My Controversial Opinion: ‘Armies need to branch out from CPA Battleground’

Recently, Club Penguin Army Battleground celebrated its first anniversary. With the Private Server being such a staple in the community, Calgocubs21 speaks out on why we need to go further and avoid only using CPA Battleground.

Armies have gotten too comfortable on the luxury of having CPAB which has slowly resulted in stagnation from armies.

Calgocubs21, Army of Club Penguin Leader, CPA Board Member

Calgocubs21 is a hardened veteran. Having joined the community in 2007, Calgo learned the ropes from notable Army of Club Penguin leaders such as Oagalthorp and Boomer 20. Sometime in the earlier years of armies, he also joined the Nachos and led a smaller army called the CP Guards. In 2021, Calgo rejoined the Clovers and worked to higher command before earning the prestigious Commander-in-Chief title in September 2022. Under him, ACP has made first on the Top Ten six times and performed phenomenally in tournaments.

In a recent conversation between Calgo and I, we spoke about Club Penguin Army Battleground and why it seems to be the only Private Server armies are using. In previous years, it was commonplace to use more than one CPPS. Armies would log on to Club Penguin Online one day and Rewritten the next. Some armies still use multiple platforms, such as Elite Guardians who use CP Avalanche, and NewCP. The Rebel Penguin Federation also vary its events, primarily using Club Penguin Legacy. Every other army that competes on the weekly Top Ten sticks to Club Penguin Army Battleground specifically.

Whilst it’s true that Club Penguin Army Battleground provides us stability, it’s far from perfect. Due to being an army-only Private Server, it lacks a community to recruit from. It also lacks consistent community events, at least compared to the original Club Penguin.

Calgo dives into the lack of a solid player base on CPAB. Historically, armies have recruited on the server they play. Pre-Club Penguin closure, armies would recruit in the actual game, hinting players should search online for their army website. Alternatively, armies would recruit on forums or chat groups regarding Club Penguin, notably cheat websites such as Riffy888 or Monchocho. Since we can’t recruit on CPAB, we have had to pursue other methods such as Discord recruiting.

Being too reliant on Club Penguin Army Battleground can be detrimental to the community because Disney could strike it down at any moment. Armies who use multiple CPPSes will be less likely to struggle. When Club Penguin Rewritten closed down, our community was in peril with no clear backup plan.

Post-Rewritten, armies indeed faced a difficult decision. Where to next? Some armies moved to Yukon, a CPPS heavily criticised for its multilogging potential. Luckily, Superhero123 gave us the gift of Club Penguin Army Battleground a little early to give armies a new home. I asked Calgo what the ideal solution to his problems is if CPAB is not it:

CPAB should only be considered a temporary solution to our housing crisis. The ideal, permanent solution is finding a suitable CPPS that is safe and trustworthy, and has a flourishing community. This opens the door to potential recruitment and a return to form for Club Penguin Armies.

Unfortunately, it may appear that what Calgo is searching for is the original Club Penguin. It had an active player base and was as safe as could be. But is this doable in 2023? Safety is a huge concern with many of the recent Club Penguin Private Servers. Many of these websites are run by people unfamiliar with online safety or are simply malicious in intent.

Do you agree with Calgo that we’re too reliant on CPAB? Should we attempt to branch out and play on multiple servers?

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

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