Memorable Moments With Crazzy

Crazzy is a prominent and influential figure in the Club Penguin Army community. She is known for her outstanding leadership skills and numerous accomplishments. This edition of Memorable Moments will highlight significant events in her journey and the key achievements and notable occurrences that have shaped her reputation within the CPA community.

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Crazzy first joined the Rebel Penguin Federation in June 2019. Her rise through the ranks was remarkable. She displayed a natural talent for leadership and quickly advanced: by September, she reached the position of Brigadier General. Her dedication to recruitment and sharp administrative skills fueled her rapid rise. This commitment earned her a promotion to RPF’s higher command by December 2019. During this time, she not only gained invaluable experience but also had the opportunity to work alongside notable RPF veterans such as Cosmo, Army Legend Silverburg, and Ultipenguinj. Additionally, her collaboration with these seasoned leaders further enriched her skills and deepened her understanding of army dynamics.

Crazzy made a lasting impression as a higher command member by leading the Strike Force division and starting the official Rebel Penguin Federation Twitter account. On March 31, 2020, she was promoted to Second-in-command as she kept displaying her competence. She was crucial to several important clashes and tournaments at this time, notably leading RPF against Help Force in the CP Army Media Premier League semifinals. She also co-authored an official declaration of war against the Army of Club Penguin. This conflict was later titled World War Rewritten. After the war, the Rebels awarded Crazzy the title of Rebel. She joined an esteemed group that included Elexonck, Rocket, and Moon.


Legends Cup X

In June 2020, Crazzy led the Rebel Penguin Federation to victory in Legends Cup X. Promoted to Rebel Commander immediately after the first round, she guided RPF to impressive sizes of over 160 troops. Despite facing challenges, including two overtime rounds due to judging issues, she successfully led the team to overcome the Ice Warriors. Furthermore, her strategic thinking and leadership were crucial in securing RPF’s victory in the finals against the Help Force. This triumph highlighted her ability to maintain peak performance under pressure and demonstrated her exceptional skill in steering the team through complex situations. Consequently, Crazzy’s effective leadership throughout the tournament underscored her capability to achieve outstanding results for RPF. This victory reinforced RPF’s dominance in the Club Penguin Army community and highlighted Crazzy’s exceptional leadership.

Induction of Crazzy as Rebel Commander.

Legends Cup X finals between Rebels and Help Force.

Black Seas War

Crazzy played a central role in establishing the Black Ice Alliance, which united the three top armies in Club Penguin at that time: the Rebel Penguin Federation, Ice Warriors, and the Dark Warriors. This alliance showcased her strategic foresight and grand-scale leadership. During the Black Seas War, her leadership shone further when RPF declared war on the Water Vikings after a failed alliance negotiation. Her efforts in forming the Black Ice Alliance were crucial in shaping the war’s outcome and highlighting her leadership. This victory reaffirmed RPF’s dominance under her command.

In a battle of the Black Seas War, RPF hit a max of 87 at an AUSIA event.

In October 2020, Crazzy led the Rebel Penguin Federation to a noteworthy win in the Fright or Fight Tournament. Under her command, RPF grew to over 130 troops and secured a decisive win against the Army of Club Penguin. Crazzy’s strategic strategy played a significant part throughout the competition. Additionally, her ability to understand the nuances of competitive matches, including overcoming hurdles and making crucial adjustments, was integral to RPF’s success. Consequently, in light of her exceptional leadership and the army’s remarkable achievements, Silverburg awarded Crazzy the esteemed Rebel Icon title. Thus, her contributions were recognized and celebrated for their impact on RPF’s success. This victory constituted a key milestone, commemorating one of RPF’s most successful victories and highlighting Crazzy’s outstanding attributes as a leader within the Club Penguin Army community.

Silverburg praises Crazzy along with Cosmo for winning Fright or Fight.


Under her command, RPF maintained a remarkable record on the weekly Top Ten Armies list, typically retaining the top rank throughout her leadership, with only a few weeks of exception. In the latter months of 2020, Crazzy led RPF to yet another significant victory. Specifically, they triumphed over IW in the Christmas Chaos X finals, achieving an impressive maximum size of 129. As a result of her exceptional leadership and unparalleled ability to unite troops, she was honored with the prestigious title of Army Legend. Additionally, she received the Person and Leader of the Year awards from Club Penguin Army Hub during her tenure. Consequently, these accolades underscored her remarkable contributions and leadership in the army.

