What’s Up Club Penguin Armies? #5

Welcome to What’s Up CPA, the post where we take a look at some of the recent conversations within Community Chat. The Legends Cup is officially underway and CPA main chat is not short of conversations. Let us take a look at some of the conversations that have recently taken place.

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What’s up CPA?! Yes, we are back with yet another edition of What’s Up CPA. Conversations within Club Penguin Armies’ main chat continue to actively take place. With the Legends Cup now underway we are bound to see many more conversations, arguments, drama and unexpected circumstances occur. With that being said, let us get into what is currently being discussed in CPA.

In a surprise turn of events, ex-CPAG Moderator and Writer Zooy has been couped and banned from Club Penguin Army Global. This is surprising news to hear considering he was an active part of their team. However, one can only question what the future holds for the organisation now that they have fired the self-proclaimed uncultured ZooySwine. Yet, their loss is CPA’s gain.

Breaking news has come in straight out of CPA’s main chat. Help Force, Rebel Penguin Federation and the Army of Club Penguin are forming a new alliance to dominate the map. Despite this, no other leaks have been shared about this alliance. Ultimately, it would be hard to keep a big alliance secret. But, does this jeopardise other alliances the armies have? The Rebel Clover Force will surely have to target every army within CPA. With that being said, are we going to see alliances break down quickly?

A conversation that took place soon became heated when Mchappy talked about Ayan‘s responses in a CPA Ice Breakers post. Ayan provided his opinions regarding the current state of the community. He stated that armies host repetitive events and partake in wars “for fun”. However, in response, Mchappy said that Help Force also does what Ayan accuses the community of doing (hosting repetitive events). After stating this, Aurora stated that HF does not war, with Mchappy backing this claim up. This started a heated discussion between ROOBOO, Help Force Leader, and Mchappy about their perception of Help Force.

Ultimately, disagreements were had but is Ayan right about the community stagnating? Or is Ayan wrong? Has the community been more active and creative than ever this year, not hosting repetitive events? Time will only tell if Help Force is being overlooked within the community. Will they prove Mchappy wrong and go on to host the war of the year?

Football has been a big topic of conversation within CPA main chat recently. With the Euros and the Copa America currently ongoing, countries from all over the world are lining up their best players to play on the grand stage. For this specific conversation, people were eagerly watching Turkey vs Czech Republic and Portugal vs Georgia. These were the last matches of the group stages in the Euros. In a heated match which saw multiple red cards, Turkey won and progressed in the tournament with a 2-1 win.

In one of the more shocking results of the tournament, Georgia claimed their place in the round of 16 with a 2-0 win. The tournament has been full of great matches and surprises. With that being said, will we be saying the same about the Legends Cup this weekend? Much like the Euros, there has been a lot of conversation surrounding the Legends Cup. Many close matches are set to take place throughout the tournament. Therefore, we could see an underdog prevail against their opponents.

Lady Eden has decided to ditch everything edible and has started to chew on their 3DS stylus. This may seem like a weird food choice to many but many also decide to eat broccoli so cannot say anything. Yet, it seems rather peculiar that someone would dig out a console from 2011 to chew its parts. Eden is not alone, JevTheJester has also expressed an interest in chewing DS stylus’. This craze of stylus chewing may be getting out of control. This is an official warning for all those who are not affected thus far, keep your DS stylus’ locked away!

In addition to their 3DS stylus chewing, they have been taking their Club Penguin addiction into the real world. In an attempt to recruit, they walked into a CEX game store to try and recruit employees. Although, there have been similar instances with community members successfully recruiting friends, parents and siblings. Yet, Eden takes it one step further here, trying to pull random people from shops into their army.

Undoubtedly, their Club Penguin Armies addiction is taking over them as they aim to recruit members of the general public. But, who will they try to recruit next? Could we see a local police officer come to police the community?

HIDE YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUNGER SIBLINGS!!!! Snork has confirmed that he enjoys kicking babies. If you see Snork coming your way, run before he decides to kick you too. Eventually, Snork will become a kicking machine, kicking everything in sight, including his laptop. If you are close to Snork, please take care of yourself and lock his room door when you leave.

There have been a lot of conversations in the chat throughout the past few days and a lot of concerning topics are being seen. The Legends Cup will resume this weekend, much like the Euros, with many battles set to take place. Snork, Lady Eden and Jev are to be avoided at all costs. A new alliance has been formed as they aim to dominate the map; one of the armies involved has been involved in heated conversations already. And that is What’s Up CPA!

What will the next topics of conversation be in CPA’s main chat? Who will be starting the drama next? Will Snork be kept away from all babies? Will the newly-formed Rebel Clover Force dominate the map and coup the current administration?

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