Following a decrease in the number of activities, the Baseball Team of CP has officially announced its merger with the Penguins of Madagascar.
The Baseball Team of CP was created on December 24 2022 by Ninja Leader and Tide. Upon registering as an army, it was initially rejected for suspected multi-logging. However, it was eventually accepted on January 22. Both Ninja Leader and Tide are known for leading S/M armies. Ninja’s leadership experience includes Great Knights, and Space Force, while Tide is known for his leadership in the Lime Green Army.

The Baseball Team’s first event
The army made its debut in the Top Ten on January 2, claiming the tenth position, and eventually made its way to the ninth position. It managed to keep hold of that position for a couple of weeks. However, a vast amount of new armies soon made their way into the community. This left the Baseball Team struggling to grasp a spot in the Top Tens.
In their last appearance on the Top Ten posts, the Baseball Team did not succeed to find a place within the Top Ten. However, they did grab onto 14th place. On February 20, Ninja Leader revealed his decision to merge the Baseball Team with the Penguins of Madagascar, which was established in late January under the leadership of Logical and Rye Bread.

The Baseball Team’s official announcement stating the merger with POM
Before the announcement, Ninja Leader was appointed as the Kowalski (High Commander) of POM. Visitors were also banned from the Baseball Team server as a measure to avoid troop stealing from the server.
Club Penguin Armies reached out to Ninja Leader, BCP’s leader, to find out what led to the merger and what their aims are in POM.
What were the circumstances that led to this merger?
The Penguins of Madagascar offered me Leader-in-Training, therefore I accepted the offer.
Why did you choose to merge into POM?
Same reason as above.
What do you aim to do as a HCOM for POM?
Develop and establish a perfect AUSIA Division for the Penguins of Madagascar.
Are there any chances for a revival of the Baseball Team?
Do you wish to add anything?
From the conversation above, there seem to be no plans to reopen Baseball Team anytime soon. However, it’ll be interesting to see what the future holds for them. We wish them and their troops the best of luck as they embark on a new journey in POM.