How Much Time Do Community Members Spend in CPA Daily?

It is easy to get lost in time while surfing the internet, but can the same be said about spending time in Club Penguin armies? Gaming can often consume hours of a person’s time but the army community requires more than just time, meaning that people often end up spending more time than they would like online.

Designed by Pingo

There are many ways Club Penguin army (CPA) community members could spend their time in CPA. Some members spend it by recruiting new members into the community. Others mentor these new recruits, teaching them about the game that the community uses. Members also attend events, chat with friends and participate in activities that are held. The community provides plenty of events and opportunities for members to participate in. Such events will take up a person’s time even more.

Even with all the activities mentioned, we can’t assume that the amount of time spent in armies is the same for all community members. Each member of the community may have a certain role to play in relation to their rank, responsibilities and status. On average, we can assume that high-ranking members spend more time on Discord, due to the responsibilities attached to their rank. Veterans, Legends and Advisors are not expected to spend much time in armies as active members do. Therefore, they may spend considerably less amounts of time on Discord than active High Commanding members.

A poll organized by Club Penguin Armies on their Discord server

The poll organized by Club Penguin Armies shows a divide in the amount of time spent by community members on Discord. A sample size of 50 members is a small but sufficient amount. It allows us to see how much time community members spend, on average, on Discord. It is essential to mention that this poll only takes into account the time spent on Discord. We can assume that time spent taking part in other activities related to CPA is excluded. But, they still play an important part in the community.

While members may spend a lot of time on Discord, we can’t assume that the entire time spent on Discord is CPA related. It can also be argued that most activities that relate to CPA are done exclusively on Discord. Unlike during the original Club Penguin period, armies no longer use XAT or other applications. However, some members may try to recruit off of social media platforms or communicate using social media.

As we look at the poll, we can see that the category “I’m always on Discord” has the highest number of votes. Upon checking who voted for it, we can see that it consists of army leaders and high command members. The 2nd highest category accounts for members who spend less than an hour on Discord. This category consists mostly of army veterans. By using the percentage formula of (value/total value) ×100%, it is shown that 54% of community members spend less than four hours on Discord. A further look at the poll results has shown that just under half spend more than 1/4 of their day on Discord. This is equal to 34% of the people who took part in the poll.

A Club Penguin army Xat chat

Club Penguin Armies sat down with Army Leaders, Veterans and High Command members to discuss their opinions on the topic.

How much time, weekly, do you spend in Club Penguin armies?

Jak0b_tfg: I usually spend around 40 hours a week doing stuff (about 6 or so hours a day) for CPA now that I’m leading Friendly Gamers.

Claire: Never counted, but maybe around 10 hours.

Da Best: Most of my week if I’m at home and not playing some other game.

Beasto: 3 – 4 hours per day

Alemax: Not really sure. I can say I average around 4 hours a day, so about 28-30 hours a week. Depends how busy I am, and I tend to spend more time on tournament/war seasons.

Austinfraud: It is greatly dependent on how busy I am at work or in my personal life. I am not the type to take leaves, in fact, I hate taking them. Because I have excellent time management skills, I am able to plan out my schedule, which includes daily Army of CP leader duties. There are times when I am extremely busy with work, and I have to sacrifice my sleep to grind for my own army. But I will admit that I spend a significant amount of time on Discord each week, particularly at night.

Which type of members do you think spend the most time in CPA daily?

Jak0b_tfg: I believe leaders spend the most time on CPA because of how many duties they have, and to run our communities.

Claire: Teenagers in general and vets

Da Best: Those with no life (looking at you mare)

Beasto: Leaders and Graphic Designers in the Community server and in their armies, since they both take a long time of their day to make something nice for their army.

Alemax: Staff members. The leaders definitely spend the most time, followed by hcom and mods. There are also some troops that are really interested since they join, that also spend a lot of time.

Austinfraud: I am convinced that leaders, particularly major army leaders, spent the most time on discord. It would not be fit for the army if the leaders were inactive in my opinion.

Do you think the activity of the army community increased or decreased leading up to this year?

Jak0b_tfg: It’s easily decreased. People are returning to work and in person school, which have resulted from covid being less of a scare across the entire world.

Claire: I think it decreased a bit but when we have tournaments and stuff it increases again.

Da Best: Increase defo last year you could make an army max 4 and reach like 7th place.

Beasto: It decreases in some way ,but increased in another.

Alemax: I can’t really tell, since I fully joined the cpa community last year. I’d say the activity stayed the same for the past year, with some ups and downs.

Austinfraud: I feel it has increased since there is more competition this time around. I believe competitiveness is what keeps the army community engaged and active.

How much time should members spend in CPA?

Jak0b_tfg: In my most honest of opinions, why are we even here? Just from a penguin game that shut down 6 years ago? There’s basically no benefits about being in armies. I think people should spend 0 hours a week on CPA because let’s hear it, we all need to do better things than this. Everyone that’s in leadership just got sucked into CPA too much, me included. The mental effects that CPA can take a toll on everyone. So why don’t we just focus on school and work, for a better future for all of us?

Claire: The necessary to have fun, to keep themselves updated and involved with the community.

Da Best: None get out of the community and save yourselves.

Beasto: I think 2 – 3 hours is enough.

Alemax: Around 1 hour should be enough for everyone. 2 if there’s an event they’d attend. Also depends on if they’re ambitious enough to reach for staff.

Austinfraud: Honestly, I wouldn’t put a limit on how often a person should use Discord because we all live in a digital world that is always growing and evolving. If you are free, then feel free to use Discord as much as you can. I know there are people who spend 10 hours per day on social media, so even if I set a limit, it would not make a difference.

All CPA community members have different amounts of time they could spend on CPA. However, the amount of time spent depends on how much time each individual is willing to give to their army or community. The community was split in terms of the amount of time spent on Discord. The interviews also show a split in opinion between community members.

With that being said, do you think people should spend more or less time participating in CPA? How much time is too much? Should there be a limit on how much time people spend on Discord?

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

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