Club Penguin Armies Celebrates Two Years

In celebration of reaching our second anniversary, the league has planned a week of fun to commemorate this historic time. After all, we could have never reached this milestone without you, the person reading this.

Designed by Mchappy?

On July 1, 2023, we celebrated the first anniversary of Club Penguin Armies (CPA). However, at that time, a hopeful, maybe more naive, administration were hoping to right the wrongs of the league. There was a laundry list of things that needed to be addressed. We knew that the administrators before us all did what they thought was best, and were instrumental to reaching the one year mark. But, getting to the second year, that was all on us. And boy, did we do it.

Last year, we reached out to former higher ups as a way to reflect on all that we had accomplished.  Similarly, we invited a few people to leave some words before announcing the rest of the anniversary festivities.

Coolguy: Before Club Penguin Armies was formed, no one had faith that CPA would last two days, never mind a league lasting two years. Upon its creation and thereafter, a mass amount of work has been put in within CPA to make it what it is today. It’s unbelievable the amount of things that CPA has come through to get to where it is today. Its creation saw unity but controversy always followed. Yet, with many people’s hard work and dedication, we have been able to thrive. Thank you all for sticking with CPA through its ups and downs. Let’s keep working together to allow CPA and the community as a whole to prosper

Mare: Two years of CPA have been absolutely incredible. I still remember when the league was just starting up and how much has changed since then. This organization has always been filled with the most talented, dedicated, and hardworking staff team. Cheers to two years! I can’t wait to see CPA continue to succeed.

Mchappy: This is my second year of celebrating the anniversary of the league as an administrator. And I can happily say that I am more proud of the league than ever. As I was coming into the administration, I felt like there was a lot to prove. Hopefully you all are as proud of how far the league has come as I am.

In the past year, we have had far more unique tournaments than ever before: Trick or Treat Trials; Around the World Cup; and even a double elimination Legends Cup. In the past year, we have had far more wars, even in the absence of the server map. In the past year, the community has been more active, seen through large community events like the Community Pride Parade; also seen through the media itself as June 2024 broke the post count record. Time and time again there were people who doubted not only Club Penguin Armies, but the community as a whole. Thankfully, we have the last laugh.

There is still so much work left to be done. However, I feel blessed to have been a part of molding this league into one that can, hopefully, continue to provide a stable foundation for many more years to come. Happy birthday!

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

The past year, while hosting its own unique challenges, have been some of the most successful months in private server army history. Thus, to commemorate the success of the past year, we vow to take this time to celebrate. In conjunction with the Community Committee, the league will be putting on an Anniversary Music Jam. As part of their “Epic Summer” initiative, music themed events will be occurring this entire week. We encourage all of our community members to change their profile pictures to music-related topics.

Community Committee Heads Aubz and Frickle have worked in tandem with their committee members to host music-themed events. These include a movie night of High School Musical and a “Name that tune” game night. A sneak peek at other events: Legends Satire Poem Contest, Music Jam Scavenger Hunt, Trivia Challenge, and more. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled on the #community channel in the Discord server for a lot more announcements.

Founded by the merging of two community websites in 2022, the hope was that this united front would be held accountable to lead against bias and corruption. Although the league is far from perfect, it’s been an impressive showing thus far. Will you stick around for our third anniversary?


Chief Executive Producer

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

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