Ausia Arena, and even Trick or Treat Trials were all tournaments that will lay with me, even if for some of them I wasn’t at POM.
Rye: Over the past year we have completed many goals. We won a tournament [AUSIA Arena] [real] and got to #5 on the Top Tens back in May. I’m also very proud of us achieving bronze in the Trick or Treat Trials, thanks to Pingo. POM also has a wiki so that’s pretty cool.
Could you share some of your favourite moments from the army?
Pingo: No-
Rye: Not related to POM, but one of my favorite memories this year is getting Lord Pain to rage quit CPA over Summer Survival.
Getting our first 3-0-0, winning AA and CPA chat going crazy over it, the Minecraft war that occurred [Mustapha10 VS. Rxzer], Solarix getting couped, the practice battles we had with our allies back in Spring, as well as the team battles against ourselves because we have no allies lol.
What are your future plans and goals for the army, and how do you wish to achieve them?
Pingo: Summer coming up so I hope I can make POM build up during that era, sucks that to get to the summer you need to do your finals so, hope I’m alive by then, for non-summer related stuff, I hope we can at least do ONE fairy tail run, it can be in a Major tournament or even a S/M tournament, and hope that one-day silver wear is with POM.
Rye: Future plans? not sure. Right now I’m working with Pingo as we revive the server with games and movie streams. We are also hoping to release a new economy system for the server before the anniversary.
My only goals for POM this year are to STAY DETERMINED, grow, and have fun!
What can we expect from the army this year?
Pingo: Something.
Rye: This year we definitely want to expand our army and reach greater heights, but more importantly we want to return to the community as a whole with better relations all around. I know that there have been some questionable leaders these past few months but that’s in the past and we’re ready to become a respectable S/M army in the community.
A fresh start is always admirable, and there is no doubt that the army is willing to bounce back this year. We can’t wait to see what the future has in store for the Penguins of Madagascar and wish the army, the very best in all of their future endeavors. How will this year go for the army? What are your thoughts on their performance last year?