HCOM Life Stories: Zoomey from Army of Club Penguin

Welcome to the 31st edition of the “Higher Command Life Stories” column. In this week’s edition, we got in touch with Zoomey, who currently holds the rank of Second in Command in the Army of Club Penguin.

Designed by Wynn

Zoomey joined armies back in 2015, just before the summer started. He was an active Xat user, and although he knew about army chats existing, he never stumbled upon any of them. That was until one day when he decided to explore different chats, ending with him finding the Army of Club Penguin’s chat. He started chatting with some people here, including the well-known Sidie9 and was soon enough convinced to join the army. Within a month, he became a Third in Command. 

Army of Club Penguin, December 2015

After some time Zoomey decided to leave the Clovers and hop around armies for a while. He eventually settled down in Water Vikings, where he was a part of the 2016 Blue Summer as a Second in Command. After the Vikings closed, he joined Golden Troops where he became a Leader in Training, before making his own army with Wydd, called Defenders of Penguins. After that, he decided to take a few years away from armies. He rejoined the community in 2019 as a Moderator for the Army of Club Penguin. After hearing the information about Water Vikings reopening in May 2020 he decided to rejoin them. He felt he had unfinished business there and after some time, he eventually became a leader. After his final retirement in 2021, he again took a break from armies. 

Legends Cup VII Semi-Finals between Nachos and Water Vikings

Zoomey returned to the army community this year as a private enlisting himself in the Army of Club Penguin. He made his way through the ranks before eventually becoming Second in Command, his current rank. As a Second in Command, Zoomey is responsible for “a bit of everything”. Together with other HCOM and leaders, he discusses ideas and works hard on making the army the best it can possibly be. In his opinion, the best part of being an HCOM is being uplifted by other staff and troops. It’s important for him as it makes him feel like he belongs. It also assures him he’s doing a good job. 

Club Penguin Armies reached out to Zoomey to learn more about his experience, goals, and feelings about his army journey.

What are your most memorable moments from your time in armies?

I have quite a lot of memories in armies as it’s been quite awhile. Some memories that stick out to me are friendships I’ve had over the years, between Super Edwin, former ACP leader from OG era, to more recent people like Cookie, an amazing ACP troop, the friendships I’ve made are unforgettable. I’ve also had fond memories of the wars I’ve been involved with, EGCP vs ACP was fun, LT vs ACP sagas always made for a great time, our mini conflict with Elites while in WV as leader made for a small bit of entertainment. They list goes on. I also have memories as a VC leader in WV back in 2020 which was probably some of my most fun times as a VC leader, although I’m grateful to be making more as we speak as a VC leader in ACP to this day.

Do you have any goals related to the army you’re currently in?

When it comes to goals in ACP, I returned to armies with a feeling of unfinished business. Looking back my loyalty with ACP become questionable because I ditched them twice when I had so much potential. With my return I wanted to start of as private and work my way up to show loyalty and that I could do what I failed to do back when I first joined armies which is make my way all the way to leader. I am now 2ic and work under the best two people, Coolguy and Austin, and am enjoying an amazing ride with amazing staff alongside me and amazing troops. I hope to become leader one day but while the ride is happening, I’m going to enjoy it, especially since I’m pretty sure this will be my last ever stint in armies when I do eventually retire, which isn’t quite yet. To have the honour to lead such a legendary army would be great and I’m ready to put in the work to continue the amazing work Calgo has done to bring the army back to life and Austin and Coolguy so have continued with that strength and been absolutely amazing. As well as that, show respect to all the people who led before from ACP founder, Oagalthorp to Shaboomboom to the new age ACP founder Mchappy, to the legend, Koloway to the hard worker, Max and every single leader in-between.

What are your feelings about your army journey?

I look at on my army journey and I think sometimes, what could I have been. I feel if I had the commitment I have now I could of made my way to where I am now. In saying that, I don’t regret it being I’m glad of the position I’m in today. I am apart of an amazing team with amazing leaders.

Is there anyone who inspired you to get this far over these years?

I can’t say I’ve really felt inspired by a people in CPA. I’ve had respect for many people throughout my time but I feel at the end of the day if I wasn’t interested I’d just go. I’m the reason I feel I’ve come to this part of my CPA journey because I was the person who made myself be that person.

In your opinion, what is the best part of being an HCOM?

The best part of being a hcom is, for me anyway, being uplifted by other staff and troops. Everyone in ACP is so respectful and so nice and it creates a really good environment. Everyone in ACP makes me feel like I belong and that I am doing a good job and that’s what matters to me the most. Knowing that they are the kindest people makes makes being hcom amazing and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Do you have any advice to give to those who want to be HCOM one day?

My advice to anyone who wants to become hcom, continue to work hard within your army, show maturity, strength, confidence and dedication as they are the most important factors. Reach out for a helping hand to your current hcom and don’t be afraid to get a hand to improve your skills. Believe the star you are and the rest will follow.

There is no doubt that Zoomey has worked hard to get where he is today. He is an inspiration to many, and his dedication knows no bounds. We cannot wait to see all that he has yet to do and achieve for himself and his army. From the whole of Club Penguin Armies, we wish Zoomey and the Army of Club Penguin, the very best in all of their future endeavors.

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

One Response

  1. BuzzinCookie December 30, 2023 (10:37 pm)

    Zoomey, an icon, as ever 🫂

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