Welcome to Time Capsule, the column where we ask fellow community members their predictions on the year ahead. Come to the end of 2023, we will reflect on our interviews and determine who among us may be psychic. This week, we are interviewing army leaders who participated in the recent World War IX conflict.
Previous editions of Time Capsule include an interview with the Club Penguin Armies editing team and an interview with the Head Judges. This week, we decided to keep things interesting by interviewing the leaders of the armies who participated in the recent World War IX. If you need more information regarding the war, here is the Live Blog with the timeline of events.

June 2, 2023: Sapphire Concordat invades Blue Sunset Alliance’s Alabama; BSA victory
The war was fought between the Sapphire Concordat and the Blue Sunset Alliance. Initially, the latter only declared war on the Army of Club Penguin, but the former alliance banded together and fought on ACP’s side. Over nine days, 32 battles took place. Due to fatigue and boredom, a treaty was signed, deeming the conflict a tie. The only question left is, what’s next?
To find out, Club Penguin Armies approached various leaders of both alliances for their predictions on the year ahead and the end of the treaty. We also quizzed the leaders on how they felt their armies performed and their aspirations for the future. Unfortunately, Rebel Penguin Federation could not accept the interview, and the Elite Guardians have not responded.
Can you introduce yourself?
Dino, Water Vikings Leader: I’m Dino. I have been in the army community since January 2015 and currently lead the Water Vikings (have been since September 2022). I am one of the remaining active veterans of 2017-18 CPA. I’m a former leader of other armies as well (mainly UMA and Romans) and also serve as bureaucrat (head administrator) of the CPA wiki.
LEGOMAN, Special Weapons And Tactics Leader, balding in real life: I’m Legoman. I lead SWAT and have the best jawline in CPA. For more info consult my wiki page.
Sidie9, People’s Imperial Confederation Leader: My name is Madame Sidieth Vexillarius the Ninth. I joined armies in 2011 and I am a small/medium army legend, having created the first AUSIA divisions in army history. I led the Army of Club Penguin in 2015 and created the People’s Imperial Confederation in 2019. I was also Director-in-Chief of Club Penguin Army Headquarters.
Calgocubs21, Army of Club Penguin Leader: I am the Lorax and I speak for the green people. Sorry wrong interview. I mean to say that I am a cruel and egotistical dictator A.K.A. the one and only Mad Tyrant with a Napoleon complex. I have a terrible obsession with clovers and I try to force others to enjoy clovers as well. Who am i?
How do you feel your army and alliance performed in the conflict?
Dino: I felt the Blue Sunset Alliance did well but Water Vikings I really felt not just from a diplomatic standpoint but also an internal standpoint (mainly standpoint) that we were actually the army that was suffering the most. The war devolved from its initial standpoint and obviously even though it did, I had warned to my advisors that an alliance war on ACP would be unhealthy for WV since the alliance war on SWAT last year forced WV to go into lockdown not long afterwards (mainly because we’d become too deluded in our maxs with allies to pay attention to our community and authentic max).
I was hoping WV could’ve had its battles with ACP have no allies (would’ve told EGCP/RPF not to show) so we could actually motivate our guys whilst the other two can do whatever, but stuff happens. Obviously my co-leaders and some advisors will vehemently disagree on my take but quite some HCOM and staff agree with my view more. This war was a waste in my opinion and set WV back which I am quite annoyed about. Nothing was truly accomplished and our guys are unbelievably tired out. No one won in the end.
LEGOMAN: Crazzy, i was Crazzy once, they locked me in a room, a room full of RPF vets, RPF vets make me Crazzy. Crazzy, i was Crazzy once, they locked me in a room, a room full of RPF vets, RPF vets make me Crazzy.
Sidie9: I thought we did well considering the circumstances. The Blue Sunset Alliance had the jump on us and we came to our ally’s aid after a draining war with the Dark Vikings. The Sapphire Concordat should be proud of itself for managing to put up a fight. The alliance would have continued fighting had we not gotten the treaty concessions we wanted.
Calgocubs21: Imagine a criminal who robbed a bank getting a slap on the wrist, walking free without any repercussions, and then the cops also paying that criminal the money they originally stole plus interest.
What would you do differently if you could go back in time?
Dino: Not agree to EGCP’s appeal for war, or at least not under the conditions they wanted (i.e. write the silly 3v1 only term instead of sticking to the original plan of not allowing allied attendance even for those involved or outside involvement).
LEGOMAN: Get my grandpa to attend.
Sidie9: I think I’d have worked to keep the Sapphire Concordat more organised. Keeping historical enemies content within an alliance is no easy feat. I also believe it would’ve been beneficial to host events within our army’s respective servers rather than the SC server.
Calgocubs21: I would ask EGCP and WV to give me their land on top of what we got with RPF. Just kidding thats a lie, we all know I’d only travel back in time just to veto Spotty 🙂
With the conflict coming to a close, what’s the goal for your army specifically?
Dino: Rebuild the army, work on cleaning things up with the “Alabama Plan”, and focus on Legends Cup.
LEGOMAN: Experience growth, have a great Pride Month, and smoke the BSA pack. Sweater and I are actually meeting up irl to hold a deadlift competition.
Sidie9: Rebuild our army to our pre-war capabilities and hopefully reach consistent 20+ sizes.
Calgocubs21: Everyday I only dream of two things: holding the Clover [REDACTED] Trophy once and for all and the Shamrock Bulletin’s up and coming league featuring a new map and top ten rankings.
When the treaty ends, do you see the alliances clashing again?
Dino: The BSA dissolved so that would not be possible.
LEGOMAN: I’d love more free land! Just wait till Operation Tuxedo Blunt Rotation begins, BSA copium sales will be at an all-time high.
Sidie9: I would have thought so, but that may not be the case with the end of the BSA. I could predict that we will see some familiar faces against each other in the future, though.
Calgocubs21: Nah I’ll be busy growing trees and stuff with my new ACP agricultural division.
How do you feel about the current state of army wars?
Dino: I’m indifferent to the current state of army wars.
LEGOMAN: It’s clear that a certain army has been carrying the entire community in terms of warfare for months. (SWAT)
Sidie9: World War IX is a good sign for the future of armies. Though SWAT has been one of the only armies initiating one-on-one wars, this conflict might serve as an indicator for things to come.
Calgocubs21: Yes.
Do you see your army getting into any wars shortly?
Dino: WV didn’t even want to war in the first place but we felt a war on us was inevitable and had to also stick up for EGCP who was under threat. Clearly that was an incredible oversight which was done more harm to us than good. And given WV had no plans to war even then, I don’t see why WV would want to war down to road either.
LEGOMAN: Yes, but after at least a few weeks to rest and recuperate. SWAT just finished two long and daunting wars and needs time for our own army.
Sidie9: We definitely will be getting in wars in the future, but we do not have any current plans.
Calgocubs21: I have no enemies.
Interestingly, both sides have different views on the conflict. Dino spoke about how his army is tired from the conflict, whereas Sidie9 stated the Sapphires were willing to keep going. Dino also mentioned that the Blue Sunset Alliance disbanded following the war. Many people have said that the Blue Sunset Alliance is the second iteration of the infamous Black Ice Alliance. That is likely not the case with the BSA disbanding, and their alliance seemed to have been purely motivated by land gain. Is this the actual end of the conflict? What is next for the Sapphire Concordat? Will there be another conflict this Summer?