HCOM Life Stories: AOL From Army Of Club Penguin

Welcome to the sixteenth edition of the column known as High Command Life Stories. This week we will be getting in touch with a person who successfully was able to secure the penguin name WaddleOn.

Designed by Legoman

AOL joined armies by way of Twitter recruiting in September 2021. His first army was the Rebel Penguin Federation, before quickly switching over to Templars. However, as his interest in armies grew, so did his interest in the “oldest army:” Army of Club Penguin (ACP). In January 2022, he committed himself wholly to their team. Despite struggling with recruiting in the beginning, AOL was able to become staff in October 2022. Eventually, under the leadership of Calgocubs21, AOL was promoted to Higher Commander (HCOM).

These days, aside from his Higher Command duties, AOL can be found helping small-medium armies such as the Friendly Gamers. Despite being young, my own interactions with AOL have always been enjoyable and can be summarized as being able to watch the future of our community rise up the ranks. Ever being the goal-orientated person he is, AOL has never been one to give up.

AOL is unofficially the Cat Girl Army creator

Club Penguin Armies reached out to AOL to discuss more about his Higher Command journey.

What have been some of the memorable days/times in your army career so far, if you don’t mind sharing?

A few memorable moments in ACP are winning the Beach Brawl tournament, the only summer event I attended. Then, coming back from summer break and seeing ACP max 40 at a tournament when we were struggling as a small-medium army before that gave me a lot of hope for the army. Going from a struggling army to one consistently having the highest max in tournaments and eventually winning the Legends Cup, 16 years in the making, was a huge accomplishment that I’m very proud to have been apart of.

Has this journey from being a troop in the army to a member of Higher Command changed you in any way as a person?

The journey to HCOM has helped me by giving me power and responsibilities. I now represent the army and have to set a good example. I have learned a lot about working with a passionate team from being with such a great staff team. I am always trying to make sure all the new troops understand the server and are having fun. ACP has improved my leadership skills.

What is the best part about being Higher Command?

The best part of being HCOM is getting to have some say in how the army operates and being an important part of that operation. I’m proud to be helping make ACP a fun place. I love when I get to see troops having a good time! That makes it all worth it.

What are your plans personally with the army, and what do you wish to achieve for/in the army?

I don’t know what my plans are next for the army besides winning the war with Elite Guardians and seeing what comes next. I’ve been staff for almost a year, we’ve maxed high, and won Legends Cup. I feel successful! Of course, I’d love to see the army keep growing and winning more tournaments.

What would your advice be to the people who are working towards getting HCOM?

Anyone working towards HCOM needs to be willing to put in the effort and have some free time to do so. It takes a lot to keep an army as successful as ACP. If you have the passion and are willing to put in the work, you too could be the next ACP HCOM.

Based on his answers, it sounds like AOL has witnesses high-highs and low-lows with the Clovers. Hopefully, it is a journey that he will cherish. What do you think will be the outcome of the ongoing Clover war?

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

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