The Formation of Club Penguin Armies

On July 1st, 2022, Club Penguin Armies officially launched as the primary league and media organisation for the community.

For the community.

With the publication of this post, the CP Army Headquarters and CP Army Network organisations have ceased their operations in support of the formation of Club Penguin Armies, bringing unity once more to our community. The path to this point has not been easy, and we have seen much discourse over the past several months and weeks that has been laborious for all involved. But as the storms have cleared, a new path forward has come to fruition.

It is not unbeknown to us that as a community, we are fed up with the constant organisation cycle that we have witnessed since 2019. But while our community demands stability, we would be failing ourselves if we allowed this stability to stand in the way of our own progression and prosperity.

What makes this time different? Our administration passionately believes the foundations that this organisation has been established on are fundamentally fair for everyone and is far superior to anything we have seen before. This organisation will do what others in the past have fallen short on: give full autonomy of the army league and map to the armies – the people it affects.

The system will see the army league board and administration sit side by side in perfect tandem, each holding the other accountable to create a distribution of power that significantly limits the abuse of power that leads way to corruption and bias – be that conscious or unconscious. This is our mission statement and what Club Penguin Armies stands for.

For more information on the setup of the league system, please read our League page.

Summary of the Organisation Positions

A full breakdown of the organisation’s positions can be found on the About page. If you wish to apply for one of the open positions, please send your application to the #apply channel of our Discord server.

Chief Executive Producers/Administration

Crazzy, Max, Orange, DMT, LuciferStar, Spotty

Army League Board

One representative of each army that ranks on the Top Ten Armies of the Month, excluding proxies and colonies. The board will therefore update monthly.

Editor in Chief

Disha, Kally

Managing Editor

Comedy, Mchappy, AgentFrog1, Cracked

Associate Editor



Ayan, Flen, Sophie, Vanish


We are also excited to be announcing a partnership with both Superhero123’s CP Army Battleground and the CP Army Judges organisation. With this, we hope to bring about further unity. The organisations will each be working closely together and supporting one another to bring about prosperity for the community.

There are several people that the CPA administration would like to thank for their pivotal role in setting up this organisation. This first includes Flen, Koloway, Zamb and Dino – who together created the website, map, theme and entire branding for the organisation. A special thank you to AgentFrog1 for producing some of the Discord graphics.

Finally, to the teams of the CPA Headquarters and CPA Network, for putting the past behind them and finding common ground in the hope of a prosperous and united Club Penguin Armies.

We are extremely excited to get started, and although we have now opened our doors, there is still much to organise over the following weeks. We are looking forward to organising the iconic Legends Cup XII, which will once more be run by the participating army leaders, and to bringing you the first united server map in over a year.

More Information

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4 Responses

  1. […] The Formation of Club Penguin Armies […]

  2. […] Penguin Army Network and Club Penguin Army Headquarters soon merged, creating a unified organisation. This organisation soon became Club Penguin Armies. Accordingly, CPAJ had to adjust its approach […]

  3. […] the merge of CPAHQ and Club Penguin Army Network in July, Disha received the role of Editor in Chief in the […]

  4. […] map was launched right at the inception of this league, serving as a united server map, after the unification of the leagues took place. With a total of 150 servers, it aimed to promote competition and in-game conflict […]

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