Allies At War: Winged Hussars Declare War on Elite Guardians

Yet another war has fired up; This time, we see the Winged Hussars pitted against the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin. This declaration sent shockwaves of confusion throughout the army community.

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This past Monday, the Winged Hussars released an unexpected declaration of war against their allies, the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin. This occurred just two minutes after transferring a couple of their servers to the Guardians. It quickly became evident that the declaration was not of malice. It was a strategic move to secure protection from another army.

Both armies have been allies for over eight months and have only recently concluded wars within the past two weeks. This fact would make any war questionable for both armies. The Hussars’ Discord server shows that the two armies have been allied since December 19, 2023. Additionally, they became ‘brother allies’ within two months of their alliance, designating each other as such on February 12, 2024.

Considering that the Winged Hussars officially registered with the Club Penguin Armies organization on December 18, 2023, the day before their alliance was formed, it could be said that the Guardians have been a significant presence for the majority of their existence. Undoubtedly, the relationship of the two armies is strong.

An announcement in the Elite Guardians Discord server declaring the Hussars their ‘brother allies’. Click to enlarge.

With their most recent conflict ending on August 26, the Hussars have been out of a state of war for just over a week. Similarly, the Elite Guardians recently concluded their war against the Army of Club Penguin on August 30; this was just a few days ago, leaving them with no land on the map.

At first glance, the declaration of war released by the Winged Hussars seemed to accuse the Elite Guardians of having secret plans against them. However, WH leader Shinzō confirmed that the post was actually directed at the Templars. This follows a claim by the Secret Service who, in their post, allege to have leaked voice chats in which the Templars’ leadership were discussing their war against the Service. Among these alleged leaks, one of the Grand Priors brought up the Winged Hussars. Seemingly, they encouraged leaders to war with the Hussars.

Below is an excerpt from one of the leaks posted on the SS website:


The Winged Hussars originated from a rebellion against the Templars. With that in mind, they took the threat seriously. This led them to take pre-emptive action to defend themselves against a potential attack.

Just minutes before declaring war, the Hussars transferred two servers, Thermal and Flippers, to their brother allies. The posting of their war declaration quickly followed this. In their declaration, the war terms state that “no army can declare on/invade the WH or the EGCP for the duration of this conflict”. This effectively ensures the army’s protection from any attacks outside of their friendly war with EGCP.

Transfer of two servers between the armies, two minutes before a declaration of war was released by WH. Click to enlarge.

To find out more about this declaration, and delve deeper into the exact events that led to it, CPA approached Winged Hussars’ leader, Shinzō, for an interview.

What led to the sudden declaration of war on your brother allies?

Being the eyesore that we are for certain people, we are not quite welcome being seen on the map. Especially with the humiliation of having more servers than them. Especially with the fact that we are an S/M army. So sometimes an army has to be tactical to protect their lands. We knew of the threat a long time ago and I don’t think this is a secret anymore at this point.

You refer to “top secret plans” and a “planned strike” in your declaration of war. Can you elaborate on these?

Well, I think the post overall should be read with recent news in mind. Of course, this refers to the exposing of certain conversations [between Templars leadership], among others. The top secret plans turning out to be not so top secret anymore – even if one could already predict their next move. Seeing us as free land and being able to “fuck around” with us just doesn’t work this way. Luckily, we’re always one step ahead.

Can you also elaborate on the other parts of the post? Specifically “And they seek to get back on their knees by leeching off others – not learning from their past. 6 years have passed, and nothing has changed in their course or person. I wonder: How can people like this feel good about themselves?”

Again, this refers to the recent leaks. It just emphasises the pattern of invading armies much smaller than them for land that they are going to lose anyways, since they can’t take on those with similar sizes. So how can they still feel good after what was said and also planned, even tying to defend their actions still?
Plus, they never have gotten their victory over us. We have been doxxed, defaced, etc. because of them being sour losers. So I think they are still searching for this victory after such a long time because they can’t handle this one defeat they have gotten all those years back. And we won’t give them that. Not now – not later. WH exists for a good reason.

Some have said that this war is agreed upon as a mutual/friendly war, perhaps to defend both armies from another war. What do you have to say about that?

I don’t think anyone would declare on their brother allies out of the blue to have an actually hostile war. Obviously this will be a friendly war, but probably a very fun one at that. It’s certainly also a strategic war, yes, I cannot deny that. But it’ll serve many purposes at once and we’ll make the most of it!

How do you think this war will play out for WH?

Well, it will for sure have its intended effect on our sides. But concerning the war itself, I’m hoping for a few good clashes with the Guardians. We never got to fight them in practice battles, so hopefully we can use this to (re-)build and have a lot of fun in the process!

Club Penguin Armies also contacted EGCP leader, Fitsuki for his side of the story.

What was your reaction to the declaration of war against EGCP by your brother allies?

I expected WH to do this. They are thirsty for war. Shinzo is itching to commit more war crimes.
Jokes aside, this war was planned for us to have fun and train. Our relationship remains the same. Elite Hussars forever!

Some have said that this war is agreed upon as a mutual/friendly war, perhaps to defend both armies from another war. What do you have to say about that?

Winged Hussars wrote very well what they wanted to express in the declaration of war. The reason why they declared war is right in their post. However, those words are not for EGCP.

Considering you only recently concluded your 100-battle-long war against ACP, how do you think you will do in this war?

A week of rest was enough to get us back to war. We’re prepared to make this one last 200 battles.

Our interviews with both leaders revealed that this war is truly friendly and that the words in WH’s declaration of war were not directed at the Elite Guardians, but instead at WH’s former adversary, the Templars. Yet, the future of the war between the Guardians and Hussars is unknown. How do YOU think WH and EGCP will fare in this war? Will this war be enough to protect the Winged Hussars from a possible invasion by the Templars? Let us know in the comments!


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i led that big green army once

5 Responses

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