Behind The Scenes: Zooy

Welcome back to Behind The Scenes, the column where we delve into the day-to-day life of a community member. In this edition, we will explore the life of Zooy, who currently works as Community Committee and a moderator at Club Penguin Armies.

Designed by Gabgeirl

Zooy joined the Army community in 2018 as a rogue player in Special Weapons and Tactics. After attending many events as a rogue player, Zooy was officially recruited into the army in 2020. Unfortunately, he soon left the army community, when SWAT was merged into the Doritos that same year.

After a long hiatus, Zooy returned to the army community on February 8th, 2023. On that day, Zooy took part in DCP’s thirteenth anniversary celebration. While being in attendance for the celebration, Zooy was surprised to notice a member wearing the SWAT army uniform. This discovery prompted him to look into whether the army reopened since his departure.

DCP’s 13th Anniversary Celebration

During the same month as the DCP celebration, Zooy rejoined Special Weapons and Tactics. He was able to work hard and rise through the ranks, leading to his promotion to Leader in Training in April of this year. During his time in the army, he took part in many tournaments, the likes of Beach Brawl III, New Year Bonanza and most recently the Around the World Cup.

Zooy in a tournament battle Against the Winged Hussars during the Around the World Cup

Currently, Zooy enjoys working as a Moderator and Community Committee member in Club Penguin Armies, where he organizes fun games and keeps the Discord server chat safe. He is also well-versed in the sciences and enjoys studying microbiology with his colleague Flypin.

Zooy Hosting a Blooket

Furthermore, he has a great interest in learning coding, as CPAB has inspired him to learn more about the topic. Zooy also likes to spend his time in the army community by attending battles and chatting with his friends.

Club Penguin Armies was able to sit down with Zooy for an interview to ask him about his goals and experiences behind the scenes.

Why the name Zooy?

Zooy was a name made by my sister when she was naming a Kramig (Ikea Panda), so the best course of action to take was obviously steal the name and name my panda “zooy”, and ever since that incident I’ve used the username Zooy!

What are your hobbies?

Playing CPA, complaining about CPA, advertising CPA, moderating CPA, enjoying CPA, coping about CPA, coding, and music!

Can you describe your favorite memory in the army community?

Krill invading Ice Cold /j, honestly I can’t give that title to one memory, except the memory of joining CPA. Without CPA, I’d have a life, and we can’t have that happening! My joining of CPA orgs such as CPAB and CPAJ are definitely close seconds though!

Do you enjoy your roles and the responsibilities that come with them in CPA?

Yeah, I’m definitely grateful for the positions I have now, it does come with a lot of responsibility, but it’s fun! It’s a great way to interact with the wider CPA community, and I cannot say it enough, apply for an org position in CPA or CPAB, you won’t regret it. The roles also give a nice way of gaining experience on certain skills, so that’s a nice benefit.

What are your future plans?

I’m planning on starting to hopefully revive SWAT and get it back up succeeding, but I’m sort of caught up in a bunch of ordeals right now so it’ll have to wait for later. I’m also quite excited to start developing for CPAB, and also to go to sleep….. mostly to go to sleep but :/

I definitely encourage participating in CPA orgs, if you don’t have much time, I definitely encourage you to try out the CC (community committee); it doesn’t require too much commitment, and it can get you established in the community as well! You can follow in Toxic’ steps and become an author, or you can pull an Edu and ping cartoonists 24/7, or you can become a youtuber and practice editing, or do literally anything, just get an org job!

It seems that Zooy enjoys what he does in the army community. He is full of ambition and willing to do what it takes to improve his army and his own community. We at CPA wish Zooy the best in his future plans. Will Zooy become a future SWAT leader? How often do you play the games he hosts? Should he work as a developer for CPAB?

Toxic Storm
Senior Reporter

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One Response

  1. Zooy May 31, 2024 (12:28 pm)

    Honestly not sure if it was the 2022 or 2023 DCP event😭, I’m gonna have to go do some digging on that tbh LOL. Kramig stuffed animals are the best btw and everyone here should buy one!!!!

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