AUSIA Arena Championship Finals: Meet The Leaders

The stage is set for an intense showdown in the Championship Finals of the incredibly thrilling AUSIA Arena: Summer Edition. Throughout the past month, twelve armies have engaged in fierce battles, all vying for the prestigious title. However, only two of them made it to the finals. With the hyped battle just around the corner, let us take a moment to meet the leaders of the Help Force and the Water Vikings and find out more about their ongoing preparations.

Meet The Leaders: Thumbnail

Designed by Wynn

The Help Force is currently led by Desireus and Rooboo. Both leaders joined the community through the Help Force, which has been their only army so far. While Desireus joined the army in early 2021, Rooboo has been a part of the stamp group since 2019. The Helpers’ journey in this tournament has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. They burst onto the scene with an explosive start, showcasing their strength and determination. The Helpers mustered an impressive force of 30 soldiers in their first-round battle against the Penguins of Madagascar.

However, they suffered an unexpected setback in the second round, experiencing a size drop and maxing only 20+. Doubts started to creep in, but Help Force proved their resilience in their most recent battle against the Army of Club Penguin. Rising above the challenge, they stamped their authority with an extraordinary force of 40+ soldiers. The fluctuations in their sizes help the intrigue and uncertainty surrounding the finals, leaving everyone eagerly anticipating the battle.

Meet The Leaders: HF vs ACP Round Three Battle

Help Force vs Army of Club Penguin

The Water Vikings are currently led by Dino and Mabel. Both leaders climbed aboard the Commanders’ ship in September 2022. Dino joined the community in 2015, and has been a part of various armies such as Rebel Penguin Federation, Dark Warriors and Underground Mafias Army. Moreover, he also led several other armies like the Lime Green Army and the Doritos. Meanwhile, Mabel joined the Water Vikings in 2020. Since then, she popped up in other armies like the Trojans and Wet Army Penguins, but her primary army was always the Water Vikings.

The Vikings have been riding an ever growing tsunami of success ever since their opening battle against the People’s Imperial Confederation, where they made a splash with a size of 28+. In their clash with the Dark Vikings, they surged ahead and set a new record for their AUSIA size with 36+ soldiers. However, just when you thought they were done, a staggering 38+ Vikings showed up against the Special Weapons And Tactics, proving that they’re a force to be reckoned with. Their hunger for victory is not unnoticed, and many community members are expecting them to seize the title of AUSIA Champions.

Meet The Leaders: WV vs SWAT

Water Vikings vs SWAT

Without any further ado, let us meet the leaders of these two AUSIA heavyweights.

What are you doing differently than usual to prepare for the finals? What aspect are you focusing on more? Recruiting new troops, or training the existing army?

Mabel: We are choosing to focus on recruiting and training sessions, preparing our newest troops for AUSIA Arena and get them excited, especially as new troops. In general, we haven’t changed anything up that we would normally do for tournaments. We are definitely testing out some new forms and different tactics to impress the judges though


Rooboo: Like sports, you don’t prepare in tournament weeks for something new. In tournament weeks you train to warm up your current game. We’re focusing on hyping and training our existing troops more and also recruiting with different intensities during the early days of the week. Apart from that, we’re focusing on hyping our troops with server activity and hosting fun games.

How do you think the battle will go down?

Desireus: This I believe once again will once of the closest battles we’ll ever be fighting in, there’s no single side on this one. Both armies till be giving eachother one heck of a fight for sure.

Mabel: I think it’s going to be safe to say this will be a very close battle. Both Water Vikings and Help Force have successfully wiped all the rooms during their battles, and are relatively close in size when it comes to AUSIA events and tournaments.

Dino: It’ll be down to the wire and likely go into overtime. Both armies are incredibly good. I obviously think WV will prevail given how much we’ve improved both before and during this tournament but I’m biased so.

If not for the Water Vikings/Help Force, which army would you have liked to face in the finals?

Rooboo: RPF. They’re the best in the game when it comes to tournaments and the win over them is the most challenging and the most achieving.

