Memorable Moments With Sweater

Sweater is a well-known individual in the army community due to his accomplishments and leadership abilities. In this edition of Memorable Moments, we asked Sweater about his favorite recollections from his time in the army community.

Memorable Moments With Sweater

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beginning of journey

In May 2013, Sweater enlisted in the Ice Warriors, but shortly after, he swapped to Special Weapons and Tactics, made by Ganger90. Later that year he also joined the Dark Warriors, where he dual-enlisted and worked his way up to staff in both armies. Following his brief service in both armies, he departed the community the same year. In 2015, he returned to armies after receiving a letter from his good friend, Memmaw, urging him to join Takis as 3ic. Sweater soon after returned to SWAT, advancing to Moderator before earning a leadership position in Shadow Recon. During his leadership, the army had significant growth and won the Continental Cup II.

Sweater also brought back SWAT in 2020 with Zuke, Jaylen, and S Cargo2, maxing up to 60 to 70 people at a time until it closed. He also brought back the Fire Warriors at the beginning of 2021 with Cassie, Haley, Simmonds, Austin Fraud, and Ivy. Under his direction, the Fire Warriors won Challengers Cup II and, by October, became one of the greatest small/medium armies.

14th Birthday and Closure of the Fire Warriors

Sweater briefly returned to SWAT in 2023 before departing to take a leadership position with the Penguins of Madagascar. He is currently the commander-in-chief of the People’s Imperial Confederation. He has helped them become a major army under his leadership, leading PIC to win several tournaments the likes of Beach Brawl III and the New Year Bonanza small/medium army trophy. Sweater was admitted into PIC’s Hall of Fame as well.

Beach Brawl III Final

League era

Sweater was new to journalism when he joined the Small-Medium Army Central reporting team in 2015. In 2020, he returned to the media, first working as a reporter for Club Penguin Online Army League before rising to the position of editor-in-chief. He then started as an editor at Club Penguin Army Network in 2021 and left to work as an editor at Club Penguin Army Headquarters. In the end, he also became the Editor in Chief there. He began as a reporter in training when he joined the Club Penguin Armies staff team in early 2023, and by October, he had advanced to the position of managing editor.

Club Penguin Armies interviewed Sweater to learn more about his biggest moments and accomplishments.

What was the most memorable moment you experienced at Club Penguin Armies?

I’ve done a lot of things in this community that I’m proud of. I led SWAT revival in 2020, then beat Light Troops with sizes of 100+ a week later. I remade Fire Warriors and won a tournament. I led PIC to major for the first time in their history, then did it again and won 3 tournaments with them. But none of that compares to meeting my girlfriend and future wife, Cassie. That is my most memorable moment.

What inspired your decision to seek a position on the staff team at Club Penguin Armies?

I was never cut out to be the most successful leader or the best recruiter. But I think I found my knack with Reporting. I just always enjoyed staying informed and teaching others a thing or two, and Club Penguin Armies let me do that. On top of that the people there are nice.

How long do you anticipate remaining a member of the army community?

Hopefully not much longer. But I think the community is a lot of fun and maybe I’m not entirely done. I still actively advise PIC behind the scenes and if the right opportunity comes up maybe I will jump at it. I’m not sure.

What are your aspirations for the future within Club Penguin Armies and People Imperial Confederation?

Haha well, I just left the Club Penguin Armies staff team due to a lack of time. I would have liked to rank up to Editor in Chief and have my turn at running the media team but with my lack of time, it was never really in the cards. As for PIC, telling them to recruit and work harder doesn’t take too much time so I will always be there for them in some form. I hope they continue to grow and come back from the slump they seem to be in.

Sweater seems content with his experiences and achievements in the army community. Alongside achieving numerous goals, he also got a girlfriend. We at Club Penguin Armies wish him success in his upcoming adventures and hope to see him in the army community again. What was the most memorable moment you spent with Sweater? Do you believe Sweater will make a comeback in the future?


Ninja Leader

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