Induction of Crazzy as an Army Legend.

Person of the Year Award from CPAH.

Best Leader of the Year award from CPAH.

Club Penguin Armies reached out to Crazzy about her most memorable moments in the army community.

Throughout your leadership roles, which specific moment stands out as a turning point, and why?

I believe my turning point was early in my career, as a new leader entering one of the biggest tournaments in recent time; I was promoted to Rebel Commander near the second round of Legends Cup X. My staff and I were still riding a high coming off of World War Rewritten, but this tournament had both the CPR and CPO armies under one roof. I heard stories about CPO armies maxing 100+ regularly and this tournament had me nervous going into the semis and finals. The semifinal battle against the Ice Warriors was chaotic and went into double overtime, and honestly it was super close the entire time. After seeing the final verdict with an RPF victory, I gained more confidence in my ability to lead 160+ people at once and come out on top. It felt like we as an army were able to beat anyone if we defeated armies from CPO too.

Can you describe a particularly challenging battle or event you led? How did you manage to inspire and rally your army despite the obstacles?

There was an AUSIA practice battle against Help Force and I kept getting locked out of the battle rooms while leading. I was still vc leading to send tactics, bombs and forms because my HCOM was verbally telling me what the other army was doing LOL. It was kinda stressful but we were able to secure the dub.

During your time with the Black Ice Alliance, what was the most surprising outcome or revelation? How did it shape your approach to coalition-building?

From a battle standpoint, the camaraderie was great between all of us and the summer in 2020 was fun. We supported each other in battles and events, and obvi in wars too loool. It felt a lot easier to work with people you consider friends and share common goals with. For coalition building I mainly took into account if the mutual respect was there between leaders, and if there was any benefit to my own army. It sounds cold but there’s always a possibility an ally can flip on you and declare war. As for surprising outcomes, of course I was shocked by internal drama and/or situations going on with my brother allies, [even years later], like most armies have.

What advice do you wish you had received when you started in the Club Penguin Army community? How would it have changed your approach?

Honestly, I’m not sure, I received a lot of great advice from people over the years whether they were in RPF or not. I had great mentors in RPF and befriended people outside of my home army early on. There isn’t much I’d change, other than some wars and pointless crap but it’s pretty set in stone now. I’m grateful for the friends I’ve made from RPF and the army community, even some of the former enemy leaders I went up against.

For making a significant impact, what are the top three strategies or habits for long-term success and influence?

My main 3 strategies involved rapport, retention and excitement. Building relationships with people outside your army is important to have influence. I used to pop into my all of my allies’ servers to chat with their troops and staff, even attend an event to show support. Usually there’d be reciprocation and it kept the morale high on all sides. Retention is super important in order to maintain sizes, hit your ideal top ten spot, and keep talent within your army. I unironically used to have a retention guide in my staff channels when we were nearing the “September drop” so we can stay on top of our priorities. Thankfully we saw great sizes throughout the fall and winter due to the proper engagement with our troops and staff. When retention drops, it reflects in top ten, chat activity, and you could lose people who potentially could’ve been great HCOM or leaders. And lastly, the excitement part kinda plays into retention but my HCOM and I were always coming up with ideas for our troops to stay engaged with the army and server. Outside of wars or tournaments, we’d host our Olympics weeks, seasonal themed weeks, community events that weren’t just club penguin [movie streams, minecraft, random video games, karaoke, etc]. Our troops were engaged and wanted to be there. The morale of that helped us dominate through the army community. But, I can imagine though that aspect can be 10x harder now, since in 2020 99% of people were home due to the pandemic. Regardless, keeping these things in mind can definitely help overall!! tldr good army relations + troops staying in ur army + troops enjoying where they are so they attend.

Crazzy is a noble and influential figure in the Club Penguin Army community. As the backbone of RPF, she left a lasting legacy with her remarkable leadership and dedication. Her impact continues to inspire and shape the community long after her time. What do you think of her achievements? In what ways do you think Crazzy’s legacy continues today?

MtJordan II

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