Dino: The Rebel Penguin Federation. They’ve been objectively the best AUSIA force in the CPPS era and we lost in heartbreaking fashion to them last AUSIA Arena. Like we still defied the odds by taking a room (when people predicted 3-0 RPF) but how am I supposed to feel better about that? I would’ve loved to fight RPF. If we were talking strictly in the tournament though, ACP. I want to finally settle the score. We beat Calgo in a tournament battle whilst he beat us in one.

Mabel: Had it not been for them drifting from the army community, I think the Ice Warriors would be a big interesting army for us to battle against in the finals.

What are your plans for the army if you win the title of AUSIA Champion? Will you be looking into developing the AUSIA division further?

Dino: I’d resend the same video but that’s no fun. Besides it’s not really something that needs to be treated as discreet, haha. There’ll be a victory parade one week from the victory and hyped up massively. And yes, we do want to develop our AUSIA further. Our weekend AUSIA is awesome but that is due to the thanks of US/EU people. I want a weekday AUSIA along with increasing the actual AUSIA demographic attendance ratio. Nothing crazy tbh

Desireus: Of course if we win, we will definitely be continuing in developing our AUSIA division and eventually if conditions are met, have the strongest AUSIA division among the community.

Mabel: Continue pushing forward. I feel happy with our AUSIA division right now, and I’m extremely proud of everything that our staff, troops, and advisory have done to help the army grow and finally get our name out there for having an amazing AUSIA division. Once the tournament ends, we definitely have plans to continue growing our AUSIA, many many plans in the future, so watch out for that.

Which moment of this tournament did you enjoy the most?

Desireus: Personally so far, my favourite was of course the battles, especially the one up against ACP. They definitely gave us a good fight, was a fun one to remember especially with the hype we had before going into battle.

Mabel: Having our veterans come back to battle once more. It is always great to see faces I knew back even when I first joined the community in 2020. In all honesty, our last few battles against the other armies we have faced seem a little too easy. But having our veterans come back and fight once more and seeing my own improvement in leading compared to a few months back has been a great moment to experience.

Dino: My favorite moment was watching Thunder spontaneously combust after losing to us in battle 2.

What is your message to the future leaders who take on the dream of winning a tournament final?

Dino: No one saw WV getting here, especially since our AUSIA before AA wasn’t even the largest (DV, SWAT, HF, ACP, and RPF were bigger). Anyone can do it! But you need to have the willpower to do it. You also need to incentivize people to show up at these asinine hours (for AUSIA tournaments). Really uhhh as long as you have the willpower to persevere you got most of the job down. If you give up on the battle at ANY time during it, you already lost. Don’t get overly excited/comfortable, though. Just keep leading (almost like tunnel vision). As one of CPA’s best tacticians and legends, Shadow2446, once said: “Never say “We are winning” or “We win” during the middle of the battle. I have seen alot of comebacks in my days.”

Rooboo: DO NOT wake up during the tournament weeks. Wake up when there’s nothing going around. It’s called the “Pre-Season” for a reason. You train before tournaments to improve and then you maintain your game during the tournament. Go insane mode on recruiting, invading, hyping, and doing different events to grow the army when there’s nothing around. Once the tournament starts you won’t stress over recruiting and DMing as much as you would if you suddenly start preparing when the tournament weeks start.

Mabel: Just keep pushing forward. You’re always going to run into bumps in the road, but also keep creativity in your mind. Repeats of tactics or formations are going to get extremely boring to you and your troops. Winning a tournament final can simply be a 50/50 chance at times, so you need to figure out ways to impress the eyes of the judges and the community around you. When times get tough though, don’t take it out on your staff or troops. Remember that things happen, and at the end of the day you’ll have to admit that you and your army had fun with the tournament whilst it was happening.

With that, we complete our meet the leaders interview. The two armies definitely seem hell bent upon securing their victory in this tournament. The leaders send an important message to the community, sharing their knowledge and emanating determination. Club Penguin Armies wishes both armies the best for their finals. It will be exciting to watch this battle and witness the birth of the new AUSIA Champion.

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