Welcome to This Day In History, a column analyzing important moments in army history. This edition will discuss the retirements and mergers on February 11.

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Founding of CPA’s First Australian Armies
Firstly, Sidie9 started in Club Penguin Armies as a rogue troop for Special Weapons and Tactics in 2010. However, Ice Warriors officially recruited her in 2011 and became her first army. Since there were no events in her time zone, she created the Army of Darkness which eventually went by other names such as the Army Union and Heroes. The latter became one of the more prominent Small/Medium armies in the following years. The army took part in multiple tournaments and wars under leaders like Wyoskyguy. Its success ended with the defacement of its website in late 2013. Despite the army’s decline, she left a lasting impact as the founder of the first AUSIA army. As such, she established the first Australian-focused army years before Flipmoo implemented the first successful AUSIA division in the Army of Club Penguin. Her influence on the division’s creation led to her status as a S/M Army Legend. Finally, her journey did not end there as she participated in several other armies.
Exploration of Different Armies
In the meantime, she rejoined Hot Sauce Army in 2013 after the army’s revival. During her time there, she defeated both the Doritos of Club Penguin and Light Troops with the army’s AUSIA division. As the army shut down in June 2013, she and other army members went onto other armies or left the community. In her case, she moved on to Golden Troops where she led for several months. Moreover, her journey continued in ACP where internal drama forced her to leave. Furthermore, she also spent time in IW where she provided support in the Rebel Penguin Federation/IW war. Afterwards, she eventually returned to ACP as a leader with Albaro Lord and Kenneth1000 temporarily before both left. Due to their departures, she became the solo leader for the next several months. Lastly, she decided to retire after years in the community.

ACP Invasion of Breeze from Light Troops
Sidie9’s Retirement
On February 11, 2016, Sidie9 announced her retirement and passed the torch to Bam117. The latter previously served as the 38th leader before he retired for some time due to the start of school. For the time being, her time in ACP ended even though her retirement didn’t last long. With her retirement, CSY took her place leading the army’s AUSIA division. Simultaneously, another former-ACP leader retired around the same time.
Like Sidie9, Trader began as a low-level troop in Golds in 2013. Over time, he became the leader at the side of Antonio960 and Tilgen. While the army experienced much success, a decline in performance contributed to its closure in early 2015. After its closure, he joined ACP as a staff member and became leader months later. His leadership witnessed several scandals but still grew in size regardless. These scandals were one feature of his time in armies. On the other hand, such scandals became more common as it inched closer to Club Penguin‘s shutdown. After months as leader, he retired and became part of DCP’s leadership. Despite DCP’s success, his leadership ended after a couple of months due to his retirement.

DCP’s Invasion of Summit
Trader’s Retirement
After three years in the community, Trader concluded his leadership of Doritos and issued a reassurance to DCP troops before he left on February 11. Like Sidie9, his retirement was temporary as he also returned to armies months later. When he returned, he led Thugs, Nachos, Pretzels, and IW for brief periods. He also briefly resumed his leadership in ACP prior to his resignation. His stint in Thugs came two months before Club Penguin’s shutdown and was one of his last leadership positions. Ultimately, his retirement was a short-lived one.
Small/medium army merger
Despite these retirements, other important events occurred on the same day. The merger of Team Luis, Lucky Troops, and Team Robot into RPF was another notable event that impacted the community. Two of the armies, Team Luis and Team Robot, had ties to RPF as their leaders both held staff ranks in the army. Consequently, their merger aimed to contribute a greater size to the army they valued significantly. On the other hand, Team Luis and Lucky Troops turned into RPF colonies as a result of the merge. Team Robot’s leader, Robot, aimed to eventually return if possible. Regardless, the merger offered RPF higher sizes in the future. Finally, the event provided the army with a change of pace from the usual occurrences.

An event held by Team Robot before the merger
These events all indicated that the community changed greatly in early 2016. Additionally, the two retirees had similar histories as they were in multiple armies over the course of their careers. They also returned to the community months after their apparent retirements. Their returns indicated how hard it is for people to leave the community permanently. Moreover, the merger between the three armies displayed how larger armies benefitted from having their staff in smaller armies that could merge. Finally, these events showed how the community can change even in original CPA. What do YOU think of these events? What mergers have been beneficial to larger armies? Which recent retirements do YOU think were notable?
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