Seventeen years and counting, the Rebels continue to maintain their presence in Club Penguin armies. Let us explore how they celebrated the impressive milestone.

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On May 8th, 2007, Commander717 embarked on a journey that deeply influenced the history of the Club Penguin army community. The Rebel Penguin Federation recently celebrated their seventeenth anniversary in a week filled with events and contests. The party was themed Retro Disco this year, and the Rebels engaged in several activities, including a Trivia Contest, a comic and challenges to continue the amusement. Finishing the event, the Rebels saw RPF Second-in-Command Ella inducted into the army’s Hall of Fame as a Rebel.

An official announcement given RPF’s 17th anniversary
The Rebel Penguin Federation started as a rebellion against the Underground Mafias Army in 2007. In the coming months, the Rebels grew exponentially. The army has faced many wars, including several against the Army of Club Penguin and the Nachos. At the Legends Cup IV in 2013, the Rebels claimed their first victory in a tournament under the leadership of Elmikey. They later defeated the Nachos at the Christmas Chaos V finals. During the past decade, the Rebels managed to win three Legends Cup tournaments consecutively.

One of RPF’s first events dates back to November 2007 during a war against the Watex Warriors
After numerous years of domination, the Rebels declined after facing defeat against the Red Dawn Alliance in World War VII in early 2018. They returned to the army community in June 2019 under the leadership of Ultipenguinj. They have grown rapidly, claiming three consecutive victories at the Christmas Chaos. Their streak was dismissed when the Water Vikings upheld the trophy at the Christmas Chaos XIII.
Club Penguin Armies approached RPF leaders Link3000 and Gabgeirl to explore more about the occasion and the army’s future.
How did you and the troops feel on the army’s anniversary?
Link3000: Any anniversary celebration is something I enjoy a lot, it’s a very special week in rpf and I’m glad to be part of the organising party. As for the troops, I’d like to think that they also enjoyed it. The participation in our activities was high and newer and older members got into it. I think everyone likes celebrating birthdays, regardless.
Gabgeirl: There was definitely a lot of excitement about the anniversary and the gala both from leadership and troops! 17 years is pretty impressive to keep up a community like this
What activities did the troops engage in? Did they enjoy them?
Link3000: We had a full week of regular events and breakday activities like codenames and skribbl. The regular events were paired with our freeland invasions but we tried doing some rpf favourites like fashion show, an og branch battle and some game activities. We also brought back our contest and art column, as well as rebel records, which is similar to a podcast. And all of it was circled around our bingo card with multiple giveaways, finishing it off with the gala. It was a busy week but it was very fun.
What has made this year’s anniversary unique and different from previous anniversaries?
Gabgeirl: We always try to put a theme on an anniversary week to keep them exciting, like last year we had a Sweet Sixteen theme. This year we had a disco theme inspired by ABBA’s Dancing Queen which was a lot of fun! Throughout the week of the party we kept a music theme through a lot of the events to link back to the original idea
What have you planned for the army’s future?
Link3000: Honestly as long as rpf has as strong of a community then I’m happy. Our USRPF project now is focusing on freeland and map expansion, and of course we are preparing for upcoming tournaments and some more rpf classics like Olympics. Hopefully we will have some more trophies to add to our collection soon and again, making sure the community is growing.
Gabgeirl: In the immediate future we have Legends Cup to look forward to, but long term keeping up the work of previous leaders to keep RPF as a big name in the community is super important
In conclusion, it appears that the Rebels have enjoyed their anniversary in full swing. The occasion seems to have fascinated the troops, and the leadership shows good faith for the army’s future. Club Penguin Armies wishes the Rebel Penguin Federation a happy 17th anniversary! When is your army’s anniversary, and how do you plan to celebrate it?
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