Dark Pirates Go To War With Weeknds

On February 10, the Dark Pirates declared war on the Weeknds of Club Penguin. Today, let us find out the reason behind this war and the Weeknds’ plans regarding it.

Designed by Master DS

army relations

Three months ago, the Weeknds of Club Penguin officially opened their doors to the community. Almost two weeks later, Weeknd’s leader Fun X Time announced the army’s official registration in the league. On the other hand, the Dark Pirates have been around a little longer. Founded by Ninja Leader and Tide in April 2023, the Pirates achieved a max of 12 at their opening event. The army was quick to rise to prominence in the community, participating in Legends Cup XIII not long after opening. Following Tide’s departure from the army in July, the army merged with Special Weapons and Tactics, marking the end of its first generation.

The Weeknd’s Opening Event

The army resurfaced in March 2024, commencing its second generation. Maxing 10 in their successful reopening event, the community was excited to see what the Pirates had in store. In this time, the Dark Pirates severed their alliance with SWAT for strategic reasons, and ended up warring with the Winged Hussars. Following this, the army merged with the Secret Service, shutting down again.

The army recently reopened in December last year, and placed 8th on the Weekly Top Ten that same week. After a few quiet months, DPC declared war on the Weeknds. This came as a shock to most seeing as these two armies have hardly had any conflict in the past. Though the two armies are now at war, the Dark Pirates have emphasized that the war is for fun and that they do not intend to spread hate.

Declaration post and war terms

DPC at their revival event in December

To hear more about this sudden declaration, Club Penguin Armies reached out to Weeknd’s leader Fun X Time.

Did you expect this war?

This was a practice war that I was ‘forced to expect’. I was added to a group DM and my eyes were forced to see some cute little war terms. I was, for the second time, in a group chat with Tide. Did you know that last time I was with Tide in a group chat, he was badly upset with me? Anyway, my experience in the group DM was amusing, interesting, and wholly awesome. Any group DM with no avatar is mysterious, intriguing, and attractive. I am glad to see the Weeknds were associated with one such paradise.

How well do you think your army is going to perform?

Perform? Why would anyone spend time sending lyrics of non-existent music in a penguin game? The only places where the Weeknds perform are Las Vegas and Los Angeles. We aren’t performing in places named “Battleground”, “Klondike”, “Warzone”, or “Ice Breaker”. That’s too weird.

Do you see this war as a setback for your army?

Meme armies don’t have setbacks. Because wars don’t destroy the contentment of memes.

Any final comments?

The “DPC vs WCP battle updates” group DM has 4 members.

As this new war begins, it seems that both armies are ready to engage in this conflict. What do you think? Which army do you think will be victorious? 


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