CPA Ice Breakers: Coolguy

Welcome to the fourth edition of Club Penguin Armies Ice Breakers. In this column, we play fun games with community members and get to know more about them through them. Today, we will get to know more about current Executive Producer Coolguy.

Coolguy CPAIB

Designed by Gabgeirl

Coolguy first encountered the army community in 2012, when he joined the United Countries of Club Penguin. However, Coolguy decided to explore further other armies, such as the Fire Warriors. There, he managed to meet important figures, such as Crazy186. He did not take long to reach a leadership position in the army. Later on, he would enlist in various other armies, such as the Bacon Defenders in 2014 and, later on, the Templars in 2018, Coup Crusaders, and the Special Weapons and Tactics in 2020.

Nonetheless, Coolguy’s most notable achievements were yet to come: in 2023, after spending three years in SWAT, he joined the Army of Club Penguin as a second-in-command. A few months later, Coolguy and AustinFraud were promoted to Commander-in-Chief, officially establishing the Clover Triumvirate with Army Legend Calgocubs21. Thus, this successful trio went on to achieve the first major tournament victory of ACP in the prestigious Legends Cup XIII. After a career full of diverse experiences, he decided to take a different route now. After spending considerable time as an Editor in many organizations, and most recently Club Penguin Armies, Coolguy was promoted to Executive Producer two months ago.

ACP vs RPF in the Legends Cup Finals

five Interesting facts about COOLGUY

To begin with, we asked Coolguy to list some interesting facts about him. It could be anything – from real life to CPA matters. Here are his responses.

I won a tournament with SWAT (no-one remembers), it was called CPA’s Monster Mash
I have been around in CPA since 2011/12
Despite the long feuds I’ve had with the Templars during my time in SWAT, I was once enlisted in TCP in 2018
I have a strong interest in both wrestling and football although not enough time 😭
I would never vote tory

I was intrigued about the meaning of the fifth fact. Then, Coolguy replied, saying British people would get it. Sounds polemic!


Moving on, Coolguy was presented with a message sent by one of his friends. The point of this game is for the interviewee to guess who sent them said message. In addition, he was asked to describe what this person meant to him.

Coolguy, I’m so glad that no one will ever have to deal with your key formations again…

Coolguy: Mare LMFAO. I loved making unique formations when I first led SWAT and the key became an iconic one. I mean, what’s not to love, it’s original and unique. Of course, Mare was sceptical of the creativity but deep down, inside, she loved the key, hence why she still mentions it to this day.

Club Penguin Armies: LOL First try and you got it right. What Mare means to you on a personal level?

Coolguy: It depends on what year you ask me the question in LOL, but seriously, I mean, me and Mare are a bit like noodles and ketchup or spaghetti bolognese and mayonnaise. At first, it seemed like we’d never go together and we have had our moments but the amount of work that both of us constantly put in for the same cause made us similar. We have shared part of a journey and they can comprehend what that journey was for me and I can do the same for them. It led us on different paths, granted. However, our paths crossed again in CPA, with me in media and them in mods to now. They are a person that I can rely on and they keep proving their worth to each and every single person that works around them daily.

Coolguy key formation

The Key Formation Idealized By Coolguy


In this round, we presented Coolguy with three provocative and reflexive questions about his career and doings in the community.

Coolguy, you mentioned you have been around CPA since 2012. That’s more than a decade in this community. Do you think you were able to leave your mark on it? Furthermore, what were some of your remarkable moments?

I think that it’s a matter of opinion, to be honest. There are a lot of people who I consider left a big impact on the community but not all are recognised by everyone for doing so, so I’m not really one to judge. I have done everything that I can to leave my own mark in the places I have been in and you can see that I have left a mark in some armies’ histories. For example, and leading into the remarkable moments, winning three trophies with ACP, winning one with SWAT, something that hasn’t been done any other time since its reopening, dominating the Top Tens with ACP and even leading SWAT to compete with TCP towards the latter of 2022 and into 2023, achieving 1st place in my last week as a leader. There are so many remarkable moments that I have been a part of, not all of these are known either. But, I do have to say, being able to achieve the Silver Medal in ACP and Admin in CPA are incredible feats that not everyone is able to get. I am thankful for the opportunities I’ve had, leading to these moments

Speaking of your administration tenure; undoubtedly many admins before you were successful in many regards. Do you believe you will also be able to succeed in the occupation? Coolguy, what do you have to offer?

The reason I wanted to come into the administration was to be an active voice for the community. I have had varied experiences in CPA with both small and major armies from all over the pond and I believe that’s what made me different from everyone else because I’ve learned a lot from each and every experience and I wanted to use this to provide input when and where needed to help improve CPA and improve the relationships between both small/medium and major armies with CPA. Also, of course, making sure everything is fair and there was no need for debate

So far, what have been the best (and the worst) parts of your job as an administrator?

For me, the best part has been the wars. I mean, how can they not be. They are intriguing as an administrator because you want to see them take place and you’re looking at different arguments that people may (or may not) have, even if it is over rule breaking or whatever. I’ve enjoyed that and have been as fair as possible in my judgement. Of course, I do have to say that working alongside a Legend like Mchappy is a big plus, as well as working with Disha.

As for the worst…the Top Tens are the worst, no doubt 🤣 No explanation needed


Now, we asked Coolguy to complete five sentences. What did he respond to?

If I could describe myself in a single word, it would be… Ineffable or Unique
One person I am lucky to have met is… Crazy186 (DW Legend, SWAT Legend etc) A real pioneer within the early years who, imo, could be described as one of DW’s best leaders and someone whom I’m lucky to have met and learnt from
After I leave the CPA community I would like to become… Alive
The name Coolguy comes from…  A child’s mind who was unable to think of anything creative. It was me trying to think of something creative but I was unable to so, thinking I’d only use it once, I chose the words Cool (because why not) and Guy (Because I’m a guy) and combined them to create Coolguy.
My favorite moment in my whole time in CPA is… well idk it’s a tough one but one I will always remember is the year of 2012 because, for me, it was an incredible year and ofc winning the LC.


Lastly, we asked Coolguy about his favorite mini-game from Club Penguin. Upon learning it was Sled Racing, I could not resist the temptation of challenging him to a 1v1 match!

Coolguy sled racer

And I got cooked.

And this wraps up today’s edition of CPA Ice Breakers! We kindly thank Coolguy for his participation in this exciting column. It was without a doubt a pleasant experience to get to know this new administrator full of potential. Did you manage to learn something new about Coolguy? Would you like to see more CPA Ice Breakers? 

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Army Legend. Former Water Ninjas leader. Founder and Former Leader of the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin. Currently serving as Executive Producer in Club Penguin Armies.

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