Behind the Scenes: Dalloway

Welcome back to Behind The Scenes, the column where we delve into the day-to-day life of a community member. In this edition, we will explore the life of Dalloway, who currently serves as the Elite Guardians Army Board Representative and Judge.

Dalloway BTS

Designed by Gabgeirl

Dalloway began her army career in the Elite Guardians back in mid-2018. Then, she was recruited by the army’s co-founder Cookky2 in Club Penguin Online. She quickly rose through the ranks in a matter of months and became one of the best staff in a few time, participating in numerous iconic moments of the Guardians that year. A few could be mentioned, such as World War VII and Christmas Chaos 2018.

Despite the good run, she had to take some time off during 2019, due to lack of interest, personal life struggles, and internal conflicts within the army. Even so, after all this period away, the memories in the army were still dear to her, which prompted her to sporadically attend some events. This included their 1st Generation final event on January 27th, 2020.

Operação: Cessar Fogo (Operation: Ceasefire)

As the years passed, she moved on with her life, until she was contacted by her friend Edu14463 in 2023. He told Dalloway about the army’s revival. Then, she accepted his offer and went on to join the army again. She did not stay for long last year but decided to formally return on April 2024 as Head Advisor and Chancellor. Because of her speechcraft and charisma, she quickly made a mark in the community. One of her few doings would be signing the Fiesta-Shamrock Pact with the Army of Club Penguin and becoming an active and competent judge in Club Penguin Armies Judges.

Furthermore, she has proven herself as a commander capable of performing under pressure. One of the main reasons for the Guardians’ score in their war against the Templars was Dalloway’s leadership. The two AUSIA battles of the conflict were led by her, resulting in a win and a tie, respectively.

Defense of Ventilador, May 13th

But one question remains: Who is the person out of the screens? Club Penguin Armies reached out to Dalloway for a conversation about her background.

How is your routine outside of CPA?

Outside CPA my life is very busy. I am almost graduating in International Relations and I seek some post-graduation degrees in the area. Putting studies aside, I also committed with work, and house chores as well! Amid this crazy routine I always tend to spare some time for myself to do what Iike; and of course CP Armies

Do you have any hobbies outside of your responsibilities?

Yes! I love reading and photography. Lowkey like dancing too! I don’t think that I am too good at that, but it’s something that I always do when I am stressed out. Reading fantasy books and listening to fado are my favorite and relaxing activities. Sometimes I also play some games online too!

What are your favorite and latest books you have been reading?

The books of Sarah J. Mass are absolutely amazing, and I love reading the series so much. A Court of Thorns and Roses, Throne of Glass…These are for sure my favorites! Right now I can only read books related to my degree 😭 because it’s my last year so I need to focus a lot

How is the experience of balancing armies and real-life matters?

It’s a tough challenge, but a price every one has to pay if they want to be of help in their own armies. In my case, even though I am unable to attend most events, either because of the timezone or because of work, I do my best to help EGCP internally, often advising the leaders and giving my input in serious matters.

It is clear how committed Dalloway is. Despite being busy most of the time, she still finds a way to display her presence. Penguin battles and the real world are not a match. Nevertheless, that does not mean you cannot find a balance between both. Do you think Dalloway might ascend into a higher position? Are we going to see Dalloway become a leader one day? We, at Club Penguin Armies, wish all the best for Dalloway’s life, both in armies and in reality.


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Reporter. Elite Guardians of Club Penguin 14th Leader and Legend (2023-Present). Army community member since 2017. Coherced by Edu14463 to do Club Penguin Armies for a living.

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