With one weekend under our belt, we look forward to an exciting second round of battles in the Group Stage. Last week’s predictions hit the nail right on the head. This post will cover predictions by a new set of community members.

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Last week began the Group Stage of the AUSIA Arena: Summer Edition tournament. This stage of the tournament is critical as armies begin racking up points with each battle. The army with the most points from each bracket will be able to move on to the Grand Finals. Because this is a point-based tournament, every single victory counts. And so does every single room.
With eight armies left participating, the Group Stage is set to last three weeks. Last week saw armies like the Army of Club Penguin, Help Force, and Water Vikings all put up 3-0 victories in their battles. The battle between Dark Vikings and Special Weapons and Tactics turned out to be a lot closer, with the Special Weapons getting ahead in a 1-2-0 battle. This weekend, we will witness four new match-ups. It’s still anyone’s tournament to win.
Club Penguin Armies reached out to four community members to hear their thoughts.
Dark Vikings vs Water Vikings

Water Vikings in the midst of a battle
The battle of the Vikings. Both armies will have something to prove going into the second weekend. Whereas the Water Vikings will want to continue to show off their consistency, the Dark Vikings may be coming for revenge over last weekend’s close battle. If both armies show up with similar size, then it will be a battle of speed and tactic prowess.
Beasto, Help Force Marshal: Water Vikings Win 3-0-0. I think the Vikings are very good at keeping their size stable throughout the battle. Unlike Dark Vikings (DV), because during the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) and DV battle, I saw their size dropping quickly.
Langly, People’s Imperial Confederation Leader: Water Vikings Win 2-1-0. WV I feel have been, alongside the Army of Club Penguin (ACP), rather dominant in this tournament so far. However, we cannot forget SWAT versus DV last week where DV tied with SWAT in two rooms before losing the battle, which proves that they are more than capable of putting up a fight.
Litt7, Magma Clan Leader-in-Training: Water Vikings Win 2-1-0. Water Vikings has the clear advantage over Dark Vikings size and tactics wise, but I feel Dark Vikings might pull it together for at least one room.
People’s Imperial Confederation vs Special Weapons and Tactics

Special Weapons celebrating the arrival of a revived army
The Confederation is an army well known for its AUSIA time zone, considering most of its notable troops reside from there. Last week saw the Special Weapons locked in a close battle with the Dark Vikings. On the other hand, both armies dropped in last week’s Top Ten rankings. The community seems to predict that this could be another close one.
Aaronstone42, CPA Advisor: Special Weapons and Tactics Win 2-1-1. To me this battle will be determined by however many people SWAT can pull out of their hat. If SWAT can pull above 20, I think the battle is easy for them however, in the previous round, People’s Imperial Confederation (PIC) gave Water Vikings a good fight even with their low max. If SWAT cant bring the people then I think it might be more difficult for them, you might even see PIC pull off a victory here, they’re that good.
Beasto, Help Force Marshal: Special Weapons and Tactics Win 2-1-0. The size advantage in this battle isn’t big according to their previous battles at least haha, but I think SWAT has good forms and tactics that could help them win. But PIC isn’t an army to underestimate despite their small-medium status. But, according to previous AUSIA SWAT events, there is chance for them to pull a size advantage on PIC.
Litt7, Magma Clan Leader-in-Training: Special Weapons and Tactics 1-2-0. In the words of Legoman himself, “To be honest bro, SWAT be falling recently,” with how close SWAT versus DV was last week I wouldn’t be surprised if we have a repeat of it. I even feel if PIC gets enough troops on they could potentially go into overtime and maybe even win this battle.
Army of Club Penguin vs Penguins of Madagascar

Formation training by the Clovers
One of the biggest surprises in the Group Stage thus far was the showing by the Penguins of Madagascar in their battle against Help Force. A new addition to their leadership seems to have benefited as the army powers through their second-ever tournament. However, the Clovers sit at the number one spot on this week’s Top Ten. Their recent performance shows that they might be one of the strong contenders, and it may even be possible for them to sweep. Nevertheless, I predict that this will be the best battle of the weekend.
Aaronstone42, CPA Advisor: Army of Club Penguin Win 3-0-0. I think Penguins of Madagascar (POM) is genuinely a good army, and I think people overlook them and view them as a non threat. I think if POM hyped enough and recruited a lot, they might be able to win a room. However, I do think that ACP’s veteran pool will be too much for them to handle thus giving ACP a clean sweep here.
Beasto, Help Force Marshal: Army of Club Penguin Win 3-0-0. I ain’t gonna lie, even though the Helpers beat them, but the Penguins of Madagascar did very amazing in their previous battle against the Help Force. Their forms and tactics were good and their size wasn’t the most stable but it can be haha. But my bet is on the Clovers, because they have been rocking the events and their battle against Napalm Corps was a performance of what the Clovers are capable of.
Langly, People’s Imperial Confederation Leader: Army of Club Penguin Win 3-0-0. Although POM’s sizes have been consistent, during this tournament they have lacked this which leaves me to predict an ACP sweep. Last time 35 ACP troops turned up!
Litt7, Magma Clan Leader-in-Training: Army of Club Penguin Win 3-0-0. ACP has been the leading army in size in all three divisions for at least a month, and with how many showed up for them last week, I feel the answer is clear.
Help Force vs Napalm Corps

A training picture of the Helpers
Traditionally an AUSIA army, the Helpers are the only participating army with an AUSIA tournament trophy. Whereas the Napalm Corps are mostly an American force, their leadership has been working hard to put on a tremendous showing for their first ever tournament. This will be a battle where legacy is on the line.
Aaronstone42, CPA Advisor: Help Force Win 3-0-0. I like Napalm Corps (NC) and Cabin’s work by himself has been truly impressive. However, I think Help Force (HF) will be too much for them to handle and HF will pull off a 3-0 victory here.
Langly, People’s Imperial Confederation Leader: Help Force Win 3-0-0. Despite the willpower of NC during their last battle against ACP, I feel like the size difference between them and HF will cost them in the end.
Litt7, Magma Clan Leader-in-Training: Help Force Win 3-0-0. Besides ACP, Help Force has the best chances of winning the entire tournament. With NC being a primarily American army- in my opinion- and with the showings from last week for both armies, the answer is clear in my opinion.
This weekend we are bound to witness some great action on the battlefield. With the predictions finished, it’s time to wait and see who grabs victory! Will we finally get an upset?