In recent weeks, the Elite Guardians announced their High Summit election but what is the High Summit? We aim to find more as we dive into what it is.

Designed by Master DS
The Elite Guardians need no introduction as they have quickly made their presence known after reviving on May 4th. The army was originally revived under the leadership of Joshep, Belga, Fitsuki and Lass. Since that date, they quickly emerged onto the army scene battling the BASEDment Demons just over a week after opening. Not only this but they also went on to battle in World War IX alongside Rebel Penguin Federation and Water Vikings.
The Guardians have gone from strength to strength, quickly becoming a major army within the community. They have been eager to improve their army in any way that they can to help them continue to rise. Subsequently, in July, they reopened their international division (Divisão Internacional). They aimed to break the language barrier and create a welcoming environment for all troops.
The army went on to war the Army of Club Penguin and became the number one army of September. Whilst their triumphs and failures were present not everything was. One part of the army which was not seen by many outside of their ranks was the High Summit.

EGCP during a recent event
The High Summit is composed of Leaders, Ministers, Consuls and Advisors. They create proposals which are then given to a leader to approve for discussion/voting. These proposals could be about anything within the army or legislation. Theoretically, a minister could propose new rules for the army and they would then discuss and vote on the proposal. If a proposal gets a majority vote in favour, it gets ‘passed’. This would mean that the proposal e.g. the new rules would be put in place.
Currently, there are 10 ministers within the high summit, these are:
- Chancellor
- Minister of State
- Minister of Troop Affairs
- Minister of Recruitment
- Minister of War
- Minister of Intelligence
- Minister of Training
- Minister of Propaganda
- Expeditionary Commander (AUSIA Leader)
- International Division Leader
What do all of these titles mean? Well, the Consuls are the highest ranked amongst the advisory team. Unlike normal advisors, they act as guardians for the army and can take part in the decision-making. Additionally, only Legends within the army can become a Consul. Currently, Cookky2, Edu14463, Gutavuh, and SavageCobra are consuls.
Ministers are usually a part of the High Command team. However, sometimes an advisor can be chosen to become a minister. Each Minister’s role has a job attached to it, similar to a real-life government. A Minister of War may propose to declare war on an army. They could also propose, alongside the Minister of Training, to focus on training newer troops before thinking about wars.
Recently, a Troop Senator role was introduced. It was created as an incentive for troops to participate with, and have a voice inside, the High Summit. Although, they are not an official minister. They work alongside the Minister of Troop Affairs as a representative of all the troops below HCOM. This allows every rank to have a voice through that person.
In their recent election, 10 people were voted into the roles. Afterwards, the results for Troop Senator revealed that two troops would step up to the role. This means that a total of 12 people have a role within the High Summit.

The Elite Guardians recent High Summit election results
To an outside party, this can seem a bit confusing or lacking in information. Because of this, Club Penguin Armies approached Lass, EGCP Leader, for more information.
What made the Guardians choose to create and maintain the High Summit?
The High Summit was created to make for the sake of versatility, the Elite Guardians were growing at a great rate, and naturally, it would be harder to take care of such a huge army with the current form of government at the time. Thusly, the High Summit was created as a way to manage multiple sectors around the buzzling army.
What are the summits jobs and how often must they be fulfilled?
The summit job is pretty simple: Discuss the major structural changes throughout the army via it’s numerous members, that take a supervisionary position in each floor of this big building that is EGCP. And, of course, this job is dealt with all the care that it needs through the process. The pace of the amount of times we need to do this is a reasonable one. Just enough to be impactful but not too much to be tiresome.
How important is the summit in terms of the daily running of the army?
The importance of the summit lies on changes we debate and apply to the army. Such as, key administrative decisions, the implementation of new types of events or interactions between users and the creation of infrastructures to estimulate creative production in our army.
Has the summit changed since it was first implemented? If so, how?
Not realy. It’s core functionality has remained the same, the only changes that happened in it were related to the roles.
How often are elections held and is there anything regarding the elections or positions people may not know?
The elections are held every semester, it is a pretty simple process as far as every election go. A person can only be removed if it’s proven either wrongdoings or inefficiency in exercing the role, the evidences and proposal must first be communicated to the leaders. As expected, the leaders are the ones that hold. If the intention of passes, then yes.
The Guardians’ system is definitely unique and helps them with the daily running of the army. However, elections happen every semester so anything and everything could change. Consequently, it is important that each person has the army and troops in mind when proposing new ideas. Lass seems to be passionate about the High Summit and what it does/what it represents. However, should all armies have a system like this? Or is it too complex for troops to comprehend? Whatever you think, make sure to let us know!