With the ever-changing nature of foreign relations among armies, an alliance saw its end, as the Penguins of Madagascar broke their association with the Dark Vikings. As of late, the Vikings have been classified under the category of ‘Neutral Armies’ in the Nation of the Madagascars’ Penguins.

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On the 15th of October, Rye, one of the creators of Penguins of Madagascar made an official announcement on the army’s server stating that they had broken their alliance with the Dark Vikings. There was no exclusive reason mentioned as to why the alliance ended, however, Rye did mention that their bond with the Vikings had deteriorated in the past few weeks and that the army would be moving on to better things.
Ever since its inception, the relationship between the two armies has been anything but simple. While the Dark Vikings may have helped the Penguins of Madagascar out during the War of Conquest in March when the latter had declared war on Special Weapons and Tactics – the two armies soon went to war against one another in May as the Madagascars’ Penguins joined the Sapphire Concordat alliance to take down the Dark Vikings, condemning the Vikings’ actions. Titled the Bloodbath Barrage War, the Penguins, as part of the Sapphire Concordat declared victory against the Dark Vikings, issuing a force treaty. One can presume that their association would have taken a downturn since then.
However, soon after the war ended, the Penguins of Madagascar went into a hiatus that lasted for a whole month before they returned to the community. As they made a comeback in the following month, the army entered a rebuilding stage under a completely new leadership. With Solarix, Guest User, and Cre3py becoming the new Skippers of the army, the decision to restore the bond with the Dark Vikings was made. This time, the alliance lasted for two and a half months before Rye’s recent announcement made known to the public that the army had officially ended their association with the Dark Vikings, once again.
To find out more about breaking their alliance with the Dark Vikings, Club Penguin Armies reached out to Rye for an interview.
What is the reason behind ending the alliance with the Dark Vikings?
Imma be so real with you the reason why is because none of us like Krosive, Thunder, or MtJordan. The way they moderate their server, in my opinion, is extremely unprofessional, sloppy, and toxic to be in. Pingo and I have heard countless stories of fights, controversies, and backstabbings. Some of the things I have seen leaders say in the main chat leave me questioning if human decency is still alive. Overall it’s just better if we don’t associate ourselves with DV.
Given you were at war, a few months back, what was it that led to establishing the alliance in the first place?
When I stepped down from leadership, POM and DV were neutral with one another. I believe when Cre3py was a leader, they allied and helped POM during some rough times. Even though they are quite controversial, I’ll forever be thankful to Bscharbach and Litt7 for assisting POM during the War of Conquest.
How do you think ending this alliance will benefit your army in the long run?
POM is slowly, but consistently growing, now that we have a stable staff team once again I am confident that the alliance wont affect us.
What can we expect to see from the army in the future?
What are your army’s plans regarding foreign relations and diplomacy moving ahead?
For now, we don’t necessarily have plans for foreign relations, other than keeping our other alliances. However, I want everyone to know that this is a new generation of the Penguins of Madagascar. We are greater and wiser than we once were, and everything you once thought of our Nation should be put aside.
It seems that Rye is determined to start afresh with her army, beginning a new chapter where they strive to achieve higher and learn from their past. We wish her, the Penguins of Madagascar, and the Dark Vikings, the very best in all of their future endeavors. Do you think this alliance will be re-established in the future?