What Are You Doing for Pride?

As Pride Month has finally arrived, many armies choose to celebrate the month differently depending on the army and their goals. It is especially important to consider what makes us unique from one another and respect those differences as well.

Designed by Cassie

As of the Club Penguin Private Servers era, armies started to hold events to celebrate their LGBTQ+ troops and other unique traits their troops may have. Other armies may also change their server icons or author posts about their LGBTQ+ members. Not much is different this year with armies continuing their traditions from the past few years. However, with the map’s grace period ending, armies may be preoccupied and unable to focus on pride-focused events.

Along with the individual army celebrations, it is also common for armies to attend the community-wide Pride Parade. In 2021, the event was created by former administrator Max in celebration of the unique parts of the army community. Additionally, CPA: Battleground was updated in the past few years with pride-themed rooms to reflect the main sexualities and gender identities of the queer community.

Town designed for Pride Month

Given these traditions, armies made their plans for this month with various interesting ideas. Club Penguin Armies asked several army leaders what their plans were for this month.

What is your army doing for Pride Month?

Roxy, ACP 2ic: Being an army who has always taken the lead in pride month events, we definitely have some fun and exciting plans for pride month. We’re starting off with a pride parade where people can dress up in the colors of their own sexuality. We’re also doing a post for pride month and including our allies in it!! You can expect more from us in this month but these are one of the few things we’re working on.

Cabin, WV Leader: We do not have any specific plans for Pride Month right now as we had other things planned for this month. Regardless, we will be encouraging our troops to attend CPA’s Pride Parade and continue to support our LGBTQ+ members.

SavageCobra, EGCP Leader: We have no plans regarding Pride Month. Members are free to observe celebrations as they wish, but as an army we have no plans for the Pride Month celebration or any other events of similar nature.

Link3000, RPF Leader: We’ve already done a pride flag event and we’re planning on having at least one more. Obviously participate in the parade, maybe some lgbt themed breakday games.

ROOBOO, HF Leader: We have an event on Sunday [June 9th].

Shinzo, WH Leader: Oh, we’ll have a fundraiser next week. We’ll donate 8zł per attendee to an organisation supporting LGBTQ+ in Wrocław. You can read here: Winged Hussars of Club Penguin🏳🌈x→pride-fundraiser←x♥ and we’d be happy if you’d participate!

Krill3000, SWAT Leader: SWAT understands the importance of Pride Month, and we continue to create awareness of strongly preventing discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ community. Keeping this in mind, SWAT has arranged a lot of activities for June 2024. Pride Month was not the only reason why we decided to plan out a lot of activities for this month, but also because it is one of SWAT’s most active periods of the year. Among the activities lie an Art Competition, Season 7 and its missions, an upcoming Division Tournament, and much more. Season 7 is closely related to Pride Month, as the theme has been selected to be Culture Drive, where we explore different cultures and ideologies and accept our differences. To finish, the SWAT Corporation has been actively involved in various decision-making processes to decide the month’s agenda, and I am grateful to the Staff and the Agents for cooperating and partaking in the community!

NInja Leader, DPC Leader: Nothing special.

Mocha, TCP Leader: No, we usually don’t attend the pride parade or do anything for pride month.


With the growing acceptance of LGBTQ+ people in the army community, armies have developed new ways of celebrating the unique elements of their communities. The army community has changed significantly over the years with people not having to hide who they are as much anymore. In a time when the world is regressing, it is great that some communities have progressed past their previous prejudices. What are YOUR plans for this Pride Month?

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