CPA Statement: Our Plan for a Sustainable Future

We are excited to announce a new Club Penguin Armies administration and our plan for a sustainable future.

CPA Statement

When Max and I began our co-administration together four weeks ago, we knew that our main goal was to ensure a sustainable future for Club Penguin Armies. Since its creation, the organisation has been looking for potential administrators from outside of the current ranks and relying on old media figures to return to duty. Among the reasons for this was the belief that the administrators should be completely unaffiliated from an army. However, at present, the league is not able to source ‘new’ people that are unaffiliated and also have the required experience.


A New Administration

At its core, an administrator should be a person that has a deep knowledge of the organisation and army league system, as well as dedicated to serving the leaders, armies and individuals in the community. With that in mind, we also understand that the Chief Executive Producer position, as the highest rank in the league hierarchy, should remain unaffiliated and impartial. To find a way out of the impasse, we have decided to follow in the footsteps of the former leagues, such as CP Army Hub and CP Army HQ, by introducing a secondary admin role – Executive Producer.

The Executive Producer position is the solution to ensuring a sustainable administration for Club Penguin Armies. It will serve as a secondary administrator rank that allows for affiliated persons ranked LIT/2ic and below. This means an army leader cannot be ranked an EP. 

The CEP and EP will work together as a single administrative body to make decisions, but as the superior in the hierarchy, the CEP will be responsible for holding the EP(s) accountable and ensuring no affiliation bias influences any decision-making. It will take into account the specific army affiliations and a situation where more than one person in that role is affiliated with the same army will not be permitted. If the administration is discussing an army an EP is affiliated with, they will not be included in discussions and will not make a decision. They would also not be allowed to count their army’s Top Ten points.

Along with the introduction of Executive Producer, we would also like to publicly list the ways in which one can reach the administrator position. This is to ensure the league’s stability and rule out the situations when becoming an admin mainly depends on being friends with the right people. 

  • Through the media ranks: a promotion from Editor in Chief. 
  • Promotion from the organisation’s ‘division head’: for example, Head Moderator, Top Ten Manager, or Community Committee Head. They must have the experience and qualifications.  
  • In certain cases, past experience as an organisation administrator.

The administration and the advisors have agreed that instead of trying to seek former administrators to come back, we need to look within our own ranks for upcoming persons with great potential to be fantastic administrators. 

We are confident no one knows the organization better and contributed more than the current Editors in Chief – Disha and Mchappy. Their loyalty, consistency and contribution to our media side cannot be stressed enough and we believe they possess the qualities of brilliant administrators. Please join us in congratulating them on their promotion and wishing them good luck! 

Mchappy: I am incredibly honored to be chosen as one of the new Executive Producer lineup. By no means was this a spur of the moment decision. My current stint with media goes as far back as Club Penguin Army Headquarters where I joined in May 2022, and have since worked my way up each rank. On October 21, 2022, I was promoted to Editor in Chief and credited for “demonstrating persistent efforts towards the media team.” Additionally, I had the opportunity of being one of many tools used by the Bluesockwa Brothers in creating Small Medium Army Press, the guinea pig of the organization known as Club Penguin World Media. Before that, I provided any other assistance I could as the Vice President in Club Penguin Army Central.

Since then, I have strived to continue the quality of our news and host community events. It has been very important to me that Club Penguin Armies continues to deliver at its utmost quality as there continue to be naysayers out there, dooming this website to the same media cycle that we have unfortunately had to witness through this new gen of armies. However, I continue to see a bright future. 

I am excited to work further alongside Disha and Wynn for the coming months, and leave behind groundwork that ultimately benefits the community as the whole as we grow ever close to becoming a 20 year community. Let me be very transparent with you all: this is my final lap. Many of you will see me as nothing more than an affiliation to the Army of Club Penguin. I will do my best to show you all that I am ready to serve the community, undoubtedly, and fairly. I hope to provide a voice that advocates for the community. 

Thank you. I hope you will have me as we begin this second chapter together.

Disha: I am nothing but honored to have been given this opportunity. I joined army media as a Reporter in CPA Headquarters on August 12, 2021. At that point, I did not have any idea on what I was signing up for, nor did I know how to go about with things here. I just wanted to write, as I have always had a knack for it. In the past 2 years, this journey that I have undergone, from being a Reporter to an Editor and eventually an Editor in Chief, has changed me for the better. I am grateful to and for all the people, memories, and the experiences that have gotten me this far. The role of an administrator as I have been told, is not easy, but I am ready to take up the challenge and give it my best. 

As someone who has been associated with Club Penguin Armies since it’s creation in July 2022, I have a fair understanding on how this organisation works, the environment that it promotes, and what it hopes to aspire. As I have mentioned, there is a lot that I am yet to learn, but, the fact that I have my co-workers support and assurance means everything to me. A huge thank you to Max, Wynn, and Mchappy for believing in me, and for always being there for me. I am looking forward to being an Executive Producer, and will always want the best for this organisation.

As we launch this new administration, Max’s temporary adminship comes to an end. I personally can’t thank him enough for agreeing to come back to this position and support the organisation that would otherwise be left with just one CEP. His assistance and friendship means a lot and let me really enjoy the work I was doing. I’m happy to announce that Max will be taking the advisor position and continue to support the organization’s media division.

Max: I would like to take this moment to thank Wynn and everyone else in Club Penguin Armies for welcoming me back into the team for this temporary adminship. My role over the last four weeks has been very minimal – just offering my support to Wynn and the rest of the media team as needed, but they have been on fire with their drive and quality. I have been so impressed with their work, and know that they will continue to thrive as I depart from this temporary administrator position. Wynn in particular has been a brilliant partner, and I have full confidence that she will continue to steer the CPA ship into a bright, positive future alongside our new Executive Producers Mchappy and Disha.

A System For the Future

Following the recent administration removals, our team came to the realisation that the league needs more regulations in this area. The decision was made to create an administration ‘removal body’ that will become a support system for the administration in case of any future removals. 

This body will consist of three people:

  • The Discord owner
  • The website owner
  • A completely unaffiliated or widely trusted advisor

The body will consist of three people, with decisions being rules following a majority vote. A vote will only take place if there is an even number of admins, and only if the board is approached by at least one of them, in case there is an impasse in the decision-making process or the removal of an admin is being considered. 

The body will only vote on the following:

  • The removal of a member of the administration.
  • The hiring of a new administrator. 

We are pleased to have Crazzy, Flen and DMT take this role. Please note, this will not interfere with the advisor role itself. 

Finally, I would like to thank the advisors for their continued support and wisdom. With their expertise, it was possible for us to navigate through all the changes the league has recently been through. Mchappy, Disha and I are thrilled to embark on this second chapter of Club Penguin Armies.  

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2 Responses

  1. […] we step into another April, we are excited to announce a change in our team. Following the administration system put in place (explains administrator eligibility), we wish to abide by it and incorporate the same […]

  2. […] we celebrated the first anniversary of Club Penguin Armies (CPA). However, at that time, a hopeful, maybe more naive, administration were hoping to right the wrongs of the league. There was a laundry list of things […]

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