What We Leave Behind: A Look Into The Future

In the media, the past is often revisited with present news also being covered regularly. However, one thing that is not talked about as much is our future. In this post, we aim to change that by discussing what we will leave behind.

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Throughout the history of the Club Penguin armies community, the past has often been revisited. There are quite a few moments/things that are revisited more than others, yet each one is part of history nonetheless. One such example is Club Penguin Army Central, a past organisation within the community. This organisation is often talked about because of its longevity and the amount of history it continues to hold. This allows us to look back at what was and rediscover some of the historic moments that have happened. But what will become of us once we are gone?

Club Penguin Armies was founded in June 2022, officially launching in July, almost two years ago. Before then, multiple organisations tried to take the place of CPAC, however failed to do so. CPAC closed its doors upon the closure of Club Penguin because it seemed to be the end of armies. It has been made clear that CPAC will not return but it leaves memories and history behind. We have seen many organisations compete against each other since then. Yet, most of them cease to exist today. CPA was created with the hope of unifying armies under one organisation. Since then, we have seen some stability within the community and many moments being made. But are we truly leaving anything behind?

A Stable Organisation

Over the years since its founding, the Club Penguin Armies organisation has witnessed its fair share of controversy. Whilst the unification of leagues was a positive thing, it also came with many questions and issues. One of the main questions that people had was “Will this last…or shut down in a year”. This question was a valid one because we had seen leagues come and go quicker than some armies. No one knew whether it could or would last. In fact, there was a time, especially in the year of its founding, when people were considering boycotting the organisation. This came for many reasons from administrative problems to a disfunctional Army League Board. Yet, nearly two years on, CPA is much stronger than it has ever been before.

For the first time in recent memory, armies have an organisation which functions and is stable. Even the Army League Board is functional – the thought of that would have been ridiculed in 2022. Alongside CPA’s stable organisation/league, the media team has also kept it alive, posting almost daily. History is being written and saved every day, enabling future generations to be able to look back at what was.

Alongside the unified Club Penguin Armies, CPA Judges and CPA Battleground will also be written in history. These organisations have enabled a sense of security, making sure that the future is secure even if the league collapses. CPAJ unified judges and made sure one organisation didn’t hold all the power. CPAB secured armies’ future, providing us with a game which we have continued to use for over two years. Once again, it is separate from the league, being a separate entity of powers that exist outside of the main organisation, specifically for the game. Without either of these armies would not be able to function effectively.

Therefore, even if any of these are forced to shut down, they will leave a big stamp on army history.


One thing that will always be remembered and talked about is controversy. To this day, the controversy surrounding past organisations is talked about. However, I do not just mean controversy surrounding the organisation but rather the controversy that has occurred during its existence. An example of such is the controversy surrounding armies, whether it be multilogging scandals or leadership controversy. We have also seen a lot of controversy surrounding tournaments, judging, people within the organisation and much more. Even though these may not be positive things, they are undoubtedly a part of army history and will be remembered.

One of the key examples of this is the events that led to the downfall of Club Penguin Army Hub. Many people will remember the controversy surrounding the organisation as members feared for their safety. This controversy struck fear into leaders and troops alike, leading to the moment still being in the minds of community members.

For better or for worse, controversy will always be a big part of army history. It could be said that army controversy has enabled wars to take place and for the community to thrive. In previous years, controversy was the reason for war, without it, armies were afraid to pounce. Even though controversy is negative, positives can and have come from it. This includes the development of armies as a whole, learning from each controversy that has taken place and learning how to be better to learn how to deal with it.

Memorable Moments and Members

Within the army community, moments are made every month, whether it be by organisations or armies. One of the biggest moments that happened in recent times was less of a moment but a change in the tides. This was, of course, when armies started to engage in war more frequently. More likely than not, we have seen more wars this year already than we saw in the entirety of 2022 and possibly 2023. This change in the tides is a massive moment for armies which could change how the future will look.

In the past, we have seen armies shrink and even die without exciting events or war to keep people engaged. This may be seen as something small in comparison to the original era of Club Penguin armies but considering what we have seen in recent years, this change has given armies a new lease of life. Therefore, it has changed the landscape of the community once again.

Some other moments could include the rebuilding of the media team, armies’ use of CPPS’ and rogues, the continuation of legendary tournaments, record-breaking moments like the Templars‘ #1 streak and much more. This year alone has provided us with many moments which may be significant in the future. Other than some of the things already stated, one big moment is the ‘Memorable Members’ awards.

The Memorable Members awards were announced in January 2024, allowing those who have made a positive impact on the organisation to be recognised. This award is separate from the Winter/Summer awards and the Legend status voting. The award can be earned by anyone who has significantly impacted CPA in a positive way. No matter of status or position, anyone can and will be recognised for their significant contributions. It allows the community to celebrate and commend individuals, even if they did not lead an army. No doubt, these members and many others will go down in history.

Tournaments and Creativity

One of the things that armies have had to be in recent years is creative. Without constant wars, creativity from both armies and organisations was needed to keep members engaged. Without such, many armies would cease to exist. Unlike the original era, armies have to work harder to stay alive. Armies do not have the insanely popular Club Penguin to allow a large influx of troops. Instead, armies have Discord and some CPPS’. Yet, most CPPS’ dislike armies using their game for recruiting purposes. Therefore, making it even harder for armies to gain new troops, with rules imposed by the CPPS’.

In recent years we have seen new tournaments and ideas be proposed and created to inject life into the community. In January 2022, the community saw Club Penguin Army Headquarters host the very first New Year Bonanza. The tournament saw armies fighting for 30 minutes across three different rooms. The army which secured the most victories won the tournament. Ultimately, there was one Major winner and one SM winner. This idea was revived in 2024, seeing the tournament given a new lease of life. The creativity of the tournament allowed armies to prepare for the armies they may face but with several armies involved, it was never going to be an easy run.

A similarly creative tournament was the Trick or Treat Trials tournament which still sends shivers down my spine. This tournament could only be described as a chaotic mess. Armies were first sent into the qualifier round and set up to face the unknown. They had the choice of entering trick or treat rooms. Treat rooms would see normal battles take place, whereas Trick rooms required armies to complete tasks in order to win points. In one case, the one who did it the fastest gained the most points. After all of this craziness, two armies progress to the finals which would see a normal battle, once again. Even though it seemed to be a chaotic mess, it pushed leaders to the limit and allowed the community to expect the unexpected.

These are just two examples of creative tournaments and ideas thrust into fruition by CPA and other organisations. Tournaments leave a mark in history. Yet, without new and improved ideas, the community would not continue to attract and entertain members of the community. Whether these tournaments will remain in the future is yet to be seen. However, only time will tell.

In summary, despite the mistakes that have been made and the long journey we have taken, we are leaving a lot behind. When we eventually leave the community, these moments will remain and be a part of history. These are not the only things that will be left behind either. Hopefully, CPA will be a site much like CPAC where, in years to come, people can look back and witness everything we have been through and seen. We can only hope that everything that has happened serves as a positive example for the future. But what do you think? What, if anything, will be remembered in the future?


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