Water Vikings Silently Exit World Map

In an unforeseen turn of events, the Water Vikings has transferred all of their remaining land over to Help Force. What led to the Water Vikings Higher Command making this decision?

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The Water Vikings are one of the few major armies who, until recently, had not partaken on the world map. At the dawn of World War IX, the Vikings had accepted a land transfer from their allies, the Rebel Penguin Federation. This was likely to help them compete in the war. However, after two weeks of fighting that conflict came to a close in a tie. Since then, the Vikings remained on the map but did so passively, staying away from invading other armies.

Water Vikings in a World War IX battle

In the late hours of August 24, Water Vikings leader Mabel transferred all their land to the Help Force. This transfer makes the Vikings officially landless. While no reason was provided at the time, it is likely the Vikings wish to return to their landless state and focus on their own community largely outside of the Club Penguin Armies organisation. This is a growing trend with armies and may be a result of map stagnancy. In other words, the map simply doesn’t foster enough competition.

Curious to find out more, Club Penguin Armies approached Dino, Water Vikings leader, for more insight into their decision to leave the map.

What motivated the Water Vikings to hand over their land to the Help Force and exit the map?

The Water Vikings were never planning on staying on the map long-term. We only rejoined for the World War. Afterwards, we actually overstayed our participation on the map so I had Mabel negotiate a server transfer. The map in its current state is extremely dry and no point in taking part in. Help Force was the army of choice as our ally. We approached RPF at first but they were not interested.

Can you provide insight into the decision-making process behind this transfer?

As aforementioned, there was no true insight since we didn’t want to stay on the map this long. HF was our choice for transferring due to RPF not wanting to take our servers. Our decision behind this transfer is not nuanced.

Do you believe this decision will negatively impact your army?


How do the Water Vikings envision their future within the Club Penguin Army community after this transfer?

We will be doing exactly as we have before the transfer; we were not involved with map affairs other than the World War pretty much all year so our vision for our future is all the same.

Do you see yourselves returning to the map?

Only if the map actually becomes interesting and resets. If both don’t happen, there is a hard chance WV will take part in the map again. The map actually is more of a deterrent to our success than anything since it makes us have to worry about unnecessary wars (which is another can of worms too). I’d like to pose an question to readers and army leaders especially: what is interesting about this current map? Servers hold no value anymore, map gets clogged up within weeks and stays stagnant for months, and no one is incentivized to long-term war. There is nothing exciting about the map (and really wars atm) that is actually is more of a negative to be on it than not, lol

The Vikings appear to believe that the map in its current state is incredibly dry and that there is no point in participating in it. They are no longer interested in territories in their existing state. This is not a new thing, either. Many armies are starting to believe that the world map just isn’t competitive enough. Could seasonal format tournaments be the future?

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

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