Memorable Moments With Spotty

Spotty is a prominent and notable figure within the Club Penguin Army community, recognised for her past leadership skills and multiple accomplishments. In this week’s column, she shares her top achievements and significant events throughout her remarkable journey in armies.

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beginning of journey

Spotty started her army journey in March 2018, joining Help Force during its early formation. That summer, she briefly switched to the Rebel Penguin Federation but soon returned to Help Force to assist in its official opening. Her dedication during this period helped her rise to leadership in the army. Spotty then played a key role in the army’s development and expansion, as well as in their Exodus in late 2019.

Help Force vs Lime Green Army, 2019 Holday Championship

In February 2020, Spotty left Help Force and joined the Dark Warriors a month later, following her coup. She quickly advanced to a leadership role and contributed significantly to their AUSIA division. After the Dark Warriors closed in December 2020, she briefly led the Elites before their shutdown. In 2021, Spotty joined the Army of Club Penguin, where she served as a moderator and later became part of the High Command before stepping down in August that year.

Beyond her army leader involvement, Spotty played a significant role in army organizations. She first managed the Club Penguin Online Army League in 2019 and worked her way to Head Judge for the Club Penguin Army Hub in 2020. In 2022, she helped establish the Club Penguin Army Judges and later that year briefly managed the Club Penguin Armies league on her own. Spotty currently holds the position of Head Judge for Club Penguin Army Judges. She also continues helping CPA as a Top Ten Committe member and Community Committee member. Spotty also currently serves as a Moderator within CPBattleground.


Help Force Era

Joining in March 2018, Spotty became heavily involved in the opening of the Help Force. This allowed her to propel herself to a position of leadership in January 2019. Under her leadership, the army witnessed much participation in tournaments and claimed victories. Her first victory was the Summer Bash tournament. (contrary to Club Penguin Online Army League displaying the Pirates as official champions). Spotty’s leadership also observed the waging of war against the likes of the Light Troops and the Black Alliance. Towards the end of 2019, she boosted the army to record sizes of 90 helpers, achieving a #1 position in one of the Top Tens. In December of 2019, when the army struggled during their Helper Exodus, Spotty remained crucial in the rebuilding of the army, as it returned to #1 positions in January 2020. For her unwavering commitment, she was inducted as Help Force legend.

Spotty on the Help Force legends page.

Dark Warriors Era

After getting removed as a HF leader due to inactivity, Spotty still ended up helping the Helpers aside from the conflicts. While she returned to an HF advisor a month later upon request, she joined the High Command of the Dark Warriors. As she revived their AUSIA division, she was able to rapidly attain a leadership position, becoming leader two months later. She then co-led the army across wars against the Doritos and the Water Vikings, gaining sizes of up to 70. Spotty was vital during the 13th anniversary of the Dark Warriors, where they were able to max up to 90. Eventually, Spotty retired from the army in December 2020 after their closure.

Dark Warriors in their 13th anniversary

Other Awards/Achievements

For her notable Club Penguin Army judging experience and impact, Spotty was awarded the “Best Head Judge” award in 2022. Spotty alongside others also founded Club Penguin Army Judges, now being a stable judging organization for two years. She is recognised amongst the army community as a prominent figure in the judging field still to this day.

Spotty awarded “Best Head Judge” in the 2022 Summer Awards

Spotty was also nominated for 2022’s “Person of the Year” award, where she was runner-up alongside Crazzy. Spotty’s work stood out in the army community as they recognized her continuous contributions.

Spotty as a Runner-up alongside Crazzy for Person of the Year 2022

Club Penguin Armies reached out to Spotty to have a glimpse of the pinnacle of her journey across the army community.

Throughout your Club Penguin Army journey, which memory of yours stands out from the rest, and why?

Army wise it would have to be the Harry Potter themed week in Help Force in 2019. That week not only helped to establish future leaders within the army, but it also just encouraged people to just have fun, and it is still one of the few weeks I’ve had in this community where everyone just got along and forgot about any drama. Community wise, I think it has to be the opening of CPAJ. I had spent weeks in meetings with the community and talking to every army and their leaders about the possibility, but I was unsure if it would ever actually open. When CPAJ did open it was a massive relief as there were obviously concerns as there is to any project. All of the time and effort didn’t go to waste, but I also got to witness how something I helped create made the life of others easier. Celebrating 2 years of CPAJ earlier this year is definitely one of my favourite moments too just because it’s such an achievement for any non-army server to stay open that long in this day and age.

How has your contribution to multiple armies, as well as multiple organisations influenced your personal growth and perspective in life?

Being part of this community has made me become more confident as a person. When I joined I was quiet and shy, but this community has encouraged me to speak up, lead, and just become a more confident person overall. Having leadership positions has helped me with my education as I studied business management which looking at experiences with leading within CPA helped me to easily understand the syllabus as I could look back at leadership examples.

What advice do you wish you would have given your past self, starting out Club Penguin Army leadership?

Don’t do it, joke. It would have to be even though there have been a lot of negative impacts to leading and being such a vocal figure in the community, the negative moments only make you stronger. Embrace the negative events and think at how this can change you positively as a person, as one door closes another opens.

Looking back at your legacy, how would you say it has most notably impacted the community?

Back in 2018/19 I was one of very few female leaders within the community, so I had to fight more than most to be heard and gain respect, but also for others to accept females as a dominant part of this community.

However, I would have to say that I impacted the community with the creation of CPAJ. Before CPAJ, judging had never been a standalone organisation, it was only within the last few years that they were officially established within leagues. I have been a HJ since summer 2020, so 4 years now, and I’d like to say that I’ve completely changed the community with the world of judging. I have helped to re-establish a more thorough JiT training programme, led the way to creating a judging guide with the help of leagues and army leaders, and just really putting judging on the map and ensuring that the community has a stable source of judges that does not rely on a league.

Finally, do you have any additional pieces of wisdom that you wish to impart onto aspiring leaders and judges in the Club Penguin Army community?

Just be yourself, don’t let anyone or your end goal change who you are. Additionally, don’t be afraid to throw yourself into the unknown as usually unpredicted events end up being the best. Obviously I’m bias, but being a judge is one of the best ways to get a crash course into leading, as you get to witness a variety of different leading styles and how each of them are impactful but different from one another. At the end of the day, any role whether that’s reporter, top ten etc will give you more confidence, new skills, and even new friendships. Do not get too stressed either with army events or dramas, at the end of the day we are all here to have fun.

Spotty’s remarkable leadership, relentless dedication, and contributions to the Club Penguin army community have left an undeniable legacy. Her efforts in shaping armies like Help Force and Dark Warriors, as well as her impact in judging roles, continue to inspire both new and seasoned members of the community. Her influence remains strong, and her achievements serve as a testament to her lasting presence. What do you think has been the most defining aspect of Spotty’s leadership? How do you see her legacy shaping the future of the community?


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