Arguably, battles are one of the most important aspects of army culture. Recently we’ve seen a World War take place which has shown both army leaders and troops, the good, the bad, and the ugly. With that said, the war, as well as the judge’s comments, should help leaders find the common flaws that happen within a battle.

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Battles are held regularly throughout the army community, whether they be for practice, tournaments, or wars. However, despite battles being held regularly, there are still many errors made by armies and troops. Recently, we have seen the Blue Sunset Alliance take on the Sapphire Concordat in what was deemed as World War IX. With this war, the judges have had their hands full, judging multiple battles per day. However, alongside deciding the outcome, the judges also provide invaluable feedback which helps the armies to improve in further battles. This isn’t the only thing they give to armies as they often point out the flaws of each army or the simple things they shouldn’t do.
With all of that said, what are the Top Ten things not to do during a battle? Club Penguin Armies reached out to army leaders to find out what they think the top three things that armies shouldn’t do in a battle are. Undoubtedly, there will be more than 10 answers to the question, with each leader giving three things. However, by the end of this post, a list will be made of the Top Ten things that you SHOULDN’T do in a battle.
What are three things that an army shouldn’t do during a battle?
ROOBOO (Help Force leader):
1) Armies shouldn’t not have a plan B for everything. Be it leaders and tactics.
2) Army leaders shouldn’t lose confidence in risky decisions taken. Rather adapt to what happened and quickly act upon the next moment.
3) Army leaders should never underestimate the opponents and be fully powerful and strong throughout the whole battle. Every minute, every tactic, every formation.!Dawn (Templars leader): it sorta depends on who’s leading and what their strength is but generally army’s shouldnt be disorganized in forms, avoid doing stuff like swiping that makes you look small and you move slow, and being slow with tactics should be avoided as well no matter the circumstance
Fitsuki (Elite Guardians leader):
One thing an army must never do in battle is lose motivation, whether it’s losing or winning. It’s not because a fight seems easy or difficult that you should soften up in battle or give up.
The second thing is to get disorganized. An army has to be well organized, especially in its leadership in battles, so that all members can send the correct tactics in a correct order at the right time.
The third is poor planning and creativity. An example of this is choosing a formation that does not work in the place you are. Before deciding, it is necessary to know which ones give you an advantage and disadvantage.Link3000 (Rebel Penguin Federation leader):
1) Don’t panic even if it’s going badly, try to remain calm. Clear head to figure out strategy or if the battle is lost anyway, panicking won’t do a thing.
2) Give up before it’s over.
3) Don’t be scared to change up the plan if it’s not going well.
Each of the leaders mention some important things that armies shouldn’t do in a battle. Each leader talks from experience, sharing three things they know shouldn’t be done. However, now, there are 12 things that an army shouldn’t do in a battle. After reviewing all of the answers, a top ten has been created.
- Don’t Panic! A lot of different things happen in a battle and the situation can change at any second. If something unexpected happens, try to remain calm and think logically about what the next best thing is.
- Don’t get disorganised! Whether it’s during a single battle or a series of battles in a war, it’s important to stay organised. Make sure you have a plan in your head and have your tactics ready. Any parts of this plan can change at any second but don’t get disorientated. Stay focused and try to stay as organised as you can and do what you can in an organised fashion. This can also apply to VC leading, figure out who’s vc leading or leading tactics during a battle and stick to it.
- Don’t create just a single plan or have just a single leader leading. Make sure you always have a plan B. Whether this be having leaders on the sidelines waiting to lead in case a leader can’t make it. Or whether it be you have different strategies in mind in case your opponent catches you off guard. Make sure you have that plan B to help you move forward in any situation.
- Don’t underestimate your opponent! No matter if you’re doing well or if your opponent should be smaller than you, never underestimate them. Underestimating your opponent allows them to capitalise and catch you off guard. Over the years, there have been many times when tournaments were held and an army was underestimated or counted out. That underdog army then went on to win the battle they were involved in, taking the opponent by surprise. Always be alert and prepare in the best way that you possibly can. Keep the hype high and active, no matter who the opponent is, and treat it like a live-or-die situation
- Don’t lose motivation! Whether it be before, during, or after the battle, don’t lose the motivation to keep fighting. Sometimes, war or tournament defeats can hurt an army, however, during this time it’s important to band together to come back stronger. The will to come back even stronger is very important for armies as it can be the difference between them shutting down and them becoming the number one army. Keep the motivation and the hope to keep your army going.
- Don’t give up! Even if the battle isn’t going your way, make sure to keep fighting each and every step of the way. Don’t stop fighting because you think the battle isn’t going your way. Battles can change in seconds and quite literally every penguin counts. It’s important that everyone is alert, awake, and fighting. It is only when everybody is united and fighting to win that the tide can turn quite quickly in your armies’ favour.
- Don’t lose confidence in any risky decisions that have been made. In each battle, leaders take risks and chances that could pay off. However, there is always the chance that these risks don’t work and that the opposing army capitalises. However, keep faith in the plan because if these decisions do pay off and they work, it could help the army to go on to win the battle. Last year, not many armies would attempt to form a triangle, numbers were lower than they are today. However, now they are back in fashion and while this is partly because of the increase in sizes since then, it is also because one army took the risk. The army took the risk of trying to form the triangle or even the infinity sign, it paid off and now the triangle is performed regularly during the current war.
- Don’t use tactics, like bunches, that will make you look small! Recently, the judges have been vocal about the use of certain wipes and bunches used. However, one common note is that bunches often slow the army down and make them look small. With this, if they use a wipe, it can often take up valuable time and cause bunching during it. This can, once again, make the army look small. Use tactics and bombs which benefit your army in the long run. Don’t think short term!
Spotty, head judge, reminded armies not to use wipes and bunches alongside @@@ tactics
- Don’t be slow, maintain a fast but steady pace! In battles, speed plays a big part in the eyes of the judges. Many armies are often criticised if they go too slow. Going slow can enable the opposing army to send two times the tactics your army does. It can also allow them to gain the upper hand and look more professional and experienced. However, the same can be said for the opposite. If you go too fast, troops are less like to be able to keep up. Therefore, you must stay aware of what your troops are doing in battle while keeping a fast pace.
- Don’t use the same tactics and formations, be creative and be able to adapt to each room! Whilst having a plan is a good thing, planning out what formations to use and when can hinder an army’s performance. For example, an army that has a substantial size should try to create an infinity sign in the cove. The room is too small and crowded, which would make the form unrecognisable and messy. Therefore, if you have a plan, but the room you’re in doesn’t allow you the room or space to utilise it, try something else. Also, armies must be creative. Using a plus formation is very common for most armies in battles. However, one thing that allows armies to gain more “points” during a battle is creativity. Think creatively, whether it be in forms or tactics, think outside the box. Don’t attempt things that are impossible, however, try things you think may give you an upper hand. An example of this would be a H formation. The H formation isn’t new, however, it isn’t a form that’s seen regularly. Being able to create it may work in your army’s favour, both point-wise and battle-wise.
‘Comebacks’, a tactic created by Shaboomboom, ACP and Club Penguin Armies Legend
Finally, the top ten things NOT to do is complete. Despite it being filled with many things that armies shouldn’t do, there are also many tips that can help armies decide what to do instead. Do you agree with the leaders who were interviewed? Is there something else that armies shouldn’t do that was missed? Let us know in the comments!